Broken Antler Fen Cause your whole heart's a village
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
tags are all for reference, but anyone is welcome to join! Setting some references up <3

song link bc I love it

As the kids grew at what felt like an ever-increasing rate, Maia tried to spend most of her time divided between teaching them, sharing stories, and taking the occasional walk with @Eljay. Those quiet moments were some of their only time to talk about things without an array of listening ears, but Maia had gotten so used to a full shared space. It felt like home... more like home than anything else she'd found.

Occasionally she still tried to speak with @Diantha, but if she was met with resistance, she dropped it and never pressed beyond. @Roswell seemed to have taken them to heart, and every time she heard him say 'mom' her heart filled a little more. One of these days it was going to burst and honestly, she didn't care!!! It was so, SO worth it.

Since @Jasmine returned, she'd begin to take them all on more trips outside, showing them how she navigated and talking about the times she was lost. She also tried to teach them ways to survive, to find the things they'd need, and oftentimes would bring @Sylvie and @Hymnal along as well. She shared all the secrets that Dante had shared with her - how to use the stars, how to taste water on the wind, and how to track prey. She was.... pretty bad at hunting, still, but she tried.

Things felt lighter. A part of her was waiting for some new catastrophe, and maybe that would take a while to fade, but today as she made her way to the river she hummed a soft tune. There was a fall crispness to the air, one that preluded the cold of winter that would soon be rushing in on them. She wasn't wild about the snow but it would be fun to see how the kids felt about their first experience with it. She could teach them to make burrows, and how to own in a snow fight in the process. Her tail waved at the thought and she looked up at the trees overhead. No colors yet, but soon!
120 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Her lanky legs could only move so fast, but she pushed them as she caught her mother's scent heading towards the river. She never liked to be left out of trips with her family, most especially if it was with one of her parents.

She she sprinted across the fen, excitement filling her with energy and strength to push herself to go faster. 

When her mother was in sight, she called out to her. Mama! Mama, wait for me. She galloped as she tried to close the distance, skidding to a stop in front of Maia, assuming she stopped. Her breaths heaved in and out as her lungs burned in protest from overuse.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Woah!!! Where's the monster? You were flying, sweetheart! Maia laughed, but was clearly super impressed. She didn't have that kind of speed ever, let alone the energy!

I'm headed to the river. I'm guessing you are too? She added fondly. She was definitely used to being followed like this and it made her pretty happy. If her kids liked spending time with her like that, chances were she was doin a pretty good job, right?
120 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Hymnal giggled. Oh mama, there's no monster. she was clearly very amused by the idea. I just wanted to catch up with you. Whatever mom was doing was definitely going to be more exciting than hanging around the den.

When Maia mentioned the river, Hymnal's tail wagged so hard it started to move in circles. OH yes, please! I want to go to the river with you. she could barely stand still she was so excited.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
i just realized Maia replied with almost the same exact thing in both those threads XD wowza me, way to be redundant!

Oh, of course, how silly of her!! Maia smiled at Hymnal's dismissal of her monster mention and reached out with her muzzle to snag her daughter in a quick hug. Is that right?! Well! I would love the company. Sylvie must have stayed back with Eljay.

As she turned towards the direction of the river and began to walk, she looked sideways at her daughter. How are you? I mean, how are things going? Sometimes when things got fast she would forget to ask for a time, and it felt like it had been a while since she had really checked in? Both Sylvie and Hymnal seemed happy enough but now, one on one, was a good time to see if there was anything on her mind.
120 Posts
Ooc — Hela
lol nw! I would have still loved it <3

She squealed in delight when her mother grabbed her up into a comforting embrace. She loved affection from her family, but especially from mama. She grinned when Maia stated she would love company, and then peppered her chin and cheeks with soft kisses. 

