Iktome Plains Risk is its own Reward
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
All Welcome 
Heph ranged the plains. At first she had been following the scent of a herd that had passed briefly across the outskirts of the plateau but she quickly found that the trails were plentiful in the plains treacherous though they were to someone not watching their step. The bunches of grass and the dips and roots they presents were enough to slow her pace but she was preoccupied with the trail and birds fluttered up around her marking her progress. She would have to move more carefully once she neared but the trail was old enough that she did not mind and did nothing to quiet her approach as she enjoyed the ranging just as much as the tracking. Though the plains was so broad she sometimes fancied she could see across it she thought there might be hidden rabbit dens and long-used trails to mark the landscape as well. Carefully she began the process of trying to remember.

All welcome, but if @Andr could post first it would be much appreciated!
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Forward Dated a few days :)

He'd been prone in the tall grass just adjacent to a large game trail within the Plains. They hid him from the various prey animals that were strolling through that day. Though positioned for an ambush this was not Andr's priority. The warmer air of spring and the soothing breeze from the sea were relaxing. A perfect setting for a laid-back day of wolf TV. Watching the various species of wildlife interact with one another when they were not under the threat of pursuit was different. More amusing as they played with one another exposing their more vulnerable traits under the allusion of safety.

He watched as a pair of Killdeer birds hopped around one another. Almost like they were playing a game of tag while also stopping here and there to peck at the ground and eat the various bugs strune about. Then, they and other birds of the area flew up into the air. Spooked by something. Initially, Andr thought it was himself before hearing something shuffling up the trail coming in his direction. Still, in his camouflaged position, he waited to see what would cross his path.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph continued on the trail, occasionally veering off of it to investigate some nook. She thought she saw the trail of a snake, but could not be sure this early into the spring and decided not to follow. The prone figure in the grass escaped her notice on approach and she did nothing to slow her pace a she began to trot past taking care not to trip but more focused on the broader world around her than any of the minutia. She almost stumbled though after picking her paws over a nest in the ground when rather than fleeing a killdeer swooped violently in to peck at her ear, and then another. Giving a shout of surprise she tried her best to catch her footing, and get away from the birds that continued to scream shrilly. But they seemed unimpressed with the ground she had already given and she winced as one of them managed a rather impressive peck to her snout.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Taking some liberty here. Let me know if this is too much pp for ya :) Willing to change

He waited silently in the tall grass and watched as a dark female came strolling by, indicating no sign that she was aware of Andr's presence. She appeared to be a curious and lively sort from her stride and way about the land.

Andr pressed one of his front paws onto the ground as though he were about to rise up, but hesitated. He didn't wish to scare her, but he did feel compelled to say hello. He lowered himself back down and took a moment to think of the best way to make himself known without startling her. After all, he had not intentionally been stalking her.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of aggravated Killdeer and a shout he assumed came from the female. From his vantage point, he could no longer see her as her encounter with the enraged bird had initiated further down the trail. Trying to get a better view he inched out of the grass and onto the path still low to the ground. 

Then he saw her, and rather quickly at that. As she fled from the birds he inadvertently pulled out right in front of her, and caused her to trip, landing atop of him. Their only saving grace was that the Killdeer seemed pleased enough and flew away back to it's damaged nest.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
The world to her eyes became a jumble until she gave out another yelp and felt herself tumble over someone else. Then all off the sudden the bird was gone, the sounds distant, and she was almost completely on top of another wolf - brown and earthen in coloration with eyes like a sky after snow. She laughed a bit at the situation, trying to find a way to leverage herself up without placing a paw into his liver or something of the like "I'd come here more often if I knew there were wolves like you to trip over." It came off slightly breathless, the wind still knocked out of her from the fall. After stretching her leg out towards the earth again she managed to extricate herself to stand near enough.

Shaking out her coat she focused again on the wolf in front of her, mind finally catching up to the situation she found herself in. "As much as I enjoyed being on top of you I usually like at least a name first. I'm Heph." Her voice was teasing and light, her own introduction coming almost as an afterthought. The trail was not urgent and was old enough she did not need to follow it closely and company was at the very least a pleasant diversion and possibly could be a companion on the hunt for whenever she did catch up to the larger prey where she would have to hope for some very good luck if she were on her own.

