The Tangle Hungur
17 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
Just south of The Tangle. Halfway between Redtail Rise and Sapphique! ^^

 Snow crunched beneath large paws as the world eater looked to the north.

Fish were not enough.

A deer carcass had been scavenged for any remaining scraps. He had consumed anything that remained, no matter the taste, no matter the quality. The hunger demanded it. The bear had only been able to follow the pups so far. Their bleeding had ceased before he had found them. He had wasted time. He had been too slow to give chase, too confident that he would find them before they had slipped away.

Heimsætur could smell wolf. They were consistent with their markings, their claims to land. The bear could not determine if his path must go to the north or to the south.

Dark eyes turned southward to eye the rise.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
She had traveled across the valley and into the taiga, and still no sight nor sound of her sister. Not even a clue for where she could possibly be. Lilitu was beyond despondent, and it was only the knowledge that she was near the sea that gave her any satisfaction.

A nice stint by the ocean might do her good. Of course, she'd have to return home sooner rather than later.

Her gaze was set upon the looming horizon when a rustling caught her attention. She turned and her heart caught in her throat.

Brown, hulking. Reeking. Un-wolf.

Lilitu tried to swallow and failed, tried to catch her breath and failed, attempted to back down before the massive creature caught sight of her and launched into pursuit.

She had never seen a bear. In this life, anyway.
17 Posts
Ooc — Teo
I hope you had a lovely holiday. <3 Thank you so much for taking this thread.

Heimsætur lifted his massive head and locked his dark brown eyes on the wolf. It had seen him first and it had made a move to retreat. The bear did not wish to risk another meal fleeing in the snow. The world eater had trudged far enough. His hunger had to be sated.

A roar broke the silence on the air. The wolf did not need warning. Heimsætur spoke so that she would know that he pursued her. The scent of fear would lead him to her, even if her hurried paw prints did not. It could lead him to others, as well. The very thought of more prey filled his mind with burning need. The hunger in his belly clawed at him, demanding more.

Heimsætur quickened his pace, hoping to reach the wolf.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
you too!

Her breath and heart came faster, still. She skittered backward, her entire body stiff and fevered as she moved away, trying to escape those long, burly arms.

She was headed for the mountains, or at least cover in the trees.

Somewhere she could hide. . .

But she couldn't dodge that hot, desperate breath on her tail. Not yet, anyway.
17 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The world eater gave chase.

The whelp had a nimble figure that allowed it to hurry out of reach. Where the bear plodded on giant paws with a great weight behind them, the wolf was swift and spry.

The only thing that urged the monster forward was the scent of fear and flesh. The bear lifted its head to gaze into the distance. It could see the trees, where chase would be slowed. If the bear could reach the wolf before it found the woods, perhaps that hunger would be sated.
446 Posts
Ooc — mercury
The shadows of the forest were drawing nearer, beginning to engulf her. If she could just reach their embrace entirely. . .

Just as she was about to sail between the trees, Lilitu tripped over an exposed root and tumbled head over heels.

SHIT! she cried out, her shriek echoing through the frigid air.

She began to scramble upright, knowing that the bear wouldn't be far behind. To her dismay, she felt a throbbing in her right foreleg, the ankle radiating waves of agony. Lilitu stepped down and moaned, unable to place any semblance of weight on the limb.

She limped on at a trot, having lost valuable time.

permission to rough her up a bit! just no missing limbs please :)
17 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Last! <3 MWAH! Thank you.

One swipe knocked the wolf into silence.

The bear stood over her, sniffing at the warmth of her flesh. She would make do. It would not satisfy him for long, though. Heimsætur thought of collecting more.

The beast picked up the wolf in his teeth and dragged her to a safe place where he might return. Dark eyes flicked to her features. The hunger tempted him, lured him with the scent of her. It would not satisfy. Heimsætur needed more.

The world eater padded to her before sniffing at her face with trails of drool making their way across her snout and cheeks. With precise teeth, the bear fished into her left eye and pulled it out. It was warm and flavorful in his mouth. More, the hunger demanded. It would not satisfy.

Heimsætur caught the smell of elk on the nip of wind. He lifted his head and ambled away from his hiding spot, leaving the wolf for later.