Fairspell Meadow delivered into the jaws of death
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All Welcome 
Today Greyson had decided to head south from his dwelling at Sawtooth Spire. He had risen early from sleep that morning, before the sun had starting rising in the sky. The morning breeze had brought with it a tantalizing scent. Elk herds were nearby, the numbers large enough that their combined scent was noticeable.

He had made his way down from the mountain slope quickly, and raced through the grasslands just the first dawn light appeared. Beneath the dim light Greyson had been able to make out the dark silhuette of the herd grazing. He observed them for while, looking for any point of weakness. However, he was saved the effort, when the stench of blood soon drifted to his nose. It lead him to a doe, only recently given birth. It must have been one of the first, he assumed, for it was still early in the birthing season for the elk. 

Quietly, he stalked closer through the tall grass and, with the mother still exhausted from parturition, managed to lock his jaws around the leg of the newborn calf. The mother rose on trembling legs and attempted to kick him. She missed and Greyson nipped at her before she turned to run. Too easily it seemed, her baby was abandoned. Greyson turned back to his mucous-blood covered prize, and delivered a suffocating bite to its neck before it even had the chance to cry out to its fleeing mother. 

Grasping the slippery elk calf between his forepaws, he sprawled out in the tall grass and began to lick at his meal beneath the warmth of the morning sun.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Well, she'd crossed the wilds - she was now exhausted, and what's more... yep.  A little lost again.

Not lost in the sense of, like, hopelessly lost.  Just, she'd never gone this far before, and the meadow she was entering now was completely unfamiliar outside of the fact that it looked like every meadow ever.  Grass and stuff, oh boy.  She poked at a flower with her paw and smiled, though it was a little thin at this moment.  She'd really hoped, after all this travel, she'd have something to bring back to Eljay.  It turns out she hadn't really even found a pack between the coast and here, not since skirting that one they'd already spoken with again.  What was it called?  Shoot.

Maybe she was just a terrible scout.  She hadn't even managed to find herself shelter last night, though fortunately the morning sun was warming the damp from her fur.  Time to pack it up, head back home, and.... she paused as she suddenly noticed the scent that had been wending it's way through her thoughts.  Blood.

Her ears pricked up with interest at the prospect of a meal, but she didn't immediately bolt for it.  She was at least that smart, cmon!  Instead she began to walk forward, with her head at a tilt, looking for whatever might be injured or out here.  

Oh!  Oh... okay.  Sorry, I'll just... wow.  So it wasn't an injured animal, but a wolf with a kill.  Maia stopped short the instant she caught sight of him through the grass, and she felt immediately chagrined over assuming.  Of course it wasn't just dinner lying around.  Who would think that?
7 Posts
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Greyson had been keeping an eye out as he tucked into his meal. Every so often between mouthfuls he would lift his head and prick his ears, quickly surveying the area immediately around him for any signs of trouble. The scent of fresh blood often attracted unwanted attention; the elk herd could surround him, a larger predator could try to steal his food or scavangers could outnumber him. Already two ravens had began circling overhead, cawing to eachother as they spotted him with the newborn elk calf in the grass. 

Today it seemed that his meal had attracted the unwelcome attention of another kind—the scent of an unfamiliar wolf drifted to his nose and some while later he spotted her dark form lingering nearby. To Greyson's relief she did not approach him straight away, it seemed she was not bold enough for that. Greyson lifted his head, and flashed the female his teeth through a blood-stained muzzle. It was an obvious warning for her to keep her distance. "Back up, I'm not in the mood for sharing today." Greyson huffed, bristling his hackles before shoving his face back into the fresh carcass. If she hadn't noticed the first warning then she would surely notice the second.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia had ever been a cheerful wolf when dealing with strangers, but she also had little trouble putting rudeness where it belonged.  No need to be a jerk about it, she answered defensively, wrinkling her muzzle as she took a step back.  I already said I could go, didn't I?  Jeeze.  No, she hadn't.  But in her annoyance she didn't realize the half-finished sentence hadn't completed.

It was too bad this wolf was obviously not up for company because it was the first she'd encountered in a good long while.  Shoot.  She paused, hesitating, then decided what the heck.  Look, just... are there any packs near here?  Maybe he could at least answer a question?