It's all good!
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
A light groan escaped him as her weight landed on him and pushed the air from his chest. It all happened so suddenly. One moment in the grass hidden and silent. Then the next loud bird screeching and being tripped over. Luckily the bird screeching had flown off and the dust settling. Before she could even speak he was apologizing nervously. "Oh... I'm sorry... I didn't mean..." but he ceased his initial frantic response when he heard her laugh.

A breathless response in the form of humorous flirtation...

For the few moments that she lay atop him, he felt hot. A flash of warmth sent through him and a pounding in his chest. A light ringing in his ear made it difficult to hear and he froze.

But as she managed to lift herself and continued to speak things returned to normal and he caught just the end of her words giving and requesting a name. He shook his head and stood up, taking a deep breath, and a step back before shaking off his coat, so as not to spray any dirt on her. "My apologizes Heph" he said bowing his head in greeting towards her. "I am Andromed Dorian. Though you may call me Andr if you wish. It was not my intention to interrupt your... bird watching" he said with a relieved smile.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph listened intently, the interaction the core of her focus as she appraised her surroundings in the kind of distant way that came from a longstanding habit more than anything. Just as polite and gentlemanly as Rodyn if a little less confident in his own charms, it added a layer of comfort to the exchange. He even gave her space so she was not dusted with dirt as if her pelt had not seen worse days bathed in seawater or some other things. Andr.

A sharp but good natured huff escaped her at his rather generous description. "More like they were watching me. But don't worry about it, you're a far more pleasant sight." Her tone was suggestive and leaning, but bright. But it did not laugh and she looked in the direction of the trail and added "I wasn't bird-watching anyways, I was just following an older trail. If anything I should apologize for interrupting whatever you were doing."

There was a gentle smile on her features, she had not noticed him prior to stumbling so perhaps he had been on a more immanent hunt or maybe he actually had been bird-watching. It was a pastime that was familiar to her only in conjunction with attempting to snatch the unlucky fowl but not one she was opposed to in principle - simply she liked moving more.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Andr was not clueless to the advances and flirtations of women... he just wasn't certain of them. Was she being playful? Was she simply giving a compliment? Or did she have more meaningful intentions? These are the types of questions Andr was not skilled at answering.

...Playful? That's the guess he was making. Or the safest option out of all of them. "Glad to hear I'm more appealing than an aggravated Killdeer," he said with a half-humorous huff.

He had been bird-watching, but it was more of an opportunistic event than a planned one. To her response, he shook his head. "No need. That's quite alright. Do you know what left the trail?" he asked openly expressing his curiosity while gesturing to the trail.

She gave off the energy of a bouncing light. One quick to grow with the potential to singe if left to its own devices.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
She laughed when he responded with a rejoinder of his own, answering her in the game that she had started. It was airy and just a little bit too light to fully empty her lungs. So she still had room for words left in her chest. "Oh by far, and I'd doubtless have more fun if it was you who decided to take a bite." While the bird had not really intended to eat her she had to admit it had been rather aggressive in its defense.

Heph listened to his question and took it in a stride, tail wagging and her attention turning once again in the direction of the trail. Her ears read a little more alertly as her focus shifted, but her answer remained easy with dips and curves around the words. "Deer I think, we could find out for sure if you care to join me?" There was an uptick that signaled the question but she would welcome the company and he looked like a fair enough hunter, strong-limbed and muscular. Few wolves could afford to live a complete life of leisure his frame spoke of a wolf that would be able to cover the distances needed in a chase to her own eye.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Oops. Posted with the wrong toon. Repost

Deer. An ungulate. His preferred prey. They seemed the most worthy to have a wolf as their opponent. Other creatures of prey were viable but usually also sought after by smaller predators. The ungulates however were the prey for wolves, beers, and large cats. They also seemed to be the most challenging. 

"That sounds delightful," he said to her question. A hunt, some company, and perhaps something to occupy her and keep her advances from progressing outside of their thus far playful nature.

"Would you care to take the lead? Or shall I?" he asked always offering the choice to the lady.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
She was mildly surprised that he offered the lead to her, but knowing that she had been following the trail she felt confident in taking point on their joint venture. Smiling she teased "If you don't mind following I'd be happy to lead us on." Her voice was light and playful but she did not press and instead began following the trail she had been on prior with a slightly brisker case. After all, now she really did wish to catch up to the herd.

