Moonspear as the wind guides your paws
"isn't there a white knight, upon a fiery steed?"
30 Posts
Ooc — Kai
All Welcome 
@Njord for visibility, referencing this thread
Following the wolf balancing the golden child on his shoulders was the white knight, if one could recognize his pelt as such a color. Blood tainted his coat in red and pink hues, wounds of varying depth raked along his sides and shoulders, chunks of fur missing from his normally luxurious fur. A knight fresh from the fight, indeed was he, and every bit wanting to lay down and not move again until not a single hair was out of place and the sunset colors were rinsed back to his natural look. His pads were left almost numb and painful from carrying his large frame up a mountain, weary limbs weakened from battle. But he’d promised the girl he’d see her home, and he didn’t intend to lie. 
He didn’t think anyone could quite carry such a large wolf, and he was a man of honor, or - the battle had definitely made him rethink his previous plans for how he wanted to go forward with his life. Though he did not consider himself much a healer or a warrior in those moments, he wanted to strive for greater abilities to heal and defend. Defend innocent pups like her and that little one who went back to her home elsewhere. 
Shard found himself inside a pack called Moonspear, invited to recover. But despite his body yearning for rest, he just had to make sure that little pup was back with her mother. He’d promised, made a vow to himself that no matter what happened, she’d end up back in the loving embrace of her mom and dad. She deserved it, though in his opinion, she too fought just as bravely as the men in that fight. 
So he went restless about the land, searching for the healer's setup or the golden fur of the pup, or anyone who could claim her as a daughter.
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It wouldn't be the child's father or any relative that he'd find, but the healer that loved a little girl fiercely. It was with surprise and irritation both he followed the bitter scent of blood and pain. 

And his path led him to a stray about. Alaric met him with sage green eyes. Though he iffered his trademark amile. Hiding the worry beneath a rogues face.

You look like you could use a healer mate.
"isn't there a white knight, upon a fiery steed?"
30 Posts
Ooc — Kai
The pale knight dipped his head with a slow appreciation for the discovery; any more and he feared it'd start spinning. I would, if you don't mind. he panted, sitting down. He regretted that instantly, having wounds that laced his sides. But as much as he wanted to proclaim that it hurt, he did not. It was obvious in the small yelp that he couldn't quite muffle under his breath. 

Are you a healer, perhaps? Did you check over the girl?
559 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric gave a nod at the first question. You are in luck I am. I am also a storyteller, bard and trader, but that has nothing to do with the current moment at hand.

Alaric looked over his wounds a deep furrow in his brow thinking through what he had. He released the small piece of bark that  kept the medicine pelt tight to his throat and as it fell he used precise movements to flip it open. Moving the small slivers that covered different areas and herbs.

Though there was a tigjtening in his maw at the mention of Seal and his heart tightened.

No, Sialuk and Elentari also healers are caring for Seal and Njord. I was away until now on an envoy mission.

Now he looked him over. Grasping a small wooden log that he bored out with his claws, teeth and small bones he nodded.

Gonna get some mountain water one sec.

The long legged beast headed towards a nearby spring he knew about filling it. And as he returned he gently pulled some reeds from the pouch.

I'm gonna use these reeds and water to clean up some of your wounds so I can see what I'm working with. Then Marigold for topical, to help with infection and heal it better. Aloe to soothe and I can give you some poppy which can be dangerous i won't lie or some ginger. The ginger won't help the pain as much, but it will take the edge off. You think about it and let me know mmk?

Alaric moved his stuff and lifted his head green eyes normally impish and teasing now full of grit, confidence and knowledge. A wolf who knew his craft.

Alright lets go. 

With gentle grasp he dipped part of the reed in the water and slowly began to clean at some of the wounds careful as he could be.