Blackfeather Woods Don’t fall to far from who you are
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa

The female found herself struggling to see as she began a short patrol. It was so hard to look at her right side but she managed. She was left alone with her thoughts and began thinking of her brother and thought about the bones she found at shadow mountain. Moonshadow has assumed the worst because she knew if he was alive he’d find her, he always did.

Moonshadow let out a mournful howl filled with sadness and regret. She felt it was her fault he was gone, the reason their mother abandoned them. Everything.
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
tundra had been wandering quietly through the woods with the intention of reaching to borders to take a look around, make sure everything was still as quiet as it seemed. those melonii had threatened to return and she didn't doubt it for one second but she was confident that they wouldn't find it as easy to infiltrate the woods this time, no they'd be ready. 

however she'd only just neared the wood's edge- shadows fading as the light grew near- when a mournful howl went up very close by. the woman would start at the sound and quite literally wince at the raw, unfiltered and pained emotion that hit her ears. frowning with concern she'd shift her position and trot briskly in the direction of the sound in case someone was in trouble. she finally came across a woman as dark as night and after glancing around she could confirm that no one else was here. frowning she'd blink at the green eyed girl. "are you okay?"
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow was soon done with her howl and she gazed at the sky and wondered if her brother was in a good place and if he was alive he was at least safe she was unaware that another wolf had listened in until she heard them speak up.

She turned her body and looked at the female whine she remembers at the meeting. "Yeah I guess I'm okay. My name is Moonshadow and you are?"
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
she'd simply nod when the woman confirmed that she was okay. maybe some would latch onto the 'i guess' part better and take it as a telltale sign that they were perhaps, not. but tundra simply took the other's word for it, not intending to press on the matter if it wasn't offered to her as being one who usually preferred not to speak of such things it was easy to presume others would act in a similar way. nevertheless a perhaps more cold side to her couldn't help but inwardly remark; 'well if you're okay could you stop letting out such distress signals'. once again most likely a mistake on her part, a failure to realise that it could be a subtle ask for help or just her way of expressing sorrow. 

such thoughts remained carefully concealed behind void dark eyes however and she'd nod politely when she introduced herself as 'moonshadow' and asked for her name. "nice to meet you, i'm tundra" is all she'd murmur, then shifting in the silence she'd add in neutrally. "you new to the woods or have you lived here before?" by 'before' she meant in the previous blackfeather, before maegi. something moonshadow would know if it were the case.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The woman introduced herself as tundra, it was a unique name and she returned with a smile. The female asked a few questions and Moonshadow nodded. “I was a part of Blackfeather before it fell, yes. But during the war I was kidnapped. When I came back everyone I knew was gone. Maegi who was kidnapped by the same pack as I was fled to undersea, leadership fell and I soon left.” 

Moonshadow sigjed then smiled again. “When I found out Maegi was rebuilding Blackfeather I was thrilled and rejoined.”
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
now this was certainly interesting and the woman's demanour would become a lot more alert- ears perking forward as dark eyes fixed unwaveringly on the dark fae whom had introduced herself as moonshadow. so she'd been a member before too although before tundra's time, but what really caught her interest was the mention of war. at the thought of it her heart gave a strange little flutter, something she'd squash back down rather forcefully. she'd never known that blackfeather had once endured a war and even more interesting, maegi had been kidnapped by a pack alongside this wolf? 

her head moves in a nod as she finally takes a turn to speak- voice although still monotone, sharpened with interest. "war is a hard thing.." she'd echo at first, memories playing at the edges of her mind but she gave them nothing to latch onto- simply pushing her focus onto what they conversed about. "but would you mind telling me more? this is my first time hearing of this and i must say i'm intrigued, what pack kidnapped you's as well and why?" her whispy tail would flick to lie across creamy paws as she settled back on her haunches for a few moments however feeling undeniably restless her form would shift back onto all four paws as she'd let one more question slip from her jaws; "i was actually patrolling when i heard your call- care to walk and talk so we can continue with that?" if her packmate agreed tundra would take off at a steady walk towards the border, listening for what moonshadow had to say all the while.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow began thinking back to shadow mountain and winced slightly at the thought “Sure I can do for a walk.” As they walked she began to speak. “As for the war I don’t really know how it started all I know is after our leader disappeared and I was taken by during the midst of all the commotion and when I was weak from a fight.” She sighed at the memory but continued. I managed to trick them and join but I was gonna disappear when I gained their trust. However when I decided to leave my brother was there as well as Maegi I knew I had to get her out. In the end they probably planned on killing her for sport. Which was what they liked to do the leader she... she devoured her own kind and enjoyed it.” It pained her to think a wolf could do that. “I’m the end I fought the male whom was attacking her making that wound on her face. Maegi got away and I did shortly after I was injured; my eye and rib cage and leg.” Moonshadow paused and let that sink in. “I was on my own for a while, my brother no where to be found most likely passed. I got pregnant, male disappeared and caught news of Blackfeather being rebuilt and I guess now here I am. Confused as hell and we’ll pregnant.” She chuckles at that last part she still couldn’t believe it and even though she wouldn’t admit it she was scared as hell