Northstar Vale if you're too shy let me know
i'm a bloody fallen angel
182 Posts
Ooc — cas

Maybe it was the strange sweet scent of the air or the quiet rhythmic way the rain fell in drizzling droplets onto her pelt or the sharp lash of pain that came when the wind bit her face but either way, something forced Saarthal's footsteps to falter. These last few days had been good, better than they'd been in a while and she was beginning to feel more like her own self, as if a sliver of the ghost of yearling Saarth had managed to find its way back into her. On occasions, it was still painful and there were undoubtedly moments where she found herself gasping by the edge of a river or a lake, staring at her own shivering reflection and wondering why, wondering how, she was still breathing. A strange sense of detachment would overcome her and she would feel less than substantial, more a reflection fading in the water, covered by the fresh crash of waves against the seashore than a flesh and blood living being. 

But, more or less, Saarthal was alive. And she didn't want to be alone anymore. She felt that she was starting to get old and she wanted something more. The last few years after Reyna held little within them but casual flings, a few infatuations and crushes, a few tender beginnings immediately ruined and trampled on by a wave of hot incoming fear of being locked down and the distant memory of blue eyes. Or maybe she simply missed company, missed physical touch. It was hard to tell. But, pausing at a respectful distance from the borders, Saarthal made a final decision. She would try to join this pack, and if she didn't get in, then she'd try at the next, and the next. After all, things couldn't exactly get worse...could they?
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Now that Collision was close by and it eased her nerves, she had had her first full night sleep since the pregnancy had begun. The Empress had managed to eat and successfully, comfortably, remain in a deep slumber until the morning came - and so, she felt almost all her strength returning, with some wavering for obvious reasons. The children would keep sucking the energy from her but now she would be able to rest and recharge in order to keep up with their demands. Even if the nausea was still present, the waves were less frequent and harsh.

After the call had summoned her to the borders, she sought out @Collision first to come and join her to greet the one with an unfamiliar call. Once paired up, the two would make a beeline to the borders where the summons had been issued. A grey-scale woman was waiting for them, and as a first greeting, Reiko allowed her tail to sweep sweetly from side to side. Greetings! She sang while approaching, stopping a comfortable distance away so they can speak effortlessly without encroaching on either side's personal space.

My name is Reiko, I am the Empress of the Reneian Empire, the pack that claims this vale. How can I help you?
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
His ears lifted at the foreign call of another and he exited his den. Perfect timing would put Reiko right in his sights as she beckoned for him to follow. Keeping his word the boy broke into a run behind her. It was quite obvious he were the slower of the two as he easily remained staggered behind her. He probably would have anyways. 

 As the figure became more clear and they drew to a slow and then stopped Collision would leave his eyes on the stranger only listening to Reiko. She was a smaller woman with brightly colored eyes and a coat similar to the Empress. She appeared to be slightly more matured than the two of them and Collision waited for the stranger's answer.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
i'm a bloody fallen angel
182 Posts
Ooc — cas
It wasn't long before two strangers arrived at the borders. The girl was - damn, she's beautiful asdfghjkl what the hEll no saarthal snap out of it and introduce yourself you idiot..ooh boy isn't too bad looking either - SAARTHAL..sorry. A wave of uncertainty swept over her...was she cut out for this? how long had it been since she'd been part of a pack, part of something more? and she didn't know anyone here - which wasn't really a problem, she supposed, she'd never found it hard to make friends but still... No. She had to snap out of it. You are NOT going to rot your life away. I'm not going to let you.
"I'm Saarthal," she said with an impish smile and a polite nod, tail sweeping her ankles in a gesture of respect. Empress, huh? She could deal with that. Being part of an Empire again...maybe it was her calling. She doubted this was a Roman thing but Empires couldn't be that different, could they? Maybe, this was a way back home. Whatever home was. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Empress Reiko. I am-" c'mon idiot, just say it, commit yourself to something for once, you can do it "-looking to join your pack. If you'll have me." Her gaze flickered to meet Reiko's eyes (she's really pretty?) and then after accidentally subtly not-checking-her-out, she dropped her eyes, embarrassed and looked at the other sorta cute wolf - she gave him a quick smile - then returned her attention to the Empress, posture deferent and respectful. Gosh, it had been so long since she did anything of the sort.
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Even if she might not need Collision during this meeting, she was happy to have him here just in case. It was comforting to know she was watched over while in her position, no need to constantly look over her shoulder or be suspicious of a stranger. With him here, she could talk to the stranger with ease and be herself.

