Wheeling Gull Isle you’ll never settle any of your scores
435 Posts
Ooc — mutton
Yeah, he didn't want her here. He couldn't be the only one with that sentiment. He refused to believe it! Minori was an awful creature. Always fucking up the lives she slithered into. Serving as the embodiment of all those horrible memories. A goddamn living nightmare! It was clear to see!  Everyone saw that ugliness.

But not Huā. She saw greatness in this witch. A skilled hunter, a selfless warrior. That was enough to be granted a high title.
That was his title. That was something he worked hard to get and worked even harder to maintain. That was his gold star sticker, a prize for his hardships. Then comes Minori, ripping it from his chest with ease. Why the fuck was that so easy for her?

That's not all. Oh that was only the beginning.

Somone else wanted her here too. Your mother, she says. It's the last wolf he suspected.
He wasn't supposed to hear of Mama ever again, because she left. She abandoned him without warning not once but twice. Now she's here. Wedded to Minori. Mother of their children. How much love did she have for them? Was it more than him? That had to be the case. She hadn't left them to fend for themselves after all.

A growl rumbled in his throat. It was more like a gurgle. A mixture of anger and pain distorted the noise, making it less intimidating then he'd hope.

Why did she always have to be there to ruin his life?

But noooo, that wasn't her fault! According to her, she was only trying to help him! He was the cause of his downfall. He was the reason Mama left and dad died and his leg was gone and- and..

That's bullshit, he hissed between heavy breaths. This isn't my fault! You did this to me! You- you- 

Orochi backed away. The blood rushed through his body. His heart slammed into his chest over and over and over again. This shit overloaded him. He didn't know what to do or say next. Everything came out in an incoherent jumble.

Y-you bitch. I fucking hate you. I'm gonna— Some ungodly roar cut him off. I'm gonna FUCKING KILL YOU.

Orochi flung himself forward with his jaws wide open.
Messages In This Thread
you’ll never settle any of your scores - by Orochi - July 20, 2020, 11:03 AM
RE: you’ll never settle any of your scores - by Orochi - July 21, 2020, 01:17 PM