Lost Creek Hollow A queen and her ruined castle
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Ash Paw didn't know all that had transpired, but the clan lay in pieces shattered at her feet. 

Harbingers of SOS had trickled in and stolen the small peace ATKA had lay, and yet it was deserved in someway. She knew this. You couldn't sow discord  in the name of another and not expect SOS to deliver upon his cold promises to you. 

There must always be balance in the world and the current wolves had not allowed proper balance. They had kept secrets and snuck around and now look.

 Remnants of a battle not even physically fought lay in pieces and there was a great sundering.

Ash Paw lifted tawny head, blue eyes to the sky saying prayers to both. Then she methodically took herself around the packlands in search of herbs and she would need to do some hunting. They needed to fill caches.
60 Posts
Ooc — hela
She still had some healing to do, but she wasn't the type to sit around and do nothing. She felt good enough to get to work, and so she set out in search of someone who needed help. She could always patrol the borders if she found nothing, but she wondered if that was the best idea. She was still injured, and she probably wouldn't do that well in a fight hurt or not. She should fix that. One thing at a time, though. For now, she needed to let her wounds heal. 

But she could still find other things to do that wouldn't impede her healing. Luckily, she found Ash Paw. She was looking for something, and Aminthe approached with a soft chuff. Need help? she asked.
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Aminthe was healing well it seemed. A good name for a wolf. One Ash Paw may have chosen for her own children. Though her daughters were not near. Shadowpup, storm pup they were near, but not the ones she had birthed.

Ash Paw turned azure eyes towards her with a small smile. I was debating on hunting or herb gathering. I think the latter will be easier on wounds that are healing.
60 Posts
Ooc — hela
As much as Aminthe wished she could help with hunting, she knew she wasn't healed enough for that. Of course, she didn't have to tell the healer that; she knew what she was doing. So Ash Paw suggested they search for herbs instead. Aminthe was happy to help. 

Are you looking for anything specific? I don't know too much about which plants are helpful and which are harmful or useless, she explained. She didn't want to accidentally pick up something poisonous.
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw was many things, including a failing queen. However, she was also a healer and a damn good one if she said so herself, which she often did. There wasn't much humility in her when it came to such a thing. Though she imagined she should be. After all, perhaps that was her true failing. To be proud and haughty of her skill, of her position. And now look, her children all of them dispersed. Her pack crumbling at their very foundations. What was she to do. Though with new recruits came new faces and new bodies to help them maneuver and plan. Perhaps it would not all be lost. 

Aminthe was one such. Ash Paw felt she could teach the girl much, if she would listen and allow her to teach her. She was also built well to help add food to the caches and help raise any children.

I will look for Rosemary, Parsley, Thyme and Mint. All of them  help with cooler weather ailments.  Rosemary for headaches for wintertime blues, it is a bit shaggy looking. Parsley for stomach conditions, they look a bit like a star/small leaves. Thyme for stomach conditions, looks a bit like a mini tree and Mint of course for coughs, stomach aches, and bad breath among other things.

She didn't think she would need to describe mint, it was one that many knew and once it was crushed under footpaw, it had a pleasing scent.