Moonspear hansel and gretel
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
All Welcome 
his fort was nearly complete. donned with twigs, leaves, pebbles and more, the construction of his little hideaway was coming to a close. it was just missing one last piece that would complete the puzzle. a fur hide. the ulaq was decorated beautifully with them, and acrux desired one for himself and his man-cave. where to get one though was completely lost to him. he imagined they were the same as all the other decorations he'd discovered, he just needed to go out and find it. 

he readied himself with a stretch as he prepared to go off in search of his missing decor when the pale sheen of porcelain caught his attention. he turned his toes in the direction of the bleached figure and strode up to give a loving brush against the side of @Maggak. "maggie," he started, paws pulling him around to face his sister. "wanna go 'sploring?" he asked with excitement in his eyes.
"atkan aleut"
80 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maggak's eyes of jade rest on a songbird nestled between the branches of a lone pine. It chirps and bobs its downy head while it watches her; and in response, her lips part in a loud WOOF. What was it doing staring at her? What had she done to cross it?
And right as she prepares herself to send another warning yap into its eardrums, she hears the call of— Maggie! and the brush of a nightwoven head against her shoulder.
Acroo! His name falls lazily from her lips, or perhaps she just still can't quite pronounce it. His fur is laced with burrs and dirt; he'd been up to something, and now her curiosity had been piqued. Without her? But, oh, now he was inviting her to something else! Shore, she nods her head vigorously as her tail stirs into a wave. wher' we goin'?
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
her question was met with a toothy grin. he gave a glance about to ensure no parental prying eyes were watching over them before he leaned in close and whispered, "to da trolls." he pulled away, paw lifting to point in the direction of where he'd seen the troll lair. some might call it imagination, but acrux was certain the trolls had what he needed. beautiful fur pelts just waiting to be taken, and all they needed to do was sneak in and grab some. 

he turned back to his pale counterpart, eyes gleaming with childish anticipation at what they'd discover together. how exciting this would be!
"atkan aleut"
80 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Da trolls? her head flops into a tilt. Trolls lived in the village? She'd never heard of such a thing! Either way, she is happy to go along with it, happy to be included. Oki!
She is the one who starts walking first, toddling and tumbling very slowly toward one of the paths that wind down the side of the great Moonspear. Dis wey? she squawks, head now flung back over her shoulder in search of dear brother. But of course it was this way! Why wouldn't it be?
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
maggak took the lead but he was quick to wobble after her. she paused to ask for directions, to which acrux gave a brisk glance around before ultimately deciding that yeah, this was the way. "ya," he chirped, paws carrying him forward to guide them down the beaten path and towards the trolls. 

step by step they grew closer to the imaginary barrier of their sheltered play area. and then with one step more he crossed the line and was further from the ulaq than he'd ever been before. how thrilling! they were off on a real adventure now! he glanced back towards his pale partner-in-crime to ensure she hadn't stumbled off somewhere before he continued about the path and towards the looming boulders in the distance. 

"over dare," he announced with a motion towards the cluster of stones.
"atkan aleut"
80 Posts
Ooc — Twin
There lies a pile of stones; or, rather, boulders, and Acrux says this is the lair of the trolls. The trolls! In her village? She thought not!
Maggak spurs forward with gnashing milkteeth. We gotsa get 'em out! she hurtles forward much faster than she possibly ever had before, a trail of dust and small paw-shaped dirt-divots in her wake. RAAAAAAAA!
She closes in; she can see it now, the trolls! They poke their heads out in confusion! Their beady yellow-gold eyes widen in shock! She nears the stack of boulders, closer closer closer, and—
She tumbles backward. The throb of her nose sends a brutal pain shooting through her skull. But she does not cry; no, no, no, not today. One pale paw clutches her muzzle, a pearl of crimson oozing onto the alabaster of her chin and chest. Instead, she grows enraged. Get 'em, Acroo!
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
a spirited war cry erupted from his pale sister as she charged upon the smelly beasts. a cloud of dust and gravel went flying, but acrux was quick to push through and join alongside his sister in battle. "RAAAA," he bellowed in an echo to maggak's battle cry, pearly milkteeth snapping at the trolls as the pair descended upon the boulders. 

and then — W H A C K !!

