Northstar Vale the girl with the broken smile
"But if I live, I win,"
345 Posts
Ooc — R/Rachel

With dawn's silver illuminance to guide her from the hazy nightlands of gauzy terror, smoke-veiled memories, the druid delved into pack life head first. 

The dreams of crimson and shackles faded as mist cloaked the cold forest and a gentle drizzle dropped through the canopy - replacing the songs of birds greeting the morn with a quiet, peaceful ambiance. 

Awenfen's mind, however, was anything but. There were so many things to do! (As her busy brain liked to needle.) Of all the tasks to be seen out - a den to settle, jobs to do, packmates to meet, mentors to seek - the one of highest priority, at least to the midwife, was to begin fufilling the position appointed by Reiko. 

The odour of pheromones hung heavy in the air, muted by the rain yet as thick as the downfall's accompanying humidity the evening before. Only the stars could foretell how many, if any, of the overlapping ovulation cycles would result in pregnancy but it was always best to be prepared. 

Breaking her fast on even a meager fish (bluegill though the northron knew not the species of her catch) felt taboo - the concept of being a welcomed citizen as fresh as Reiko's lilac perfume upon her coat. Even so, the irisvar comforted herself with the knowledge that she would soon prove useful, and that one required good health to be handy. 

The ache within the divot of her stomach satiated, the pale hart found herself seeking out the heart of the Vale's security. The Saluki had specifications for the area she would work in: somewhere deep within the inner timberland where she could feel safe, good soil and open space for growing herbs, perhaps close to a few private whelping areas or running water. A strange nymph of the wood she seemed, silently trekking over dampened terrain still scarred by winter - much as the delicate ivory fawn was.

It was within the groves the druid found it. 

Sheltered by cherry trees, blossoming with tender pink flowers, the ground was soft and mossy - bare, solid earth patching the green swatch of grass underfoot. Rivulets twisted and trickled over the jade-coated stones and the healer spotted dark niches hidden amongst the crumbled rock walls, small caves perfect for patients and birthing she-wolves who might wish for privacy - and the security of medical assistance on hand. 

An elated wag slowly took over her whip-like tail, a cheerful smile blooming over her lips not unlike the pungent canopy overhead. Pink petals whirled in a playful breeze, tangling in the mother's wispy coat, as fae eyes surveyed the location with silent approval. 

There was no better time to begin her work than now - when her spirit was buzzing with revival and her steps felt light as a bird's wing. 

Choosing a soft patch of loam, the battered woman set to digging.
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
235 Posts
Ooc — Impala
He had a perfect map drawn within his head of the layout of this land. It was no longer a foreign concept to him where territories would end. No longer did he seek out the odor of his kind marking their land. Still, as far as he were aware these lands were new and wolves from various places flocked to them in addition to many from neighboring lands coming or being granted passage much as he had been. 

 There was a scent on the wind of a girl he had not yet met. It seemed different, but he would find himself seeking it out. He had met with a number of wolves in the place and while he would find he was pleased with the congregation Reiko had pieced together. They all truly seemed to care. 

 He would weave through the trees and the aforementioned scent would grow stronger. Honestly, he were heading toward the stream to find something to quench his thirst--but that would be forgotten. His eyes would sweep over the colorless figure of a woman that was focused on tearing at the earth. His eyes swept her figure--looming over her unique features. She was no wolf. 

 Not purely, anyways. Her figure was dainty and angular yet still feminine. She seemed focused. Ambitious to finish what exactly she was working towards. 

 Collision did not wish to frighten her and a low chuff would be exuded from his diaphragm--deep and rich and he would stop a respectful distance from her. His eyes caught on the whispy parts of her body. He was the exact opposite. Large and heavier set. Though, he was built to be a warrior. Brutish strength that could parallel strength of many greats--it had disadvantages too, however, he was not quick on his feet. Most that he met could outrun him. He dreaded having to truly chase anything down. 

