Redsand Canyon Dreamer
72 Posts
Ooc — Aero
All Welcome 
Sybol stared up at the night sky. He wasn't entirely sure what he was looking at. He rolled rightside up and sang out a call for @Tierra. Is this how you learn things? He didn't think this was what he was supposed to be doing. There were clouds in the sky, none of them were dark though. Usually when it was going to rain they were darker. He sighed and rolled back onto his back. The moon was easy to spot but not very big.
370 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Since their time exploring things together, Tierra had gotten more casually affectionate with Sybol. She didn't feel like they needed to label it, but if she could keep his attention, keep him looking at her the way he did... she would. She wasn't particularly shy about it either.

She still hadn't told anyone here about Reyes, but she'd convinced herself he was fine. Therefore there was nothing to talk about.

When Sybol called she was just finishing a boring patrol. She'd thought about grabbing him but since he was still kind of slow, she wanted to get it done quickly more than she wanted the company. Now she changed directions, though, and instead of heading for the dens went to join her friend.

Please tell me you have food. I'm starving. She complained playfully as she sauntered up, then flopped over next to him. He was just kind of laying on a hill, which after a moment, struck her as a little odd. Whatcha doing?
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72 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Um, we could try and find food... But I'm trying to look at stars and stuff... Cause I want to study the sky. THAT ONE! He pointed his paw straight up Does that cloud look like a moose? It was one of only a few clouds in the sky. I'm pretty sure it's not gonna rain, for like ever. He sighed wistfully.
370 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She rolled onto her back next to him and looked up at what he was talking about. Maybe. A deformed one, with like, a really long nose. The antlers were there though, and the legs and stuff kinda.

Why're you looking at the sky? I mean, I guess the stars are pretty. But there isn't much to see, right? Her uncle could spend hours at night doing the same thing and Tierra thought it looked dreadfully boring. Sometimes, when she first got here, she'd joined @Phox in doing it just because it helped her to fall asleep. Not that she'd picked much up.

What are you looking for? She couldn't see anything except a few clouds.
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72 Posts
Ooc — Aero
He couldn't stop thinking about the time he had spent alone with her, and craved more and more and more of it. Hoping that she was thoroughly distracted, he wanted to take advantage of it. Sybol rolled over and hovered himself overtop of her. I dunno, but I think I found it He moved to nibble her jawline.
370 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She definitely wasn't expecting that, but she was glad that he recognized she was way more interesting to look at than any old moose clouds. Tierra lifted her chin with a bit of a rumbling purr. Then she lowered it to look at him.

Yeah? What makes you so sure? She asked. Her gaze didn't waver, but a bit of a prickle started in her back. She didn't know what she wanted to hear, exactly, but she would take about anything that meant he was hers. And that he wanted her to be his... even if she hadn't gotten so far as to consider her own answer to that.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
72 Posts
Ooc — Aero
He moved his nibbles down her throat. I've never felt such feelings for anyone before. He rumbled. And don't think it's all because you saved my life or anything like that. He growled. It's you, you're just so alive. He didn't know how else to explain it. Everyone else he'd met in life seemed to go through the motions of survival but didn't actually take the time to enjoy life outside of that. While the woman below him snuck in bits of time for herself. I want you to be mine, as I have always been yours since the day we met. He blurted with finality. He hid his face in her fur for a moment before meeting her eyes.
370 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, wow. The way he was moving down her throat was definitely distracting, but the fact that she'd never heard him talk like this had her attention focused. He was serious, and he was just saying it.

She didn't really need to think things through. The only important thing was that she definitely wanted his attention to herself, just like this, for as long as she could possibly keep it. Something about him... she couldn't explain it. She didn't really care to.

Tierra reached up to wrap her forepaws around him, bringing him closer. Well, this is exactly why I saved your life, actually. So I could have you. It wasn't true, but it didn't matter if it was. I told you everyone else here was dead boring. She laughed, but her eyes were glowing. She definitely felt alive right now.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
72 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Oh yes, because you totally planned to come across a dying guy that day. He nipped her throat before running his tongue across the mark. I'm pretty sure it was the delirium. He enjoyed being overtop of her like this, he wasn't used to having this kind of control over her. Having her eyes focused on him like this, her paws wrapped around him. He let out low contented growl. His body felt like it was on fire.
370 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maybe that's just what I always do. Find half-dead guys and get them to join. Maybe you fell right into my trap. Tierra smiled, though internally, she was surprised and a little thrown by how deep she was into this. This was Sybol. He wasn't some hunk, or some dangerous stranger come to sweep her off her feet. So what was this feeling?

As much as she wanted to push forward in the direction they were clearly going, Tierra pulled him over instead, trying to topple him sideways so that he'd end up next to her.

Maybe you won't fall into any more if I teach you how to avoid them. She added, teasing and poking at him playfully with a paw.
-Signing.- | Speaking. | -Signing & speaking.-
72 Posts
Ooc — Aero
Sybol sighed deeply as she pushed him off her. Teach me them, I'm waiting. His eyes bore into hers. His body still felt the heat from standing over her. He shook his head and smiled at her. As she poked at him he nipped at her paw playfully.
370 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oh, he wanted the lesson now! She thought about it for just a moment, then nodded and smiled like she one hundred percent had all the answers. She was totally down to play around and make it up as she went. First off, you gotta be super awesome at taking care of yourself so that no one can make you do anything as, like, a trade or anything. Part of why I was able to trick you so easy was because you sucked at that part. She grinned, her eyes sparkling with the joke behind it. She obvs wasn't being totally serious. You're definitely getting better, but we still gotta train.

After that you get to do lesson two. Which is how to use your awesome skills to get others to do things for you instead. But that's, like, advanced classes. Tierra crouched playfully, then hopped a step back. You gotta pass the test first. Then she bent into a more obvious play bow, inviting him to try and get the jump on her... but ready to dart away and make him chase her the instant he tried.

I'm fine to continue this or fade it out, whatever you prefer!! He is too cute <3 I love Sybol a lot
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