he turned to his sister, horror and shock written plainly on his face. what was once white as snow now turned to a terrible red. she was hurt! she was bleeding. and what once was fright turned to a terrible rage. how dare they hurt his sister. of a boy who'd never had a tantrum, he was just about ready to burst from fury. 

he spun on his heels, lips curling back to reveal furious fangs. CHARGE!!! he went rushing back in to the warfare, teeth snapping and paws swinging. a cloud of dust emerged around him, until eventually there was silence and the air cleared. he glanced around, but no trolls were left to be found. VICTORY!!
"atkan aleut"
80 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Maggak watches in utter baby-blue awe as Acrux prevails. The trolls have run away in terror! Her big, strong brother is victorious!
Wiping away the pearls of crimson that dot her face with the back of an uncoordinated paw, her expression of fury turns to a goofy beam. YEAH!
But for good measure, they should investigate further. She whirls back to her feet, blowing a spatter of red onto the soil through her nostrils, and totters back over to the strange assortment of stone. Sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff sniff sniff SNIFF— she wriggles between the crevice until her head is poking into the dark crevice. Proudly does she proclaim: No more trolls!
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
a few exasperated huffs escape him as maggak smears red across her paws and snout. in the moment there had been only fear and rage for his sister's wellbeing, though now that was replaced with fear of what mothers would say at the state of his pale counterpart. 

but hey, at least they defeated the trolls! they couldn't get in trouble for that could they? no, definitely not. 

"huurraaahh," he shouted as maggak declared there were no more smelly trolls to be found. "we kick dare butts," he proclaimed in victory, proud that they had rid the mountain of such beasts, and all on their own too!
"atkan aleut"
80 Posts
Ooc — Twin
But now, fighting spirit seemed to soar through Maggak. As she peels away from the boulder-hill, she gazes upon Acrux with widened, thirsty eyes.
All good warriors must spar, should they not?
Her pudgy figure bends downward in a little bow, tail a furiously waving banner behind her. She gives a garbled whuff before she lurches forward in a pounce, mouth agape and aimed right for his heels! Prac-tish! for when and if they return, of course.
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
he is momentarily caught off guard by his sister's sudden shift in focus, but he quickly adjusts himself to meet her play bow with one of his own. giggles erupt from him as maggak lurched towards his heels. he felt a brush against the back of his legs as he moved to avoid the full force of his sister's attack. 

puppy tail fluff wiggled excitedly behind him, a toothy grin tugging at the corner of his lips. "i gon get ya," he shouted as he prepared himself to charge when an opening presented itself.
"atkan aleut"
80 Posts
Ooc — Twin
Rather clumsily, Maggak aims her next blow for the nape of Acrux's neck, mouthing at the coarse guard hairs just beginning to grow in. High-pitched whines and growls echo through the woodlands as they stream from her throat.
She pictures Acrux as a giant ugly troll with stinky green flesh and big crooked teeth; or, perhaps, her fellow soldier — maybe they are knights, and they are practicing to save the townspeople! She conjures what her armor would look like, carved from stone and shaped to her body with twine. If wolves could have weapons, hers would absolutely be a big spear with a serrated head, and she would pierce her enemies with her powerful throw!
Oh, if only they had thumbs.
148 Posts
Ooc — metic
so sorry on the wait for this! want to wrap here?

enraptured in their game of trolls and soldiers, acrux throws himself into the pit of acting. his sister's strike aims true before he has a chance to launch his second attack, and he goes down with a mighty thump. legs flail about as he wiggles beneath the weight of his pale counterpart, a fit of giggles and squeals filling the air. 

"ya got me!" he shouts between breaths, paws lifted high in surrender. a salmon tongue slips between lips as waits to see if his sister accepts his admitted defeat.
"atkan aleut"
80 Posts
Ooc — Twin
no problem at all! <3 i'd love another recent one now that they're grown a little!!

maggak was not cruel enough to torture him when his defeat was imminent. she releases with another soft, pitchy whine, bounding off to the side and kicking up a cloud of dust behind her.
i winned! prideful and amazed by her own skill, she scoops him up by the scruff and begins to drag him back towards their shared ulaq. they would likely receive a bath beneath the tongue of their anaa, but maggak, at least, thought it was worth it.