Kintla Flatlands I need a walk…. A break.
106 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
All Welcome 
Quote: @Raindrop, I’ve been wanting Gyr to meet you. :) since your practically a neighbor to Ravensthorpe now!
It was early, and Gyr had been feeling a tad…. Lonely, one might say. Was this possible, she thought, for a wolf in such a wonderful pack.

She gently made her way down the plateau, then it opened up to a small river, and the Great Plains of Kintla.
This was great fish river, and she had to cross it…. “Brrrr….” She thought, shaking it off then crossing.
That wasn’t so bad, then shook. A one and done, and she was dry.

She found a mossy rock just her size to lay upon. The sun was just barely peeking through the grass, and shining on the slightly, yet frosted plains and grasses.
Small cold purple and blue flowers scattered the ground.
She awaited…. Delving deeper into her own cold thoughts.
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
All tags for reference.

The great hunt upon the Great Plains had been an amazing experience, and so many good things had come from it. In the beginning she’d found a friend, more like confidante, in @Valiant, a new home in @Rodyn, a friend in @Heph. Her life had surely turned around, as she was no longer traveling, wandering aimlessly except for seeing new lands. She had begun to settle.

Today, she had found herself nearing a great river, so she’d stopped for a chilling drink. She stepped up to the edge of the river, bowing her head to lap up the brisk water, but when she brought her head back up, she caught a scent on the wind. An unfamiliar one, female, wolf, she stood straighter, her ears perked. She turned around, and caught sight of the wolf creating the scent, she was gray, nearly blending in with the rock she laid upon except for her white collar and points.
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106 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
She turned around swiftly at the scent, and saw a she wolf of like size and her same build. She appeared to be gray with hints of burning red, spreading like wildfire from nose to tail. Her sides were warm, she had a well fed look to her…. She was surely not a loner was she?

She approached, tail wagging once in greeting. A warm smile on her face. She seemed very chill, she got nearer and sensed something upon her, multiple scents. One she knew, another she did not.

“Hello there, I’m Greyfalcon of RavensThorpe, you may call me Gyr….” She started, “who might you be seawoman?” She dubbed her as such, due to her smell of the sea and cliffs which she had once resided on temporarily under the watch and company of Heph.
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
She woman approach her, in friendly greeting she gave a wag of her tail, a smile upon her face. Raindrop relaxed her stance, her tail swaying in reply to the friendly gesture. “Hello. It’s a pleasure I’m sure, Gyr.” She’d reply with words, “I am Raindrop of Village Moontide. This woman, Greyfalcon, had come from Raventhorpe. She wasn’t quite familiar with them, but that didn’t matter. “Did you come for the great bison hunt?” She asked.
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106 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Moontide…. The familiar scent, the smell of the sea. Of course! This was where it was familiar. The she relaxed her stance,  a sign of trust.

“Ah, I see. Well welcome to the Flatlands Raindrop.” She has mentioned a bison hunt…. What hunt? She herself was recently in an elk hunt. “I am afraid not, I was occupied at home,” she told her, “but my king was there surely.” By king she referred to Rusalka, a man who was of a cold nature. Mate of her dear friend Solveig, father of her adopted niece and Nephews.

However, she was glad this wolf came to her, she had begun to get quite rather lonely. Maybe…. This wolf would stay and chat a while. She seems very kind.
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
“I thank you.” She said in reply, “Oh, well, this land is very vast, and there were many wolves. Had your King shown up, I doubt I would’ve ever know.” This was true. Raindrop had begun to think about topics to keep the conversation going, lest things get awkward. “So, where does Raventhorp call it’s claim? Is it far?” 
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106 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
“You’re quite welcome, and yes, it is indeed very vast.” She had once traveled these roads herself. “Oh, he’s quite the wolf, hard to miss if you already know him. A big grey fella with fiery and burnt points.” She asked then about their claim, “Oh?” She turned her head around to face behind her, “We make our home on Blacktail deer plateau, just over yonder.” She turned her head back around to face her, “how’s Moontide? I once met the lovely Heph there. How is she?”

Looking at the wolf again, this time in the eyes. She seemed like a rather restless type…. Did she mayhaps like to travel as well? She then hoped that the situation wouldn’t get too…. awkward for her.
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
249 Posts
Ooc — Maddy
A big grey fella with firery and burnt point…. Raindrop didn't recall such a wolf, but then again, there was no way one could possibly meet half the wolves that had gathered for the Great Bison Hunt. She shook her head, “Still, I don’t recall a wolf of that proportion.” The woman went on to show Raindrop the direction of her home. “Ah, you are also upon a plateau. A wonderful place to be. Moontide also calls a plateau home; Ocean’s Breath Plateau.”  She smiled, getting to share aspects of each other’s home was a fun conversation piece. Then moved on to address Gyr’s question in return: “Village Moontide fares well and Heph is healing well from her injury. If I may ask, were you once pack mates?”
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