soto's given saya her first task, and now it's time for @Arslan's.
he seeks out the man under a low-hanging autumn sun. dust gathers in the distance, and the land is bathed in tangerine glow.
a low howl, for the lion's ears only.
he seeks out the man under a low-hanging autumn sun. dust gathers in the distance, and the land is bathed in tangerine glow.
a low howl, for the lion's ears only.
November 06, 2024, 04:36 PM
Often Arslan seems to disappear in the day, yet he is quick to arrive when Soto calls.
Tail waving high at the sight of the other, he still walks with the same confidence he arrived with. "Soto." He speaks the man's name in greeting, his voice practically a purr.
He had remained here for the sheep, and for the wolves who had caught his eye. He cared little for the work done by them.
Tail waving high at the sight of the other, he still walks with the same confidence he arrived with. "Soto." He speaks the man's name in greeting, his voice practically a purr.
He had remained here for the sheep, and for the wolves who had caught his eye. He cared little for the work done by them.
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November 06, 2024, 04:40 PM
this one and saya would make fine children in their own right; proud stags or lions if men, and beautiful, svelte vixens if born female.
something moves around in the back of his mind; a spectre rearranging furniture in a house he was not invited into.
something moves around in the back of his mind; a spectre rearranging furniture in a house he was not invited into.
tengo una tarea para ti.he starts, wondering if he should call for @Osiel to be translator.
November 06, 2024, 05:05 PM
As Soto speaks, he can only stare. His expression is confused, nearly lost. He had forgotten that they do not share a common tongue.
However, there are other ways to communicate. He can only hope that Soto will take the hint and try something else, something both of them will understand.
However, there are other ways to communicate. He can only hope that Soto will take the hint and try something else, something both of them will understand.
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soto is too tired to be clever.
he motions for the man to follow him.
they walk through the stone quarter, up the shalestone steps that mark lookout point. the way is narrow; wide enough for only one wolf at a time.
soto's ascent is hardly swift; he has his own limbs to favor, and injuries to attend.
lookout point ends as a large ledge, its northwestern side flattened enough for several wolves to stand upon.
sangre sleeps before them, a bed of antelope and sheep for her comfort. soto steps lightly past her and motions the lion do the same.
he motions for the man to follow him.
they walk through the stone quarter, up the shalestone steps that mark lookout point. the way is narrow; wide enough for only one wolf at a time.
soto's ascent is hardly swift; he has his own limbs to favor, and injuries to attend.
lookout point ends as a large ledge, its northwestern side flattened enough for several wolves to stand upon.
sangre sleeps before them, a bed of antelope and sheep for her comfort. soto steps lightly past her and motions the lion do the same.
November 06, 2024, 09:14 PM
He follows Soto, the concept of personal space clearly a myth in his eyes as he remains far too close for comfort. Maybe Soto is simply too slow, or maybe he has other reasons. Whatever the case it would not be voiced.
Upon the ledge lays a woman he has yet to meet, but he barely spares her a glance for Soto has told him to follow. He listens well, stepping around to the join the man.
Looking down from the ledge he feels comforted, the air gently coursing through his fur. The feeling is pleasant, a welcome edition.
Upon the ledge lays a woman he has yet to meet, but he barely spares her a glance for Soto has told him to follow. He listens well, stepping around to the join the man.
Looking down from the ledge he feels comforted, the air gently coursing through his fur. The feeling is pleasant, a welcome edition.
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November 06, 2024, 10:02 PM
PP of sangre is with permission <3
on the plinth of stone, soto gets comfortable. this was his lookout -- where he can see every shadow that crosses the salt-flats and into the basin.
arslan sits besides him, earning soto's approving glance as he steps gingerly -- respectfully -- around sangre.
and when she stirs, soto fills her in. though she is weakened still, she translates haltingly.
he says tell him i have a task, and sangre takes it in, and speaks:
he has a job for you.
November 06, 2024, 10:08 PM
The woman is made to translate. Arslan is satisfied with the simple solution.
With a nod, he looks to Soto and waits for him to speak. He hopes for something easy - a task that will keep him entertained without too much risk of bloodshed. He is not yet willing to risk his coat for these wolves.
He realizes that soon he will need to begin learning the tongue of those who reside here - they cannot translate for him forever.
With a nod, he looks to Soto and waits for him to speak. He hopes for something easy - a task that will keep him entertained without too much risk of bloodshed. He is not yet willing to risk his coat for these wolves.
He realizes that soon he will need to begin learning the tongue of those who reside here - they cannot translate for him forever.
