Moonspear [M] Dream on
159 Posts
Ooc — Jess

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: adult themes

She left behind red pawprints in the snow as she approached the formidable peak, trembling like an aspen under the duress of October winds. Excitement and doubt fought for their place in her breast and to say that her heart fluttered was an understatement.

She had told Dutch that she would go to him- she could only hope he might come to understand why, in the end, she chose to seek out the one whose name Kukutux had spoken:


She called for him, her voice seasoned with wanting. And while she was not in her receptive cycle, she felt desire, an aching she hoped she might finally come to understand. She waited for him, red paws dancing.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric heard a call and it was one he hadn't heard in a long time. At least for himself. He was not one to shy away from such meetings after all he was true trader.

He shifted and headed down towards the call. Leaping from rock to rock. He finally hit near her and green eyes filled with mischief and impish smile met her.


Eyes followed body of beige and creams down to clay red legs. He blinked, but didn't stare then back up. Meeting silver eyes.

I'm Alaric. But it seems you already got my name. Can I ask yours?
159 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She had seen him before- but as little more than a shadow moving on the mountain. He bounded with the agility of a mountain cat, something that caused her brow to raise. He crouched and grinned at her, and she beamed back up at him, finally coming to stand still and regard him with an amorous gaze. 

"Peace be," She greeted him, her voice full of mirth, though she did not laugh. "I am Simbelmyne," She said. "Your name was given to be by Moonwoman, Kukutux," She said, gesturing with a tilt of her chin, so she might gaze down her cheekbone and flutter her eyelashes at him and measure how he might receive that news. Sure, it was a good thing, to have been the top suggestion? "I am ready to have my First Rite; I come to ask if it would be you, who might share that with me." 

His name had been mentioned by no fewer than three wolves- now she could only hope that he was as willing as he was recommended.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Njord had told him of this she wolf. That he had thought she would make a good wife to him, but Njord didn't know. He didn't know that Alaric guarded his heart tightly. He had not before and it had almost killed him. He would do so now.

A flutter of eyelash and a coy look. His smile grew warmer, a bit gentlier. Not the true smirk of a gremlin as it usually was. He held the moonwoman in high regard. And she knew he had been true trader. Had traded his body well for food, rest, items.

He blinked and dipped his head down. Normally he'd ask for something in return. But she was giving something precious to him and he wouldn't ask for more. He would need to be gentle with her.

He ghosted a little closer until they were nose to nose. Green eyes on her silver ones, breath mingling. Voice low in the hush that had stolen over them.

Of course. Do you have rules you want me to abide by? 

He didn't touch her yet.  Determining how she wanted this and if there were rules.
159 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He drew closer and her heartbeat quickened. As eagerly as she had wanted this, knowing that it would finally happened brought a bit of fear and apprehension, for the unknown. Her eyes searched his form for any sign that he might be selfish or rough with her, but she saw little evidence that should feed her fear. Her ears trembled, but she regained some of her conviction when he asked her a very considerate question. 

"Just...To be gentle?" She said. "And...Do not come looking for me afterwards, I am to have time, and space," She said. She had been warned that she might want to see more of him, so it was for her own sake that she asked him now to avoid her, in case she could not help herself. 

Her desire for the man she did not know was softer than it had been for Dutch or Chakliux; still present, and growing with each moment in anticipation. Not knowing what was expected, or what she should do, she stood still, hoping that he might take the initiative and lead them through the whole experience.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Heavy petting i suppose is the most polite term here.

He saw a small tightening of her shoulders and she searched his gaze. His heart tightened of its own accord. He had remembered that apprehension. That fear. And then it had all been proven he should have been afraid, but he would not be that way.

I can be anyway you like darling, gentle it is. 

He nodded. Should i avoid you at all times if i see you? Or just for a time? 

He would have this known. If she knew Kukutux and was part of moonvillages. He would see her time to time.

He shifted. Drawing muzzle to neck and to shoulder. Gentle licks and nibbles in his wake. Pressed his shoulder against her. A little weight at a time.

If anything makes you uncomfortable or hurts. You tell me and i will cease immediately. Yea?

Shoulder to spine tracing the contours of every single line and curve he could reach. Each movement, pressing some other body part against her. A leg a paw. His head. Increasing his movement and weight with each ministration.
159 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Darling. The nickname felt uncomfortable, but she interpreted it as a reassurance....And perhaps as an indication that this was not his first time being with someone. She assumed he might have been more hesitant if he didn't know what to do...But if Kukutux had suggested him, then she suspected that she had knowledge of the man's experience, and that she would be in good hands. 