 He wondered exactly what her ambitions were. Clearly, she was no warrior--if she chose to she could outrun him unless her shorter stature created a much smaller stride. Of course, should the pale lady decide to run from him Collision would not chase her. He would save their encounter for another day.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
"But if I live, I win,"
345 Posts
Ooc — R/Rachel

Wispy auds flutter, as two doves taking wing, at the chuff - argent gaze rising as she straightens to rest respectfully upon the male's iron throat - head tipping back and back to find him, as if meeting a giant.

Wördronna's pale dome dips down in a nod of greeting, "Blessed be, dreskar.

"I am calle' Awenfen," 
the midwife introduced herself, somewhat shyly, gaze flickering between torn earth and the brute.
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
235 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The girl that turns to him is interesting to look at. He examines every bit of her and his head turns in inquisition as she labels him with a foreign word. Golden eyes bare curiosity and he straightens himself as she gives him her name. He approaches slowly and leaves respectable distance between them when he again halts. He looks down on the girl, Awenfen, and he dips his head in a polite nod, "I'm Collision," His stoicism shines through and he does not offer a smile or any other tell of friendliness. He has forgotten. 

 She seems to delicate--breakable. And the boy is concerned for her. Her scent is new, but she would not be here were it not for already being past admissions. She must be a new friend of Reiko. His body is relaxed, unthreatening, and he makes a valiant effort to become an acquaintance of this new face, "You are new here? I am too," At least they could have something in common.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
"But if I live, I win,"
345 Posts
Ooc — R/Rachel

"It is lovely ta meet ye, Collis-ion," the girl manages, the name rolling slowy from her uncertain tongue, as a small smile tugs at her stillwater visage. 

"Aye," she agrees with the same typical softness, nodding delicately as moonbeam optics flickered up to him momentarily. "I am ta be a midvife for ze Empire." 

"Vhen did ye join?" 
Here, her head cocked just so with curiosity.
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
235 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Understanding what she said honestly took him a bit of work. She had a completely foreign tongue, but to be honest, Collision enjoyed it. He loved seeing different walks of life existing cohesively. And more than that he enjoyed deciphering that she was to be a midwife. Someone that would take care of Reiko had her litter once they dropped. There were ways he didn't know how to help her. This girl was a golden ticket. 

 "Not too long ago. A few days," He hadn't been an official member of the Vale for too long of a time. But he had been around it long enough prior to find he was making it along just fine. 

 Before he had arrived the rather draconic girl had been attempting at what looked like building herself a den. The ground was pulled back in a recognizable pattern. She was so small. It would take her forever. 

 The boy attempts to move forward. Slow, unthreatening, and he motions his head towards her chosen spot, "Can I help you?" Perhaps it were best she saved her strength for more important matters. Alas, that could just as easily be his own, quite wrong, opinion.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
"But if I live, I win,"
345 Posts
Ooc — R/Rachel

The wyvern nodded vaguely in acknowledgement, awkward in her inability to socialize. Her pale gaze slid to the side, focused on the ground off to her right, as she shifted subconsciously on her paws. 

The pearls flickered back to him at the step forward, bouncing to her feet and moving aside as he spoke. 

"Aye, if'n ye'd like," she wisped softly in agreement, gaze downcast once more. 

"'Ave ye ever dug a gar-den?" She asked curiously as she moved to his broad side, unaccustomed to the idea of men toiling in the dirt.
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
235 Posts
Ooc — Impala
It was unobvious to Collision, though likely obvious to any observer, the two were quite equal in their talent to be socially strange. That was alright. Collision only needed to prove his kindness and his willingness to extend a hand to those that came together and created the family that was the Vale. 

 Of course, then she asked him a rather awkward question as his paws hit the dirt. 

 she was not starting a home. Well shit. 

