Herbalists' Cache with my eagles t-shirt hanging from the door
i’ve been the archer, i’ve been the prey
473 Posts
Ooc — Chan
"I'm surprised," she admitted. "You seem like you could do this in your sleep." Eshe was impressed.

Their conversation continued; although hunting wasn't her favorite subject, she enjoyed it. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Masquerade said, "Sorry to rush off, I just… I have to go. I hope it works out, Eshe. Goodbye." Eshe frowned; she hoped their leaving was because of something she'd said. "No worries," there were many worried, "Thanks for the help."

Left to her own devices, Eshe tried following Masquerade's directions and failed spectacularly. She had managed to knick the intestine, and the project was ruined as far as she was concerned. Frustrated, she stress-ate and nearly ate the entire carcass herself.

When she was done, she left behind the giblets for the scavengers and searched for a place to sleep for the night.
Messages In This Thread
RE: with my eagles t-shirt hanging from the door - by Eshe - July 10, 2023, 03:51 PM