"Only for a time," She explained. She smiled faintly. "It seems...Discouraged to fall for the one who performs your First Rite," She went on, with a light bob of her head. She hoped that she was explaining it correctly, and that he would not think that she simply wanted to avoid him. "I might come to know you- in time, but not when feelings are so strong." Already, she could feel herself becoming accustomed to the look of his face; the impish light in his green, green eyes. 

She had wanted to reach out and touch others before- and had savoured the sensation of denying herself what it was that she had truly desired. Now, though, she could tough Alaric without restraint, and found the benefit just as enticing. She would not need to hold back, or stop. She followed her instincts, and soon found herself growing both willing and impatient. His touch awakened her, and he received nothing more than a mere nod when he assured her that they could stop at any point. 

She did not want to. 

She urged him as her curiosity grew to become a heavy weight in her abdomen, and whimpered softly as she shuddered. She pivoted so she could draw up alongside him, pressing her side against his, before taking a step forward and arching her neck back with a soft, pleading cry.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric always fell to nicknames in times of stress or high emotion. And if he awarded you one. He usually held you in his esteem. Although wolves like Moonwoman. His esteem and respect was too high to call her anything despite her name.

A small smile. It is. And I'm not a good wolf to fall for, but I can make you happy in the present. And i look forward to the day I can call you friend.

She grew bold in her own right. Touching where she could. Unfurling slowly beside him. A soft whine in return to her. He felt his own thrumig his lower abdomen. He
gave a soft pant. And when she intensified her noise. He reared and caught her tightly around the middle and tucked her sweetly and strongly in the hollow of arm and chest.

A gentle grasp of scruff, and a sweet shifting for her to get accustomed. And then as instincts bade joined them together.
159 Posts
Ooc — Jess
"...Not a good wolf to fall for,"

Had she been clear of mind, she might have read into his statement more- and might have wondered if she had any reason to fear him. As it was, however, his words rushed past her as she was swept into his embrace. She sturdied her posture, surprised by how much the man weighed and how much she must brace herself throughout the endeavour. Once steady, she felt him adjust and she braced herself, holding her breath to keep the pain at bay until she was forced to gasp for air. 

A deep breath or two, and discomfort faded away, replaced by a completely new sensation that left her dumbstruck and for the most part, silent. Her breaths were quiet as she felt her body accept their union, and realized that this was not something to fear- it was natural, and it was wonderful.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It was not fear that any wolf should have of Alaric. Just that it was entirely possible he could never love them back. Never trust anyone enough to be vulnerable as he had been once upon a time.

A soft lick to her neck and ear if he could reach. Alright?

His voice a quiet whisper, but roughened by the current haze of lust that had overtaken all neurons of his brain.

He squeezed her gently. Hoping he hadn't hurt her. He invited her to participate with touches and small yips. But she was mostly silent.

When both were sated. A soft grunt and he stood still holding her tightly. While he caught his breath.
159 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She remained wordless, consumed by the novel sensation. Every movement he made left her pleasantly surprised, and speechless. Often, she held her breath as if to concentrate only on what she was feeling, until found herself growing somewhat dizzy and feeble and forced herself to take short, mewling breaths. He held her tightly, something she had overlooked alongside the task of holding part of his weight. But for these minor discomforts, she felt herself enjoying the experience, and was left feeling a bit shaky, but smiling when she was at last able to pull away from him for a moment. 

She couldn't quite understand why it was that such a thing seemed to mean so much to men- unless, of course, their experience was different from what a woman felt. She felt full of questions that she now wanted to ask of other women- but such things could wait for another time. 

She drew in a few deep breaths, and mustered a smile for Alaric. "I am...Not sure what to say now," She admitted, a bit bashfully. Something occurred to her, though, that she thought he might take as a compliment. "You were a good choice."
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Her soft mewling noises sufficed. At least to let him know he was at least making the pleasant for her. A first time should be revered. Not ugly and broken. He had to clamp tightly to his thoughts before they ran the gambit and he went to dark roads.

Alaric knew that this often meant more to others. But he had at least after,  always been able to remove himself from the tangible emotions. Perhaps that was why he was or had been a good trader. His body was a body. Though honestly he wondered if that was a terrible way to think of it.

