Ouroboros Spine pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
97 Posts
Ooc — orion
All Welcome 
Life outside the ulaq was beautiful.

Lariat had come to realise this as each day she meandered further and further from the den. Always, she would return to check in with @Valiant and @Vairë, but today felt different. 

The sky called to her. Pinks and purples and greens and reds had bathed their home in spirit light a short time ago and the little girl had been entranced by the spectacle. So much so that she had stayed up allllllll night, until they faded with the morning sun and someone had carried her to bed.

Tonight, she did not come home. She did not mean to test the limits of her freedom, nor worry her family - no. Instead, she climbed a boulder overlooking brother lake and sat, and watched, and waited, in hopes of seeing the dancing lights once again.

It was cold. She shivered, tucking her nose under her tail. Why did they not come? Did the spirits ignore her?
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614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei had not left to return to the spear yet. Honestly though she hadn't told anyone yet. Because she wasn't sure, but she may not go back. But it felt wrong not to finish her time there. And she supposed her mama would want her too.

It was these thoughts that had her awake in the night hours. And surprise colored her when she spotted the little one. She rushed forward, the nights were still chilly and Arrluk's neice was out here alone and cold.

Oh goodness. Are you okay little one? I'm Ajei. I'm your uncle Arrluk's friend. Are you cold?

She wanted to wrap around the child. But the little one didn't know her yet. She didn't wish to scare her.
97 Posts
Ooc — orion
A voice drew her heavy gaze away from the lake and towards a girl, pelt as flame-red as the lights that danced in the night. This one was unfamiliar, as was the uncle she spoke of, but she soon recognised the scent of family upon her fur.

"Ayyy jay. Arr..." a yawn, "look?" Fatigue had fogged her thoughts and made it difficult to focus, though she tried to listen as best she could. As if in answer to Ajei's final question, Lariat shivered again, her teeth beginning to chatter.

Sleepily, she unfurled and scooched nearer to Ajei, a disappointed pout tightening her features as her eyes continued to flick between the girl and the sky.
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614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei didn't think that the girl wouldn't know Arrluk. She mistakingly assumed all the family knew each other. 

Ajei curled around the girl. Brushing her firefox tail around her and holding her between paws. 

You looking at the stars? Or are you trying to find the Northern lights again?

She had seen them herself the day they had blossomed. But she had been lost in her grief of her mother to truly appreciate.
97 Posts
Ooc — orion
Ajei's warmth seeps into the girl's chilled bones and she melts into her embrace with a soft sigh. Soon she is snuggled in the soft furs of a red tail.

Lariat shook her head at the mention of stars. She had watched them time and time again from the mouth of the ulaq, but that was not what she sought tonight. The Northern Lights - were they the spirits that danced in the sky? "Yaaa," she whispered, as if afraid they would not come if she spoke too loud. 

"I go see. Bu' not here." She looked to Ajei then with solemn eyes, as if the girl held all the answers.
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614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei felt a stirring in her heart of hearts. How precious this child was. So sweet and soft. Achingly lovely this moment.

Ajei looked down at her. Pressed a gentle kiss to her head. 

The lights can't be seen all the time. Only on special occasions. When it's just right.  You will see them again. But only when youre not looking. They'll sneak right up on you and glow just for you.

Ajei wished she could summon the lights for the little one. Make them dance for her. But norther lights were tricky fae and hard to find.
97 Posts
Ooc — orion
The little girl felt her frown soften slightly as Ajei's muzzle met the gentle sope of her head. Part of her wished aama or aapa had come to find her, but she did not mind the firegirl's presence. In that moment, Ajei was exactly who Lariat needed.

Listening dutifully, she came to understand some of what the girl said, though most of it was wordy and got lost somewhere in the tangles of Lariat's mind. 

But, something bothered her still. "Ajayyy....howww?" How would she see them if she couldn't look? If she closed her eyes, would Ajei tell her when they danced again?
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614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ajei had no clue what she was doing, not really. But it seemed she was doing the eight thing. But the questions made her unsure.

Hmm. Well for one you can remember them and always call them back. But you can only see them when the world is just right to show them.

I will watch for them and if I see them. Come and get you right away.
97 Posts
Ooc — orion
Thankfully, that answer seemed to satisfy the girl's curiosity for now. She would always remember the way spirits had danced that night. When they returned, Lariat would be ready. She only hoped it wouldn't be too long before the world was just right again.

Sleep dragged at her eyelids and she felt her head hang low until it came to settle on Ajei's paws. "You pwomise?" But if the firegirl responded it was to deaf ears, for Lariat had already drifted off to sleep, breath stirring the soft red furs that surrounded her as she dreamed of lights in a blackened sky.
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614 Posts
Ooc — Danni
The girl soon settled. Her questions quiet for now. Ajei had done her best. She wanted to send a quick howl to @Vaire to let her know where her child was, but she fell asleep and Ajei didn't want to wake her.

I promise. she whispered softly 

Ajei shifted herself so she could drape around the girl and keep an eye on where she thought the girls den was. For any movement she could let them know their child was safe.