Hymnal leaped up once she was let go, and she bounced at her mother's side. She looked curiously up at mom when she asked how she was. I'm great, mama, she said. As of right now, she didn't have a care in the world. How are you? She wanted to know that mama was doing great too.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Never better, Maia answered almost automatically, though she did mean it. It had been a hard year but the bad things never felt further away than when she was spending a beautiful day with one of them. Your dad and I had a walk earlier, and I was trying to see if any of the leaves were turning yet. Pretty soon they'll match the sunset. It'd be such a gorgeous sight in this part of the fen.

And then there will be snow. Both would be new experiences, she realized, smiling and giving her daughter an affectionate kiss on the muzzle in return. Playing in the snow was always one of my favorite things to do. Your aunt Wraen always loved it too.

It came out so easily, despite still hurting to think about. She hadn't spoken of her much, if at all, and there was some warm relief in even accidentally mentioning her. Even though it was hard, she didn't want them to grow up never hearing about her.
120 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Her mother told her of many things that had excitement bubbling up in her chest. She didn't know the leaves would change color, and she was very interested in hearing more about this snow stuff; it sounded like a lot of fun. She wondered how long it would be until there was snow. She wanted to ask all of these questions, but she forced her mind to slow down. First she wanted to know more about her aunt.

Mama, what was aunt Wraen like? she asked. She had only heard a little about her, and now she was interested in knowing more. She definitely sounded like fun, given that she played in the snow stuff. Hymanl would make sure mama took her to do the same when it finally came.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She was expecting the question but not so upfront. So it still took Maia by surprise, and she had to pause a moment before she answered. It was hard to really come up with the words to describe what her sister had been like. There was just, really, too much to talk about.

She... was really great. Maia answered, swallowing momentarily with the discomfort of 'was'. We used to play games where we'd start stories and then each take turns making a part. She always had the best ideas. She was drawn back into the memories, but then focused on Hymnal again.

I wish she could have met you. Both you and your sister. There was a bit of mist to her voice and look, but otherwise, she'd done alright. Wraen would have loved them - Maia just knew it.
120 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Aunt Wraen sounded almost as awesome as mama. I wish that too, Hymanl offered, smiling up at Maia. 

She had an idea that might make her mother feel better. Hymanl could hear the sadness in her voice as she spoke of aunt Wraen. 

When they reached the river, the dark girl took a seat and settled her silver gaze on her mother's face. Mama, can we play the story game that you used to play with aunt Wraen? She hoped it would make her mom feel better, and it sounded fun. Hymanl loved hearing her mother's stories.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia led her along and, when they reached the river, bent down to take a long drink. Her ears pricked up at Hymnal's suggestion though and she nodded as she lifted her head and sat down next to her. Then she scooted over close with a smile.

I think that's a great idea! Actually, my mom was the one who used to do it with us when we were small. But only little bits, not like me and Wraen. Your aunt even got your dad to do it a time or two. And he'd done pretty well!! But it had definitely been out of his comfort zone at time time and it was funny to look back now and remember.

What kind of story, do you think? Adventure? Or sappy, gross romance. She leaned over to tickle her daughter's shoulder playfully, grateful that she was so wonderful and had so easily turned things to a brighter direction.
120 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Once her mother had settled near the river, Hymnal snuggle into her side. She listened as she told her about how her own mom had played the game with her and how her aunt had even got papa to play. This brought a wide grin to her face. Now she would have to ask Eljay to play later. 

She giggled at Maia's affection and then nuzzled her face into her shoulder. I think... she started. Both stories sounded fun honestly. A romance story! She had only just started to be curious about such things.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I do this to myself! Story time :D this has been in drafts forever, oops

A romance!!  Okay then,  Maia replied, her smile growing as she thought about which story to tell.  Her mind went to a story she'd mentioned telling Weejay a long time ago, but instead, she knew the perfect characters.  One of them she'd loved a long time and had told stories about before... the other hadn't gotten a story yet, which was honestly just ridiculous.