 "Oh...uh no," He confessed and stepped back to admire her now quite quizzically, "Show me what you'd like?" He wasn't quite sure what was necessary--only that she clearly wanted it to manage her own special blend of herbs and spices.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
"But if I live, I win,"
345 Posts
Ooc — R/Rachel

The silver-crusted spring of her pale gaze sparkled with mirth as it rose to his own quizzical orbs of sunlight. Despite her intentions, a grin wavered over her petal lips as her teeth sunk into them gently, biting down on an amused chuckle - for fear of rendering Collision self-conscious - as she turned her attention back to the dirt. 

"Ze dirt needs ta be churn-ed," the botanist murmured quietly in explanation as she demonstrated, dusted and diminutive paws tearing and sifting through the earth painstakingly. 

"Vhat did ye do bef-ore? In yer old pack?" She dared to ask as she worked, peering over at him occasionally as they tilled in comfortable silence - neither Peasant appearing to be pressed to conversate.
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
235 Posts
Ooc — Impala
He had absolutely no idea how to build a garden, but as he watched her it became quite obvious the task was not relatively hard. So, after a moment of watching her small paws twist and turn dirt he dug his much larger ones in and set to work beside her. Maybe he would be able to get most of it done for her and lift the weight of the task from her shoulders.  He felt like he was doing a good job. After all, look at the flick of that wrist! 
 She offered a question about himself, and though he was still earning to decipher her accent, he managed and offered the answer, "I was raised to be a warrior. Strength was preferred over most things in Valhalla, but I never perfected my craft before an inevitable dissolve of our home," It was a bittersweet pardon, honestly. 

 Collision had no regrets about where he came from. He had been emboldened with the strongest sense of puprose, loyalty, and drive to do what was right. 
 "What about you? Where did you come from before the Empire recruited such a skillset as your own?" certainly she had been taught these things she seemed to adept to from somewhere or someone.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
"But if I live, I win,"
345 Posts
Ooc — R/Rachel

The irisvar's pale gaze slid to observe him discreetly: the ripple of hard-won musculature flexing beneath his ashen coat in unison with his movements, the faded scars hidden within the tufts of dovegrey peltage, the towering size of his height. It wasn't hard to picture Collision as a dreskar. 

Seelie eyes snapped back to her own work at his following question - one she hadn't anticipated truly, though she should've. 

"Every-vhere an' no-vhere," Fen answered in a cryptic lilt, shooting him an impish grin as she deflected with humor. 

"I 'ave serve' many in ze nort'," she answered seriously after a moment, "Masters and packs alike."

"Once I be-longed ta ze stone valls and lost souls. Once ta the desertfolk. Once ta ze druids." 

The last she would not name. Awenfen would never belong to him. 

"Now I serve ze Lady Reiko," she glanced at him, faintly smiling, with a sheen of seriousness hardening her metallic gaze.
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
235 Posts
Ooc — Impala
she had an odd sound when she spoke. collision thought it to be reminiscient of some kind of old-tongue. the tune to which she sung her words harmonious and yet cryptic in some way he didn't quite understand. rustic. 

 he could, truthfully, imagine her serving masters and rulers of vast legions. she was smart and she stated what she wanted, but she, like himself, made a most willing follower. there were leader and there were followers. sometimes that roll changed for an individual...but often times it did not. that was fine. both were a necessity. 

 "You're well travelled then," it was a matter-of-fact statement. she knew her own life. 

 "You seem like a smart and capable young woman, Awenfen," this was also said as though it were stating the obvious, "If you should ever need me, for any reason, know that I am willingly at your side," Collision took his duty to serve and protect quite seriously. He didn't quite imagine this girl capable of holding steady in an altercation. His services were not just due to the empress. they were offered to any who had the same goal as him. he would protect her, ultimately, with his life and lay it down if ever the need should arise. it was a grave and serious thought--but it was what defined him most of all.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
"But if I live, I win,"
345 Posts
Ooc — R/Rachel

"Nae by choice," a soft, snorting little laugh accompanied these words as she scraped at the earth. There was humor there, of a sardonic sort, but the chuckle was tinted by something unintentionally dark. 

The druid fell still at his compliments and following proclamation. What a strange concept, her wise and well-versed. Perhaps that was only the lingering voices of Rajhan and Aliroth echoing in her mind. 