So the stranger, who now named themselves as Saarthal (what a fun name!), wanted to join them! It was so exciting to think that there would a new, new face to join them so very soon! The Empire was slowly swelling with each new member. It was going to show that perhaps this place was more necessary to more than just their little ragtag group who just wanted to remain together. Of course. She began, But before, I'd like to get to know you a little better.

Collision's presence didn't stop her from feeling self-conscious as the Saarthal not-so-subtly looked her over. Lately, she's been feeling fat more than anything and believed that is why the woman's eyes wandered instead of appreciating what she saw. What... What are you hoping to find here, as a home? A mild stutter was quick to come and go as she tried to forget her bashful feelings.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision did not understand many social graces. He also did not understand why this woman looked at Reiko so intently. She didn't quite look at him in the same light, but she did look. He also didn't understand flirtation or any sexual desire. It didn't come to him. Rarely did he happen to look at another and think her to be pretty. This was no different. 

 Except for the fact in his lack of understanding as her eyes bore into Reiko Collision took a very obvious few steps forward and closed most of the gap between them. He urged her to try absolutely anything. 

 Reiko must have sense no danger for she remained calm. Unmoving. And her words remained quite similar to the inviting words she had spoken to him. In relation to her tone she was a cool autumn breeze. But then there was a repetition in her words. A slight uneasiness that had him tense up ever so slightly. He did not step in front of Reiko, but he did do his best to fall, now, within her peripherals so that she knew he was there. He was her supporting cast and remained perfectly aware so that she could play her part. 

 If Reiko welcomed this girl, then so would he, if she cast her aside then Collision would be sure to run her off.
Interested in threading with me?
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
i'm a bloody fallen angel
182 Posts
Ooc — cas
Of course, Saarthal remained completely oblivious to the other stranger's suspicion - just because she was dumb and had focused all her attention on Reiko, having slipped back into the flirtatious and easygoing persona which she'd practically lived in during her youth. Still, Reiko's little stutter was obvious enough and Saarthal glanced down at the ground, wondering if her once-over had made the leader uncomfortable. Perhaps a younger Saarthal would have continued brazenly with her flirtatious advances, sure in the knowledge that everyone knew she meant no ill - that she just wanted a little fun. But, well - things had been different ever since...and Saar simply collected herself, her eyes kept respectfully where it belonged. "Well, I'm just looking for a new home, really. I've been travelling for ages and figured I'd better settle down somewhere. Maybe find a girlfriend, just normal stuff." Damn, she hadn't been this honest in a long time. "Plus, you said this was an Empire. I was from an Empire too...not this one! but maybe it means I'll find my new home here." There was little else to offer. To be honest, Saarthal didn't have much she wanted from the pack...for now, she just wanted to be a part of one, be a part of, well, something. Plus, it didn't hurt that the leader was easy on the eyes even if she was pregnant and probably had a partner. Saarth wasn't picky. 
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
As Collision grew closer to make his presence more clear, his support was well appreciated and she made sure to show it by offering him a smile before turning her attention back to Saarthal. If only they knew her internal turmoil was more so due to being bashful than the woman ever making her feel uncomfortable by simply looking her over innocently.

A new home, that was nothing new even now in the realm's early days. Already they had a few who looked simply for a home and nothing more. The woman's honesty was enough to make Reiko feel good about accepting her into their ranks - honesty went a long way as far as she was concerned. if anything, everyone needed to take a page out of her books and learn that they didn't need to lie to get their way, especially if it was in the search of sanctuary. You're more than welcome to try and find it here. It was obvious that Saarthal was nervous and hopefully, Reiko's soft vocals and gentle smile could ease those eventually. 