Once upon a time there was a traveling bard.  Her name was Starchaser and she was known, far and wide, for the stories she told!  She was welcome almost anywhere and could trade news, or a performance, for a meal.  She figured her life had to be pretty much perfect, but for some reason, something was missing. 

One day, she was traveling through a really thick forest.  The branches blocked nearly all of the sun, making it feel like dusk, even though the sun was high in the sky.  Maia let her voice get a little lower, a hint that something was coming.  Starchaser had traveled a lot of places on her own, but she still began to feel nervous.  Something about that forest felt so quiet.  There weren't even birds singing in the trees.

She hated the silence more than she was afraid, so she began to sing to make herself feel braver. It worked and, as she sang, she spotted a shadow that seemed to be following her. It wasn't getting closer, and it didn't feel like it was a threat. When she turned to see it, it would hide. But as she began to sing again, it drew closer.

'Do you like the song?' She didn't expect a reply. But a few moments later, a voice did answer.

'How does it end?'

Maia paused here, both for effect and to subtly gauge Hymnal's interest in the story. This was entirely new, a story she was crafting on the spot, and those were always both the most fun and the most difficult. This was the point where she would need to begin to bring it around. Who was this mysterious shadow and how did this unfold into a romance? She had a vague idea, a thread that she could build upon.
120 Posts
Ooc — Hela
LOL nw!

Hymnal snuggled in close to her mom and prepared to listen to her story. This was her favorite thing to do with mama. 

She stared up and gave Maia her full focus as she began to tell the story of a traveling bard named Starchaser. The bard told stories just like mama! 

When her mom's voice became suspenseful, Hymnal reached out and placed her paw over Maia's larger one without ever realizing it; she was too engrossed in the story. Starchaser made herself feel braver by singing when she was nervous. Hymnal thought that was very clever. But whoever was in the forest with her wouldn't show themselves. 

When the bard spoke to the shadow and the shadow answered, Hymnal's jaw fell open a little and there was a sharp intake of breath. Yeah, Mama—how does it end?
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Hymnal was clearly transfixed. Maia laughed, then slid easily back into it. Well! Starchaser could have just told him, but she was curious. And the voice sounded nice enough, so she answered "You have to come out to find out."

"I can't." The voice sounded so upset when they said this, Starchaser stopped in her tracks. That didn't make any sense! There was nothing stopping them, and they sounded real enough. "Most who pass through don't even see me. I had to hear the rest, but I thought you would pass through like the rest. Or run away, thinking I was a ghost."

"Are you a ghost?" She asked back, but it was clear that she was joking. She believed in things like spirits, but she didn't believe they haunted the way the stories said. They protected the places they cared about from harm, but she meant none and he seemed to know this. "You must be, otherwise you'd be able to show yourself."

"I'm not a ghost. I'm a shadow."

Starchaser laughed at first, but then she noticed the way she couldn't focus on the shape, and that despite being able to see it flicker among the other shadows, there was nothing solid to cast it. "You're serious, aren't you?" She had never heard of such a thing! Can you believe it? A shadow without a wolf!

Maia had considered making the curse a monster, but no monster would suit Eljay. This story rang way better and would have a much better ending.

"It was a curse. My mother stole something from someone a long time ago. I didn't used to be this way, but as I grew up, I started to fade away. I tried to talk to wolves at first, but they never listened. They never sang either." He sounded so sad that her heart practically broke for him. As a bard, she had a hard time imagining ever being ignored like that. How many stories did he have to have that no one had listened to! All because they were scared of something that couldn't even hurt them!

"What's your name?"

"Rowan. Rowan Everlight. Can you finish the song, before you go? I just want to hear how it ends."

And Starchaser did finish the song, but she didn't leave. She stayed and told him stories, and after a while he began to share some of his. Some were beautiful, others were heartbreaking, and many were about the wolves who passed through his forest. They hadn't noticed him but he had seen them and remembered them, their stories and their laughter. At first it was harder to share them, but the longer Starchaser stayed, the more that laughter began to return to him too.