"Zank ye," was all she could murmur in response, inadequately, as wind tangled in her thin coat - for a moment, appearing that it might sweep her away entirely. 

"I vill need a guard-ian - vhen ze mothers start vhelping. Some-one ta 'elp protect ze younglings," Fen revealed, seeming to offer this position to him tentatively as her seelie gaze slid to Collision wonderingly.
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
235 Posts
Ooc — Impala
She had an ambition to offer services useful to the vale in her own way. Collision was a firm believer that one could be useful, no matter how small, but uthey had to stick to what they knew and remain within their own means. For example, envisioning Awenfen charging into battle might actually summon a chuckle from the male. At most the whispiness of her hair would be pretty good for the imagery. 

 "Of course," His words are idle conversation to keep with the time. His large paws continued to sift through the dirt. He hoped he was doing it the right way. So long as he was he felt as though he was a decent asset. Especially with the amount he was tearing down. 

 Her suggestion and offer came without any notable hesitation. He turned to look at her and not needing any consideration he simply nodded his head, "I'll remain close. Especially while they are all so young. Any problems will have to go through me. You have my word," He may not yet be the best warrior, but he would be the most dedicated and as time progressed he would be a more lethal guardian.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
"But if I live, I win,"
345 Posts
Ooc — R/Rachel
would you like to wrap this thread up soon?

Awenfen nodded absently as she worked, ears perking as she caught his agreement to her proposal. 

"Zank ye," the midwife said again as grateful silver orbs slid over to the stony soldier. "Ta some it may seem small, trivial. But ze job ye've agreed ta is crucial." Her head bobbed again, as if to encunciate how important the childrens' safety was. To Fen, it was of the utmost concern. 

"An' zank ye again fer 'elping me vith ze gardens. It's looking good," she complimented as she stepped back to survey their progress. 

"I vill begin planting soon if'n ye'd be inclined to 'elp me vith zat in ze next veek or so," Fen added - shy but warm, clearly attempting to connect and befriend the stoic man. 

"Fer now, I zink I vill go vash up an' fin' somezing ta eat if'n ye'd like to join me," the fae offered welcomingly, stretching a bit and causing dirt to crackle and fall as snow from her feathery coat.
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."
235 Posts
Ooc — Impala
that's good with me. i suppose this might be a bit overdue XD

A smile adorns his face as she steps back and thanks him both for his willingness to offer his protection and for his hard work in giving her the garden she so sought after. he hoped he had done well enough to dismiss some of the work she would have had to endure herself. his tail moved with excitement behind him and he looked at it. at least he knew what one should sort of look like in the event he ever took this up professionally. Collision Adravendi. Garden Digger extraordinaire. 

 "I'd love to help. Call on me," He didn't know that he would be much use. perhaps her more diminutive paws would be more useful for planting delicate seeds, but the company of the small girl would be enjoyed as much as it had been today. he looked foward to the event. 

 "I should actually go check on Reiko and I still need to make rounds of the borders," His day would not stop as the need for security in the vale was relentless. A job that would never bring him rest, and yet would always leave him fulfilled, "I hope you have an enjoyable evening, Awenfen. 'Til next we meet," His eyes were alight and his smile, while slight, was genuine. In time she would come to realize he was more stoic than perhaps he would admit. Today he was content. He turned around and set to his duties. 

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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
"But if I live, I win,"
345 Posts
Ooc — R/Rachel

"Zat I vill," the midwife murmured, a small smile adorning her face. Aye, the man was guarded - though this seems unintentional - but Fen hoped she might befriend him. It was an intriguing thought at the least, curious as she was to see what he was like under the stiff exoskeleton that protected him. 

"Aye, 'n ye too." As the words fell a slight, informal nod was given. "Merry part an' merry meet again," tapeesa murmured softly as she watched him go, left to examine the gardens for a moment more before abandoning them in favor of the riverside.
"You see, I got a bullet for a tooth and
I'm gonna use it to shoot you."