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soto's eyes simmer as his plan is laid open for sangre.
he tells her: there is a woman, i meet her in the spring. he makes no mention of the nature of their encounter. she is tall. a warrior. dark with red. scars. gold eyes.
several times, soto repeats himself, as sangre is not as well-versed as osiel. he uses his paws to gesticulate, his expression to convey tone. i want you to find her, and bring her to me. but here his brows arch and he shakes his head insistently: not force. i want her to come willingly.
sangre nods and turns to arslan to convey the message. soto notices her energy is fading fast. though he cannot understand each word, he appears to visibly lean on sangre's every utterance -- as if not confident she will relay the lion's task accurately.
he tells her: there is a woman, i meet her in the spring. he makes no mention of the nature of their encounter. she is tall. a warrior. dark with red. scars. gold eyes.
several times, soto repeats himself, as sangre is not as well-versed as osiel. he uses his paws to gesticulate, his expression to convey tone. i want you to find her, and bring her to me. but here his brows arch and he shakes his head insistently: not force. i want her to come willingly.
sangre nods and turns to arslan to convey the message. soto notices her energy is fading fast. though he cannot understand each word, he appears to visibly lean on sangre's every utterance -- as if not confident she will relay the lion's task accurately.
November 06, 2024, 10:25 PM
Arslan listens with care as the message is translated. He is to find a woman, one whom Soto met in the spring. Instantly he is filled with questions, a frown growing on his usually smug face.
"Where am I to search?" He begins, a single eyebrow raised. With no name or scent to the face, she would be difficult to track.
But his most important questions comes next. "What if she is unwilling to follow?"
"Where am I to search?" He begins, a single eyebrow raised. With no name or scent to the face, she would be difficult to track.
But his most important questions comes next. "What if she is unwilling to follow?"
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November 06, 2024, 10:34 PM
the lion's handsome face darkens in a frown.
it is not unexpected. soto has given him a far more challenging mission - but he has chosen the lion, because the lion is a beast of stamina and reserves. he emulates the machismo soto's culture is defiantly proud of. and he will do good, in the field.
he looks to sangre impatiently. she translates once more, growing tired and irritated with this back and forth. finally, she turns from soto and conveys:
but that is all sangre is willing to translate; even this short palaver has exhausted her strength, and she tells soto no more.
he accepts it reluctantly, studying the lion so he might learn what he makes of his new mission.
it is not unexpected. soto has given him a far more challenging mission - but he has chosen the lion, because the lion is a beast of stamina and reserves. he emulates the machismo soto's culture is defiantly proud of. and he will do good, in the field.
he looks to sangre impatiently. she translates once more, growing tired and irritated with this back and forth. finally, she turns from soto and conveys:
he says to the west. over the barrier mountains.soto says something, pressing sangre once more.
if she says no, ask her where he can find her.
but that is all sangre is willing to translate; even this short palaver has exhausted her strength, and she tells soto no more.
he accepts it reluctantly, studying the lion so he might learn what he makes of his new mission.
conflict & mature themes: conflict heavy & themes of violence, sexuality, and possible substance abuse. (3-3-3). please let me know if ur comfort has been surpassed. <3
translation: soto is deliberately written without hover to encourage language barriers. PM me if this is a hardship!
archival: i lose steam fast. threads 30+ days without reply will be archived.
code by chelsie
November 06, 2024, 10:57 PM
The lion takes a moment to consider, his tail bouncing back and forth with a clear beat to it. The smile returns to his face, and he stands.
A trip could certainly be fun, and more importantly a chance to prove his worth here. His energy revitalized, Arslan bumps his head into Soto's side with the same brazen confidence he arrived with. With this assignment, any caution he once carried has dissipated.
Stretching out a back leg, he moves around Sangre to hop towards the exit. "Wait for me, will you?" He calls back, his tone teasing - taking advantage of himself and Soto's lack of shared tongue.
He exits without waiting for further instruction, wishing to begin promptly.
A trip could certainly be fun, and more importantly a chance to prove his worth here. His energy revitalized, Arslan bumps his head into Soto's side with the same brazen confidence he arrived with. With this assignment, any caution he once carried has dissipated.
Stretching out a back leg, he moves around Sangre to hop towards the exit. "Wait for me, will you?" He calls back, his tone teasing - taking advantage of himself and Soto's lack of shared tongue.
He exits without waiting for further instruction, wishing to begin promptly.
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November 06, 2024, 11:52 PM
vaya con dios.
the gesture was done so smoothly — so confidently — that for seconds after the golden lion jounced down the steps, soto’s left analyzing what’s just happened.
he looks to sangre with a wide grin, but she’s already sick of him and had at some point, turned her back to them both.
buried in the sheepskin, she looked peaceful. he was almost sorry for everything that’s happened to her.
long after the lion’s steps fade, soto holds him in his mind.
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