And slowly, she began to notice a change. She didn't say anything, but the more time they spent together, the more his form seemed to return. She didn't want to get his hopes up because the process was so slow, she wasn't even sure it was happening. After a while, though, even he noticed it.

The curse, it seemed, relied on him feeling invisible as well. Starchaser never let that happen while she was around, so eventually, Rowan broke free of it completely. And the two had become so close, and fallen so deeply in love because of it, that they decided to stay in that forest together.

Now, when wolves passed through, they found a welcoming family to stay and share stories with. Sometimes the ones with nowhere else to go even chose to stay there themselves. That's why, even though she did not travel nearly as often, Starchaser never felt bored or alone. She had too much love to ever need anything else.

Maia finished the story with a satisfied wave of her tail, a flourish that signaled it was done. She hadn't actually intended it to be the end of Starchaser's tales, but the fun part about stories was that she could always go back and fill the middle with as many stories as she wanted. Besides - who was to say she and Rowan never traveled? Still, the end felt right. The forest had been Rowan's home, and there was no way Starchaser would leave while he stayed.
120 Posts
Ooc — Hela
When the story revealed that the shadow had been a wolf before and was trapped by a curse, Hymnal's heart filled with sadness. She didn't see how this could be a love story if one of the characters was cursed to be a shadow. It was so sad. But she was highly invested, and she desperately wished for something to change.

As the story progressed, so did her sadness—Starchaser and Rowan clearly belonged together but there was still no way for them to actually be together, at least not that she could see. 

So imagine her surprise when the longer the two spent together, and the less alone Rowan felt, the more the shadow started to fade into the wolf he was formerly. Hymnal's eyes lit up and her mouth opened a little in wonder. She was so relieved!

They got to have a family and a life—a true happy ending. 

Humnal grinned. Mama! I was worried! she said first. But that was the best story ever! She stood up and reached to plant kisses all over her mom's face.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia often found herself getting lost in a story, especially one she was making. She hadn't noticed Hymnal's investment until she enthusiastically said it, and Maia laughed as Hymnal peppered her with appreciative kisses. A good romance has to end happily, right? Though sometimes it's fun to tell a tragedy, and to listen to one! Some wolves try to avoid feelings they think are bad, but I don't think any feeling is a bad feeling. I love a story that makes me feel sad. Maia wagged her tail, then returned a few kisses, planting them on her daughter's cheek.

I'm glad you liked it. Any notes? While the question could be flippant, Maia was actually curious. Hymnal took a pretty big interest in her stories and picked up on things so quickly. She was sensitive, smart, and probably would make an amazing storyteller someday if she wanted to be one. Good or bad, feedback was one of her biggest tools towards improving.
120 Posts
Ooc — Hela
At first, Hymnal shied away from entertaining the idea of listening to a tragedy, but then her mother said that it was okay to feel all feelings; none of them were bad. It was a little more than she could really understand, but the words would stick with her. 

Maia asked for any notes and Hymnal jumped on her to hug her mother and pepper her with kisses. No mama, she said, giggling. That story is perfect. She loved how warm and hopeful it made her feel.
1,563 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
The best review I've ever had! Maia laughed with delight at it, but she meant it too. Hearing that her daughter loved her story meant more, and would always mean more, than hearing that from a stranger or even another packmate. There was something special behind it.

I'll race you back to the clearing... I bet your daddy will be home soon! She'd wait for Hymnal to agree and, even though she knew she'd likely lose, would give her daughter a head start in the process. She wasn't too interested in winning and more just wanted the excuse to run alongside her through the trees.
120 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Okay! she exclaimed. She loved to race and finding papa was a good reason. 

The blackthorn girl burst forward with a giggle, running as if her life depended on it. She couldn't wait to tell papa about the story she had just heard. Maybe she could retell it while they all ate dinner together. She thought Sylvie would enjoy it too. 

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