Scent told her that there would be more than one or two deer, although none of the scattered tracks spoke of any grievous injuries. It could be that something subtle would reveal itself once they neared, but she was not overly hopeful on luck as much as skills as now there were two wolves following the trail.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Glossing over the hunt as discussed in PM :) Feeling free to add or clarify anything you like. Left it rather vague. Thank you!

He could tell that she had done this before. The techniques and behaviors she displayed told him as much. Not shy to take the leading role he followed her along the trail until the herd was in sight. A group of a little more than a handful of deer stood grazing before them as they devised a plan. He kept his word and listen as she designated a target and shared her strategy. It was a solid plan and Andr has no disagreements, eager to help her in any way she needed him.

Then they were off. Working as a team to separate the target from the herd and bring it to the ground. Not everything went according to plan, no hunt ever does, especially when taking into account the actions of your prey never willing to play by the book. After a bit of back and forth, the doe was pinned, and Andr huffed through his teeth as they were sunk into the jugular. He wanted to grant her as painless a death as possible and he held there until he no longer felt a pulse.

Letting go softly, he licked the blood from his muzzle and offered "Ladies first" to Heph.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph was glad that they were able to find the herd, and when Andr confirmed the plan they sprung into action. The pair worked well together and they managed to separate the deer from the rest of the small band sticking to the plan. However, once they began working to bring her down and the struggle ensued they were forced to improvise. But even that did not hinder them overmuch and they both adjusted to better positions at her flanks.

Seeing the creature flagging Heph flung herself at the haunches, feeling a sharp pressure on her ribs but she was too close to the deer for it to fully land a kick. Andr brought it down making the death quick and as painless as possible before she went limp beneath them. Laughing, blood staining her own muzzle, she grinned but took the offered first bite gratefully. "Can't resist such a gentleman." Tearing open the carcass at the belly to preserve the belt she took a hefty first bite before shuffling so there was room for both of them at the carcass, waving over her hunting companion with a shake of her head.

of course and this all looks good, lmk if you'd like anything edited on my end as well!
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
He caught his breath as she took the first bites into their fallen prey. It made his chest warm watching her eat. Knowing that he had contributed. She shifted to the side and gave him room to join. The deer was plenty big enough for both of them, so he did not worry about her not getting her fill.

He'd witnessed the jab to Heph's ribcage during the hunt. "Is your side alright?" he asked before taking his first bites.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled, taking a moment to survey Andr as well, but had not witnessed any strikes on him. "Yes, thank you. It didn't have the chance to get full extend. I got a little caught up in the thrill of it all." The glimmer in her eyes revealed the truth of her words - she found hunting exciting as it was necessary. She supposed since it was something she had to do it was just as well she enjoyed it even if it often made her more than willing to take risks.

"Are you all good as well?" It was better to be safe than sorry after all, she knew that not all of the worst injuries had blood on the surface. Internal pains could present their own danger.

Sorry for the wait! I'm probably also going to be gone for a little while - absence thingy - but I'll be DM-able on discord and will try to check PMs here too if you want to coordinate/etc.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
All good. I just got back from a trip myself :)

"Yes. Thank you." he replied, with a bit of meat in his cheek. Other than the typical feeling of being winded after the chase he was unharmed.

He could see the fire in her expression. It seemed to glow even brighter than her normal flame.

Allowing the morsel in his mouth to fall down his throat before he spoke he continued "You are quite the huntress. Is this your trade of choice?". Andr lived for the hunt and all that it provided, but he knew others that viewed it as simply a necessary task in life.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
"Only when I have a talented partner." She grinned, sending him a teasing wink despite the genuine warmth that suffused her voice. Chewing a bit more of the meat she considered the question. In her heart of hearts she would always be a wanderer, or at least she thought, things always changed. But she took joy in the challenge of the hunt and found herself honing her skills.

"One of them, I enjoy it, but I like exploring more. What about you?" She found herself curious over her companion now having the opportunity to converse with food between them and an indeterminate amount of time. Her posture was relaxed and she let herself simply bask in the moment.

ayyy, hope you had a great trip!
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Despite her teasing, Andr couldn't help but grin following her compliment. He had done good, and she was enjoying a meal due to his efforts. That feeling would fill him far more than the true meal before them.