We are a pack of new beginnings, people wishing to find peace and security within our borders - many of us even wish to simply have a family and settle down. We strive for peace and harmony- Even more so now during the internal turmoil between a few members. Do you think this place suits your needs? It was only natural that she would explain the empire a little more to someone who sought such a simple life, to make sure they knew what they chose if they desired something else and wished to seek it elsewhere.
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
One thing became abundantly clear to him in listening to Reiko. There was a small issue. The Empire was suitable for those that wished to retire and raise their family and exist in blissful harmony. However...where were her warriors? There was himself, he reminsced over a handful of other scents he had found on her, and there was Tobias who was an honest hunter. Collision prayed war would never arrive on their doorstep. Was Reiko capable? Was Saarthal capable? 

 He ramined quiet throughout their exchange and found that  Reiko had found an assuredness about the girl, lest she wouldn't be asking all of these questions. Collision's golden eyes stared, now, only at the stranger after noting Reiko smile and waited for the confirmation that she would, too, become a part of them.
Interested in threading with me?
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
i'm a bloody fallen angel
182 Posts
Ooc — cas
Peace and harmony. Those were two words that had never particularly appealed to Saarthal who loved drama and all the things that came with it. But, well, things were a little different now and Saar felt that perhaps, just maybe, there was a tiny tiny chance that peace and harmony was what she needed. In any case, she couldn't be bothered to search for another suitable pack. Reiko was nice, she seemed kind and Saar needed kindness in her life now more than ever.

"Yes," she said, lips quirked in a lopsided smile, "I believe so." Perhaps, she should also inform the leader of the services she could offer whilst she was in the Empire - that seemed like the right thing to do, and also something she had done when requesting sanctuary at every pack she'd joined before so, yeah, she should probably do that. "I'm also well trained in the arts of healing and fighting - should you ever need these skills in your arsenal..." damn that probably ruined the whole peace and harmony thing - "just...putting it out there," Saar ducked her head, suddenly sheepish.
taking a ride on a cosmic train
649 Posts
Ooc — Noki
Well, you're welcome to come and find out yourself. The Empire was not a place to force loyalty - even if Saarthal found somewhere else more suitable for her needs, Reiko would be happy to have her until then. They were open for individuals to come and go provided they always kept in good relations to everyone in the kingdom.

That's wonderful! Hopefully, we will never need the later, but it is always good to know. With a wave of her tail, she stepped forward just enough to welcome the greyscale woman to come and follow them. Come on, I will be happy to show you around. Stopping by Collision first, she bumped her shoulder with him in a friendly gesture for him accompanying her. I'll start with Collision, he's a warrior too, so perhaps you two already have some common ground!

Looking between the two, she waited for them should they decide to introduce each other before continuing on their little tour of the lands. She was certain Saarthal would like to eventually figure herself out soon after being showing the essentials. 

If there is nothing else, this will be my last post for Rei!! Impala if you want to take this as a guard thread for Collision's trades, you just need a closing post! <3
Hiromi, Yuudai and Takeshi are welcome in all threads Reiko is in unless marked as Private! When outside of Northstar Vale it is always assumed one of her guards is near by and will be tagged into the thread if necessary!
Healing (2/6)
Severe bite wounds along neck, moderate along nape, and bruising. Healing will take 6 weeks starting Saturday, July 04.

237 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision listens long enough for Reiko to introduce him and allow the new girl amongst their ranks. He finally breaks his stoicism and offers her a nod of the head accompanied with the smallest of smiles, "Welcome," his greeting is mostly kind, but otherwise monotonous, "If you should need on me," And with that the boy would recieve Reiko's pardon and make his own way off. Whilst he was out and about it looked like a good time to make rounds of the Empire. 
Interested in threading with me?
check out my OOC account for more information

 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.