It had taken a while for Vercingetorix to reconcile himself with death. Like, he'd one moment been so strong and hale, and then next, drowning and bleeding in the shallows of a lake, and then next. . .
Nothing. What the fuck?
But the afterlife had been good for him. So good that he didn't know why he touched down upon Earth again now, feeling slightly corporeal.
The seaside forest, so familiar—ah. He'd been here before. And with swaying, bony hips, he made his way to—
Wait, what the hell?
Before him, shimmering letters—why was he able to perceive this?—made themselves known:
Vercingetorix squinted at this information, cocking his head. Taking in each letter. It seemed wrong. It seemed antithetical to his spirit.
He studied it for some time. And then. . .
Verx sashayed his way into the forest of Dragoncrest Cliffs, big cajones and all. God help the mortal that met him first.
Nothing. What the fuck?
But the afterlife had been good for him. So good that he didn't know why he touched down upon Earth again now, feeling slightly corporeal.
The seaside forest, so familiar—ah. He'd been here before. And with swaying, bony hips, he made his way to—
Wait, what the hell?
Before him, shimmering letters—why was he able to perceive this?—made themselves known:
Quote:Going forward, WOLF's new rating will be 3-1-3. This means the following level of mature content is acceptable:
Language: Swearing and mature language is permitted.
Sex: Mild sexual innuendo and references permitted.
Violence: Explicit violence is permitted.
Vercingetorix squinted at this information, cocking his head. Taking in each letter. It seemed wrong. It seemed antithetical to his spirit.
He studied it for some time. And then. . .
That sign won't stop me,he decided,
because I can't read.
Verx sashayed his way into the forest of Dragoncrest Cliffs, big cajones and all. God help the mortal that met him first.
Common · Trigedasleng
November 04, 2023, 07:43 PM
With a groan Rae stirred from her impromptu nap among the trees, cursing herself and the sunlight stabbing her eyes and the dry stinging of her throat. What time is it? What year is it? She rubbed her eyes and squinted at the sky, determining that it was mid-afternoon, year still unknown. Ughhh.
Rae hauled herself to her feet and shook out her coat. She would hunt, she decided, to wake herself up. But when she turned around to search for a trail to follow, something stopped her in her tracks.
No. No way. Rae didn't believe in ghosts. She made a face and stuck her tongue out, then started forward at a trot, her heart still racing in spite of her bravado. She would walk right through it and prove to herself that it was not real. And even if it was, what could he do? Rae wasn't about to be scared of some dead bitch.
Rae hauled herself to her feet and shook out her coat. She would hunt, she decided, to wake herself up. But when she turned around to search for a trail to follow, something stopped her in her tracks.
Th'fuck?She mumbled, rubbing her eyes again. Nope. Still there. The fuck? The fur along her spine began to lift as she stared straight ahead, still trying to process the sight before her. A wolf; not a wolf. A - a ghost?
No. No way. Rae didn't believe in ghosts. She made a face and stuck her tongue out, then started forward at a trot, her heart still racing in spite of her bravado. She would walk right through it and prove to herself that it was not real. And even if it was, what could he do? Rae wasn't about to be scared of some dead bitch.
November 04, 2023, 07:49 PM
(This post was last modified: November 04, 2023, 07:50 PM by Vercingetorix.)
Oh man, she was hoooooottttttt. Goddamn.
He spotted her approaching and his jaws split in a grin, eyes shimmering. Oh, God, he'd gotten the best gash in the afterlife. And he wasn't sure if this was still the afterlife, but she'd fit the bill.
each other.
He spotted her approaching and his jaws split in a grin, eyes shimmering. Oh, God, he'd gotten the best gash in the afterlife. And he wasn't sure if this was still the afterlife, but she'd fit the bill.
'Sup, girl?Verx questioned, trotting toward her at a similar pace before they—
right through
each other.
Awh, shit,Verx remarked, craning his head backward. That. . .
Oh yeah,he remembered, laughing.
I guess that's a problem.
Common · Trigedasleng
December 20, 2023, 11:13 AM
Mature Content Warning

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Language
She turned right around and found a place to go back to sleep. Fuck all that noise.
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