"This is my passion. While inevitably one will discover new terrain following their prey, bringing the spoils to others..." he took a deep breath in and a relaxing breath out. "That is all I need." 

"Does your desire for exploration keep you from making roots?" he asked continuing to casually eat, and making sure there was no food in his mouth then he spoke.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
The meal slowed in pace and she enjoyed the leisurely track of time. While she was slightly bemused by the good manners of her dining companion she found it reminded her of another gentlemanly wolf that she had met and memories of her own elder siblings berating her for her haste at mealtimes prompted her own upbringing to show through as it did at times. She hummed a bit around the question unsure of how to answer. A short while ago she would not have hesitated to say yes, but now she had a pack to return to a den that she was slowly but surely collecting pelts and bones in so her answer was undoubtedly yes. 

But why she had settled had much to do with who she had settled beside and she did not think friends like hers were easy to come by. "I recently settled with a pack on the coast near here, Moontide." She paused naturally to take nose around a bit of muscle revealing a bone beneath and considered the merits of tugging and seeing if she could get a bit of marrow. "But I'm fulfilling a role as a trader and ambassador of sorts which gives me plenty of leeway to travel." Her smile turned a bit sharp, but remained genuine. "I was lucky enough to get the best of both worlds, roots quick to grow and branches quick to spread." Her head tilted as she caught on his earlier speech. "If you wish to share your talents am I to take it you've a pack to feed as well or are you simply a good samaritan spreading goodwill wherever you go?" It was a rather strange if admirable philosophy in a loner and not one that Heph had come to expect.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
"I'm glad to hear of your fortune in both worlds," he remarked listed to her analogy of a fully prospering tree. He chuckled at her slightly sarcastic comment of good samaritism. "I suppose I must fall into the latter of the categories. While I was formerly in a pack, I do not have one presently to call home".

His gaze had glanced over in the direction of the coast, as he thought about where her pack may reside. "You may have what remains," he stated with his belly satiated and he took a seat licking and cleaning his chomps.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph was a bit surprised, once more, at the offer but as she did indeed have more mouths to think of than her own she did not truly wish to refuse. Her smile was wide and though her voice was joking it held a genuine air to it that betrayed her appreciation. "I'll hardly turn down such a gallant offer though I'm afraid I have little to offer in return." She considered the carcass before hefting it up, partially onto her shoulders so that she could continue to speak, the skeleton still remaining with enough of the tendons and ligaments so that the entire thing did not slide off.

Orienting herself towards the plateau was a simple matter, not only because of the visual of it over the plains but because it was so near she found herself enjoying the familiarity. "If you walk with me part of the way though I could show you the borders? I'm always happy to repay a favor or greet a friend. And if you ever want to settle the pack is growing and always seeking strong hunters." Though the canine in front of her seemed plenty skilled to make his own way and well satisfied in his path she wished to make the offer if only because such hearts were rare to come across.
175 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Thank you! Fade here? :)

She needn't offer anything in return, he thought to himself. The fact that her belly was full and likely the belly of others as she returned home was plenty enough repayment for him.

As she moved to lift the carcass he thought about offering his help, but she seemed to manage just fine, although he stood up alongside her just in case she asked.

When she spoke of her pack and the continuous opening for avid hunters his first thought was of how nice it would be to continue to see the fine lady beside him. Another part of him hesitated, thinking of what had happened at Dorian along with the potential other... personalities that may reside among her ranks. For now, a final walk was his mission. "While I appreciate the sentiment, to walk you home is repayment enough," he said with a smile ready to follow her and take a glimpse at the border of her home.
738 Posts
Ooc — Lepos
Heph smiled and began heading that way. While she hoped that their paths crossed again the life of a wanderer was not so conducive to returns as it was to first brushes. That part she did not miss, if only because she found she enjoyed the steady deepening of those friendships that seemed most suited towards stretches of time. "Then I'll thank the stars to get off so easily and in such charming company." When they arrived at the borders they parted ways, although she was sure that he would be able to find them again if he wished.

Anytime and thank you! Fading here sounds good and if you thought they vibed well I'd love another thread :D