He chuckled. Thank you. You needn't say anything. I'm glad to be chosen.

He titled an ear forward and spoke softly. There are other ways to take pleasure and I hope you find them out as well, someday.

He shifted. Would you like help cleaning up. I'm glad to help or is that something you'd rather do on your own?

After care was as important as the act itself and he wouldn't shirk that duty unless she wanted her space to start now. 

I ask because i wasn't sure if you wanted space and time immediately.
159 Posts
Ooc — Jess
More and more, she understood why Kukutx had chosen him first among the men for performing First Rites. While the others flirted and spoke in birdsong, Alaric was down-to-earth and considerate beyond what she could have ever expected him to be. They had met only moments ago, and yet he had willingly and carefully fulfilled her request. Such a thing wasn't a duty, she thought- he had no obligation to fulfill every wandering virgin's desire- and yet she hoped that he might be flattered, having been chosen all the same. 

Even if it meant that they must now spend some time apart. 

"Other ways?" She asked, lightly confounded. Her brow furrowed as she tried to imagine, but found herself a little bit mortified to know that there were other things she must learn. So, she set her lips together and nodded. Perhaps it was something she could learn from the other women; secrets they might tell one another, so that they might share that knowledge through their experiences with men. 

She felt flustered when he offered to help her get cleaned up. In spite of how intimate they had just been, she felt vulnerable just thinking about allowing him to tend to her. "Oh, I- thank you, I will uhm...I can tidy myself," She said with a couple bobs of her head. His offer was appreciated, but already she felt a little bit overwhelmed. 

It sounded as though he offered to leave, if she requested it, but she couldn't send him away- not when he had so selflessly tended to her. "Oh, no- stay, please- if you are not busy, of course," She said. "I'll just-" He was right, she did need to clean herself up- but she felt too self-conscious to to such a thing in front of him. Apologetically, she stood, tail waving between her hocks. "I'll be back in just a moment, I would just like...To clean up, in private, if that is alright?" She asked.
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric tried to be mindful of her needs and what she wanted. He also felt a little responsible. He wanted to be sure she enjoyed herself.

A small smile. Patient and sweet and a nod.


She grew shy in the afterglow. Which he wasnt surprised. But she hadn't bade him go yet. It just seemed she wanted to do her own after care. As was her right if she so wished.

He nodded. I'll be here. Go ahead.

To prove his point. He settled to his haunches and then further down til he was on his stomach. He had his own cleaning to do, but he could do so while she went somewhere private.
159 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She vaulted from view, taking advantage of the mountain's rocky, rolling terrain to easily find a place close by where she felt hidden from view. She still felt a light burning in her cheeks, to be prompted to get cleaned by a man...She did not like to look disorderly, so she set to work immediately, fussing over her fur, and smoothing the places where it had become unkempt. Her mind raced now, trying to recall the sensations she had just experienced, and she found herself simultaneously more curious, and a bit more wary as well. She remembered someone telling her about it- and how it would feel different with time. For now, she could still just wonder what that might mean. 

She tip-toed back toward Arric once she was sure she was clean. She was not sure what to do now- small talk after something so intimate seemed almost redundant. She couldn't help but feel as if she owed him something. 

"I will bring you a gift, sometime," She said, hinting that her departure would come soon. "As a way of saying thanks."
602 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric didn't move. Though he did watch her leave with a gentle bemused smile on his maw. She was shy. She had asked him for the best and he had given what he would have given anyone. he was a trader, it was not just the act itself that got you good reviews after all. 

He shook his head. No need. Just let me know you're doing well, sometime. Yea?

he shifted and stretched. Easy in his body and space. I am glad that I could help you today. And I hope that it fulfilled your expectations.

He didn't know what to say. She seemed anxious to leave. We can stay and chat if you like? Or I can walk you back? Unless you'd prefer to go alone?
159 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She had made up her mind, and would bring him something later regardless of whether he felt she needed to. She bobbed her head once again, appreciatively. 

”Yes, of course,” She said. She hadn’t known what to expect, of course, but she had learned about a whole new range of sensations, and felt her curiosity had been awakened. The light discomfort had eased quickly, leaving her with a positive take on the experience. 

He offered to walk her out, which meant that he had picked up on her eagerness to leave. Not wanting to snub him, she smiled and nodded, willing to allow him to escort her to the borders.