Broken Antler Fen the wind rises
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Rain continued to fall in sheets, coating the land in a layer of water that it could not seem to shed right away. For those who were wiser on the matters of environmental change, it would have been a good sight. It was far worse to see the land drained of all water than to see a plethora of it. Of course, for the shaded beast who traveled through the fen, it was a miserable journey. Brom felt as though he had not seen the sun since the first day that he had arrived in the Teekon Wilds. He had wondered if there was a chance that his escape from purgatory had put him in a spiraling hell that he would never escape from. The further that he wandered, the more dismal he felt. It was not until he had stepped into the wetland that he took a true pause to evaluate his next movements and where it was that he was aiming to venture.
Brom had stopped beneath the boughs of a great tree to the north of the territory. The foliage was sparse in this area, but the shadow was able to search the horizon for a new direction. To the west of him, there were several jutting stones that stood as a looming mountain range. Brom imagined that he would be able to find some secluded caves within this portion of the world. While he had spent a great deal of his life searching for a means to escape the tunnels where he had been banished, Brom almost missed the closeness of his previous living quarters. Impulsively, he aimed himself for the range of stone and set out at a speedy trot across the remainder of the wetland.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Of course, as soon as she hit the soggy bit, it was raining.  She didn't mind a little water every so often, but this surpassed a little like 20 buckets ago.  She was drenched, miserable, and definitely looked like a drowned rat.  Just... bigger.  Wolf sized drowned rat.

WHY!?  This was in response to a huge splash as, before her, the ground opened up into a massive puddle that she definitely missed.  Her forepaws submerged halfway up her legs and she caught herself with a face full of water.  Hgh.

This was terrible.

Fed up, she made her way towards the nearest shelter... the same group of rocks that the other looked to hide in as well.  As soon as she arrived beneath an outcropping, without even looking around, she shook herself vigorously.  Everything here was so.  Flipping. Gross.
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A cry sounded out in the air. Brom froze in his passing and turned sharply toward the origin of the noise. It was there that he latched his sights on the slate-specked figure of a stunning young woman. She did not appear real to him at first, but more akin to a mirage or a hallucination that had been conjured from the madness in his mind. The ink-cloaked traveler did not wish to cut her off after having heard such frustration in her tone. He watched her with deep curiosity as she made her way toward the same hidden fortress that he had sought moments before. The dim light that flickered through the storm clouds overhead had seemed to fade even further into darkness.
For a moment, Brom turned his attention to the heavens and breathed in the scent of the rain. It was so different above ground. It was fresh and powerful; it filled him with a sense of purpose that he had never known before. All of it was so daunting, but the Spine had been just the same when he had first arrived there. The tunneller needed his time to adjust.
Following after the figure of the woman, Brom kept a respectful distance. Twice, lightning cracked over his head and illuminated the sky in a brilliant streak of light. Thunder was quick to follow, echoing against the stone tomb that stretched upward before him. She had reached the mouth of the cavern before him, but he made his way there and stopped at the entrance no less than five minutes after she had. It was here that Brom paused and breathed deeply, shaking the water from his dark coat and waiting to see if his eyes would readjust to the darkness.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She felt way better after a vigorous shake, but still felt too wet to really sit down.  So she shifted in place and watched the rain come down with a somewhat dour expression.  It was supposed to be such a nice run too!

Nothing short of true sadness could keep Maia down long though.  She was just about to open her mouth to start singing - something she only did when she was alone - when a shape outside caught her eye.  She snapped it shut again and watched them suspiciously as they approached her cave.  Last time hadn't ended well, but the time before had been fine.

Who goes there? She asked, trying to sound a lot gruffer than what she was.  Maybe if she could trick this guy into thinking she was some kind of cave troll or something he'd be easier to convince to leave if he was crazy.  She had no idea the game was up; hed already obviously seen her.
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The voice that sounded in the cave was not a voice that he would ever have imagined belonging to the girl he had seen enter. It gave Brom a moment of pause. His eyes narrowed curiously, slowing until he stood still in the center of the cave. His dark frame was a sharp silhouette against the flash of lightning that lit across the sky outside. The woman had asked a question, and he had taken a moment of silence before he drew his muzzle upward and regarded her with a cool stare. “Brom,” the gruff creature stated plainly.
“And who are you?” the dark man then asked of her. It was only fair that if he was to give her his own moniker, she should return the favor.
Once he was inside the hollow shelter, his eyes had started to adjust to the lack of light again. There was a disgusting familiarity about it. Brom had always hated the tunnels, but since his freedom had been granted to him… well, he did not know how well he would adjust to the outside world. All his life, he had known nothing but the dankness of the Spine. He had never truly believed that he would know more than it. Fate had a funny way of reforming beliefs.
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Did crazy wolves have names, or ask for them?  The one hadn't, but she hadn't also really stuck around long.  Maia thought for a solid moment, but he was blocking the exit.  She wasn't nervous, per say, but she did drop the voice.  

Maia.  Sorry,  Okay so now to explain the sudden change in vocal tone so he didn't think she was the crazy one.  I didn't know if, uh, you were.  Y'know.  Eloquent.  She was acing this whole conversation thing.

But it wasn't her fault he turned out to be a guy with a really nice voice and, from what she could see, a super nice... everything.  What was it with finding hot dudes in caves during rainstorms?