Greatwater Lake And now I'm laughin' through my tears
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
The air was colder on this eve. Even despite his thick blanket of a coat, a shiver ran down his spine.

Khaba set upright within his den, unable to find comfort.

He thought of @Aliki. Of how satisfying it might be to curl around her soft little body. 

He almost considered calling for her, but then thought of how it may be too soon to do so. She'd only just joined. Might she disdain him for being so bold so quick?
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

43 Posts
Ooc — Mai
As it so happened, at this late, dark hour, Aliki was in the area. She was returning from a midnight hunt at the lake. Having been raised around water, this was where she was most comfortable.

In her jaws she carried and impressive salmon. It's scales gleamed silver in the dark. She would find a place to enjoy her feast.

Afterwards, she would curl up for a well deserved rest. Then consider, in the morning, mingling with her pack mates. She may be new, but she fully intended to establish herself. On her way past the location of Khaba's den (unbeknownst to her) she paused. Scraping the ground vigorously with her paws, spreading her scent to let everyone know she had passed this way.
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
The tiniest patter of noise captivated his attention.

Lifting from his bed of soft furs, his massive head emerged from the entrance.

It was then, he noticed Aliki, scraping against the earth. Part of him wanted to scold her for being so disruptive — while yet, a more appealing thought came to mind. I'm fact, it was the exact one he'd considered before! But now, he was forced to do less work to get there.

Sending a heavy chuff her way, he beckoned her join him within the shadows of his den. An invitation, despite how much his eager tone demanded it.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

43 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Aliki did not have a den of her own yet. She would have to find or make one. Another item added to her to do list. In the meantime, she would settle for sleeping out in the open. Such a thought made her glance towards the lake, where the water shone.

She quite liked listening to the gentle lap of the water, while drifting off to sleep. It was soothing.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a deep, eager chuff. Beckoning her. Insisting she come close. Wide purple eyes darted in the shadow, quickly pinning the location of the burrow in which Khaba resided. It didn't take her long to spot him, there waiting for her.

With a low croon and an amicable wag of her tail, she padded closer. She had a feeling she was in good standing with him, but wasn't completely sure. Which is why she stepped lightly, in case she accidentally pushed the envelope too far.

Her greeting for him was the same form as acceptance as before. A few licks at his lips, but not without a few light, harmless pinches from her teeth.
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
She must have been startled, for she didn't know he was there until he'd made the sound.

But when she figured it out, she seemed both curious and intrigued.

Her tongue swiped against his chin, but he dismissed the gesture, curling his lip down to expose the top layer of teeth.

Reaching out over her, Khaba grasped her scruff, tugging in a forward motion. It hadn't been nearly enough to draw blood, only pinch.

Inside, he growled, refusing to let go of her scruff until she complied with his eager demands.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

43 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Before she knew what was happening, in the next motion, he reached for her. She felt the pinch of teeth on the skin through the fur of her ruff. Pulling her forward, towards him., demanding she come inside. 

She tensed, stiffening her forelegs but ultimately relented. She even took it a step further by pressing forcibly closer to him. A soft, rolling growl of her own thrummed in her throat, but there was no true threat behind it. She was vocal, all show as she slid in the burrow, teeth flashing briefly. She uttered only one word, smugly. "Impatient."
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
She gave into his demands, entering the space that none other had. An honor, she must know. For he had not done this for many.

Vocals strung from her chords, which he did not enjoy as always. But he did not reprimand her. His mind was on other things.

Teeth moving from her scruff, he gave a light nip to her ear. Then, to the bed of furs he gestured, chuffing with another demand.


She will know what he means. He knows her to be no fool. After all, he is man. What woman does not know of man's wants?
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any