Ocean's Breath Plateau a psychic wound
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
All Welcome 
Something stirred within her. 

While it was not the starfire that burned in her belly, it became increasingly clear that whatever sickness had sunk in its claws was determined to suck the very life out of her. Her worry for Ariadne had sapped her appetite and fuelled its grip further to the point where her ribs protruded in a ghostly manner from her sides. Each day she woke and each day she called, hoping to hear a reply on the wind.

But none such came.

Despair dredged her from the bay, loath to return to Moonglow lest she not like what she found. Instead, her paws wove towards where Moontide lay, the weald at her flank as her mind envisioned Arkadiy and then Dutch, until their features merged to one and she dreamed guiltily of his embrace. 

By the time the plateau came into sight, her feet formed drag marks in the dirt and she gathered the last of her strength to call for @Chakliux.
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
First Warrior
1,002 Posts
Ooc — ebony
he had stayed close, searching the borders for red leaf. but he kept with marina and tullik, hunting the sea, keeping an eye out for ghelan, and clearing weeds that had begun to grow along the lodges.
chakliux was delightfully mired in a wrestling match with three of his growing children when the call came. he knew the blackbird woman from their first hunt for the man who had attacked marina.
shaking the pups off, he did not forbid them from following as he trotted toward the borders. a pale figure of familiarity was there, but as he drew nearer, chakliux saw all was not well.
"what has happened? where did you go?" he asked, moving forward to place his shoulder against her own, to lift her with body and arm. she had been so muscled before, long-strided and confident.
what had changed her to this? beneath the weakness, a new fragrance lurked, quite subtle, near unrecognizable to anyone who had not spent a great deal of time around women. his brow furrowed.
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni

She was quick to lean gratefully on his support, the familiar salty twang of seal hunter grounding her spinning mind. Though they had met only briefly before, the north ran thick in both their veins and she was relieved he appeared vibrant and well.

At his questioning, her head sank low, guilt rife. Whatever she said was sure to dampen his spirits. "Ariadne, she-" he must know, "I have searched for days and still have found nothing. It has been making me sick with worry and I- I do not know where else to go, Chakliux."

It was rather pitiful to plead on his doorstep, but the thought of paying Dutch a visit iced her bones. What would he say if he knew she had bed a man unwed? What would Chakliux say? Guarded, she kept the secret behind lock and key and thought it quite lucky wolves could not read minds.
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
First Warrior
1,002 Posts
Ooc — ebony
it would have brought chakliux some amusement to know that tulugak feared his judgement. him! prolific lover, chosen two years now for the strength of his body and dedication to mothers made even beyond his packlands.
distracted by the tensions of red leaf and ghelan, the seal hunter hunted through his mind. yes. she had been missing again. 
annoyance flickered along his jawline. "she has only just come back. now she stresses her mother again," chakliux groused, though he softened to think of her pretty eyes and upturned face. "for now, come back to the lodges. you are sick. rest. i will send word to dutch," he offered, turning them toward the tiny collection of seal hunter homes.
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
Beside her, his shoulders stiffened and Tulugak prepared for the worst. She was unaware of any personal relationship Ariadne may have had with the seal hunter, yet his loyalty to the moonvillages was clear as day.

"Ay, she stresses us all," she replied, deflated, thinking back to Valiant's panic-stricken face. In another time she would have cursed her friend, yet her concern now was solely on Ariadne's wellbeing. Some things were just meant to drift like snow; never settling for long. "I just hope she is safe."

Despite her trepidation, she nodded in thanks to his offer and followed his lead towards the village. It was immature of her to keep her whereabouts from Dutch, even if the mention of his name sent heat across her cheeks. 

