Firefly Glen Through and thorough
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Delicate paws traced their way down the mountain. @Arrluk had been notoriously quiet as of late. Spending time with his father @Aiolos. Ajwi did what she could for the two men. Leaving food at their sleep places, cleaning out their furs they laid on. But she didn't force her presence on either one. But let them know she was available if they wanted a friend.

Today though she had begged some herbs and a fur or three from the wolf Alaric in return she had fished for a dozen trout, and she made her way to the glen.

She hoped for the sight of @Kukutux or anyone really. Just to check in. See if she was needed and bring her paltry offerings to add to the gathering.

tags for reference no need to reply, but are welcome too.
56 Posts
Ooc — ebony
she is moonspear.

but unlike the other times, akmaaksi did not immediately know this young woman's name. the girl slowly straightened from where she had been helping rodyn to clear tussocks of grass from a round clearing.

you know her. she is moonspear. she comes to moonglow with akka arrluk.


akmaaksi approached. kukutux was close. did ajei wish to find grandmother?
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei was not aware she was not alone at first. But when the girl came to her. She felt herself startle a little. And she traced a delicate paw along the ground. A small nervous smile. 

Hello. I was bringing some things to ah, add to the trades and see if there was a need of me.

Ears perked forward a small brightening of face. Her tail gentle against her legs. Nervouseness oozing as it always did from her. But what was there to worry about this was a youngling. But it had been so long since she had traveled from Moonspear and alone at that.

I'm Ajei Shikobasdaughter in case you need to know. SHe had taken her mother's name as her own and added daughter to it. How she missed her mother.
56 Posts
Ooc — ebony
shikoba'sdaughter. yes. star hunter.

her ears splayed. she gave the other wolf a look which offered sympathy. she had been too young to know the songs. 

but she knew that name.

ajei was nervous too, akmaaksi saw, and slowly led them to where a growing pile of hides had been laid. only skins for now. they did not have as many fox pelts as grandmother might have wanted. perhaps they should begin in this hunt.
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A smile of sympathy. So she had been one of the pups. Ajei studied the girl. This did not seem to be one of the ones she had sat with. Was it? That baby had been so excited and so happy. This one was well a bit like Ajei honestly. Ajei knew how she must feel. It had always been hard for her to exist among those that were more exuberant than she. 

Ajei lay the offering down. Some herbs bundled from Alaric's garden sprigs of rosemary and sage, yarrow and  rose hips. And 3 furs one fox, one cat and one beaver. She lay her paw along them and traced the downy fur.

These hunts are always goodf or our packs, but they are loud and scary. But good too.
56 Posts
Ooc — ebony
akmaaksi sensed that ajei was more akin to her than first realized. where this should have relaxed her, it only made the fire-girl suspicious. and she did not like that reaction either.

her own paw stole out to touch the fox fur.

good. scary. she nodded, not truly knowing what to expect from a hunt of the predicted size.
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei could not quite believe the similarities of her and this little one. They both even wore fire for fur. Though Ajei's was not so vibrant. And her white broke it up quite well. She traced delicate paws down the fur and shifted. But didn't move. 

My mother was a wonderful hunter, but I am not. But I love to fish. I traded these furs from a  trader named Alaric for 12 trout fish. The herbs are Rosemary, Sage, Rose Hip and Yarrow.

She tilted and ear. They've been washed and cleaned and any small tears I repaired. I do enjoy it.

Ajei looked around and slowly rose. Now let's see if we can't make these places a little more inviting. I see where the spots for each pack have been mapped out. Such lovely choices.

And Ajei slowly set to work. Dusting, rearranging furs so they were easier. Bringing small decorative things that may be silly, but made a place seem alittle more homey. Mostly simply because she did not want to leave the girl all on her own and she was not one to keep idle paws. 

Perhaps I'll make some caches of fish even. Would you like to help? A hopeful, ernest expression on downy face.
56 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ajei spoke, but each word had a purpose. akmaaksi listened with her usual detailed care.

alaric. twelve fish! rosemary. sage. rosehip. yarrow.

the scents curled pleasantly together in her nostrils.

ajei enjoyed her work, another similarity. she gave a tiny movement of her tail in recognition of the praise, though she focused on the older girl again. 

following ajei from place to place, she emulated what she saw, seeing slowly how a distinct sense of beauty was emerging in each camp.
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei hummed working songs under her breath. She didn't sing the words merely sang the melody. Wondering if the child would like that more than the words. Ajei had learned if someone was silent it was for a reason. Perhaps she just preferred to listen or maybe it hurt. Or maybe she was so shy it didn't work. It could be so many reasons!

I know it seems a bit silly, especially when they will all leave when it's over. But I do like a place to feel homey. And I'm not very good at social things. But I can show others my heart by how I act.

She wagged her tail as she looked around. 

Just look how wonderfully we did. I bet everyone will be comfortable and put to ease now. I would be.
56 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the sounds were nice. the music was comforting, familiar with or without the words. ajei knew them well, like any other moonwolf.

akmaaksi looked at her busy paws, the wagging tail, the work that the moonspear woman had done.

she nodded her head slowly, thoughtfully, agreeably.
566 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei sighed happily and closed her green eyes. Taking a moment ot enjoy the air, to let the breeze flow over them. She did love the area. 

A small tilt of an ear, a wag of a tail and a nod. Okay I say let's go eat and then we can fish. Come, come if you want to of course? Or I can walk you back to moonglow?

A sweet smile.
56 Posts
Ooc — ebony
eat. fish. and then — she lifted her paw.

back to moonglow. akmaaksi wanted her den and the gruff presence of tautukpik. but thus far her time with ajei had been more than pleasant.

she was someone the firegirl might seek again, akmaaksi realized as she walked beside the moonspear woman.