"Thank you. I- I truly don't know what is wrong. I can hardly eat without it reappearing, and no matter how much I sleep my body still tires quickly." Chakliux was an experienced man; he would tell her it was the stress, surely; there was no other possibility. "Do you have anything that can help...rid me of it?"
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
First Warrior
1,002 Posts
Ooc — ebony
did she — not know? he brought her to the lodge inhabited by red leaf, then thought better of it and led her along the path to the larger one which housed his children and wives. the small room once shared by taggak and raiyuk in boyhood would suffice for now.
but before they went inside, chakliux motioned for tulugak to sit on the covered earth outside, bringing sweetsalt fish and the peeled green root for her to eat.
"i must ask you a question that is personal. i ask as your hunting-brother, hm?" his eyes reassured. "it is my thought that you are pregnant. i think you should speak to the women of the village to be certain. but the question i have is: did you lie with any man while you were away from the moon lands?"
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
Pregnant. The word hit her like an avalanche, though the snowcliff had been unsteady for some time.

“I feared as much.” With a shaky paw, the offered meal was moved aside. On top of the sinking realisation that she was with child, the thought of eating sickened her stomach.

It was a logical first step to speak to the village women; Tulugak knew the seal hunter was right though she was hesitant to do so. Her first heat had been spent between villages, her second much the same. With no man to call on nor the experience of many women besides her own mother, the signs had escaped her like water off a duck’s back.

“You are a fool if you think I do not know what it means to lie with a man,” she fixed him with a beady stare. It was unfair, but she was not his child to treat this way! “And I was a fool to bed a man without thinking. Some villages do not take kindly to…bastard children.”

It was shameful to admit. “Now they will grow without a father, and I- I do not know that I am ready to be a mother.” Her voice quavered as her fears continued to spill. “I never wanted children, not like this.”
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
First Warrior
1,002 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"not everyone knows. especially if it is the first time you have been pregnant," chakliux said softly, not at all dissuaded by her sharp tone. "and you are no fool. the season, it burns in us all when it comes."
his eyes studied her with patient kindness. "there are no bastards in the moon villages. all wolves help to raise them. i do not think rodyn will be upset. and neither will dutch, if you choose morningside for your return."
"and if you do not wish to keep them, again. it is a matter for women. go to sialuk upon the mountain moonspear. or her mother in moonglow. this can only be yours to do if you wish to do it."
privately he wondered if red leaf and tulugak might have at least one thing in common: the failure of men.
morning star
128 Posts
Ooc — roni
His words did well to calm her exterior, though a storm still raged within. “That is easy for a man to say. It calls for us both, but it is us women that are left with the consequences,” her tone was no less harsh, though her posture softened in defeat. Would Arkadiy have joined her if given the chance? So far there had been no sign of the man, and perhaps that was for the best.

Though she couldn’t help but feel something was missing. She was afraid - afraid to do this alone. 

It stung to feel her independence waning at the paws of those who didn’t yet exist. “Sorry, that was- you are good, Chakliux, and I know they would have a good life here if you would let me stay.” If born here, they would learn of the north, surrounded by those of similar culture. Morningside would be a constant reminder that they were not his.

But what the seal hunter spoke next made her heart swoop uncomfortably. “That is…an option?” To rid herself of this sickness - no - this pregnancy. It is what she has asked of him originally, but now the winds had shifted. 

Loath to return to moonwoman’s lands, she met his gaze imploringly.  “Can you- would you tell me more? As my hunt-brother. I do not think I can face any moonwolves right now.”

no need to match the length <3
"Common" // "Inuktitut"
First Warrior
1,002 Posts
Ooc — ebony

Mature Content Warning

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The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: frank discussions of abortion

chakliux was suddenly uncomfortable, not for the sake of judgement but because it was this same masculinity which deemed him unfit for such discussions. suppose he broke some taboo of spirit? suppose he offended the ancestors of several tribes at once?
but tulugak was greatly defeated, downcast. "you are allowed to be angry. do not be sorry." she had put aside the food and so the seal hunter did not offer more.
his silence was thoughtful.
"there are plants that can be eaten which will make you very sick. their strength is in how they are prepared and what is mixed with them. only a healer knows these things. and often only women are allowed to be keepers of such wisdom, for the fact of what you said. it is you who must decide, not us."
the discomfort continued, harsh now. chakliux spoke on: "i know there is pain and blood. i know that some healers use spirit plants or poison. it is why you must not do this alone. only she knows how much to give." had he the capacity, in self-consciousness the man might have rubbed the back of his neck.
"i know it is an ordeal. but it ends."