Dawnlark Plains Four Door Aventador
The black of heart
131 Posts
Ooc — Keg
@Pema cuz you know you're right there! @Radcliffe @Timberlake @Meadow @Shale

The day had started like any other. She had slept. Eaten. Slept somemore. Ate somemore. And the cycle repeated itself, her world small yet it was so very simple and so easy. Padma relished in the attention from her mother and father and the closeness of her siblings brought her great comfort. All was well. Until it wasn't.

She hadn't meant for anything to change, but had merely lifted her head and accidentally opened her eyes. It was an accident! But now her world seemed to have changed forever. Her blurry surroundings confused her and delighted her. Her bright blue eyes swung from side to side, as she took in the blobs of her siblings, and the large form of her mother directly infront of her. So entranced the little girl squirmed and wiggled excitedly, trying to see more of the world around her.
"it is if everyone dies alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."

547 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Life was life. She slept. She ate. She definitely snuggled -- it was her favorite thing to do. Feeling enclosed and warm was perhaps the only time she felt truly safe, and when she wasn't surrounded by her siblings and parents, Meadow would begin to whimper until that situation alleviated itself and she got what she wanted. Much likely to @Pema's dismay.

So when she shifted, her chubby weight rolling to the side, she felt a woosh of cold air, and her face began to scrunch in displeasure. Before she could wail her protest (even though she was the one that had moved away from the warmth), she bumped in to Padma -- a motion that sent her eyes to snap open.

She paused then, mid-whine, her mouth stuck open in a small 'o.' The world wasn;t clear.. it was quite blurry. But it wasn't as blurry as before.. and for the first time, she could see the finer details of those she practically melded herself to on a day to day basis.

Blinking furiously, Meadow zoned in on one feature of her sister that seemed the most intriguing -- and with that, the whelp grunted, leaned forward, and began to suck on her sister's nose to see if milk would come out.
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
She was getting a custom to her everyday way of life now. Laying virtually motionless all day cuddled against her children. The frequent visits from Shale with food and loving affections. She would only leave the sides of her children to relieve herself and to catch some occasional fresh air. They were simply fluffy blobs at this moment, but Pema could see the differences in their personalities. 

Her two little girls were up and atom that morning, as much as their little bodies could be. Padma was particularly wiggly that morning and Pema nudged her nose against her. "What is it? What's going on? What's so exciting?" she said playfully in her child's voice. Upon closer look, she could see that Padma had her eyes open. The first time she had ever seen the blue in her eyes. It brought so much more character to her face. "Oh look at your pretty eyes." she remarked.

Right after she felt the presence of Meadow roll away from her, followed by the sound of ever so familiar whines. Meadow never wanted to be away from her mother's side. Not even long enough to let her use the restroom. Pema would try to time her little escapes while the little one was sleeping, but it didn't always work out so well. She bumped right into Padma, caught Pema to let out a faint chuckle. "It's ok Meadow." she coddled. She was about to roll her back over to her side when suddenly the whining stopped. Pema stopped for a moment wondering what it was until she saw the little pupils in her eyes darting back and forth. She whispered in between them. "It's a lot to take in isn't it."  she said with a smile.  She let out a louder laugh when Meadow suddenly nommed on her sister's nose. "What are you doing with that?" she asked. Though she knew her children could not fully respond it was good to speak with them and fun too.
The black of heart
131 Posts
Ooc — Keg
Her head flipped her head back when Pema nosed her, looking at her with big eyes once more. Padma couldn't get over the size of the woman. She was HUGE. Padma's eyes caught sight of the small furry ball that SLAMMED into her moments before it happened. The young girl let out a squawk at the intrusion, right before a wet mouth was attached to her nose. Looking down her nose, the lanky girl looked cross-eyed at her sister.

Confused Padma raised her paw, and flung it at the other girl. "Aeyaaa." She shrieked at the top of her lungs. Get off my nose! 
"it is if everyone dies alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."

547 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Target obtained, Meadow was particularly pleased that she happened to catch this one on the first attempt – that rarely happened. Surprised for half a second, Meadow paused, her mother’s words washing over her with warmth, though it did not distract her from her current goal. Was there milk in this thing?
What she had expected to be as delicious as her mother’s warm milk was completely the opposite. Something thick was sucked to the back of her throat – slimy, sticky. Surprise took her, and before she could even cough to clear the unwelcome substance from her throat where it stung, a paw punched her squarely in the face.
Perhaps the quiet of her siblings, Meadow let out a loud roar to notify her mother of her pain and upset. What little vision that had been gained went black as she saw stars. Crying with short, loud wails, Meadow’s body began to tremble as she rolled over, squawking as she tried to get away from her sister. The thick snot that sat uncomfortably at the back of her throat made itself known as well, and suddenly the girl began to wretch, her shoulders scrunched, her eyes squeezed shut.

It wasn't the best first impression of the world she could see, now.
631 Posts
Ooc — Raven
What seemed like a very innocent playful experience turned into an all-out miniature war in front of her. At least that what she assumed they saw it as. Padma was not pleased to have her sisters mouth holding onto her snout. And with one powerful pup swoosh, she pawed her sister right off her muzzle. Sending Meadow crying out.

It was no one's fault really they were both still so young. But it seemed like for the moment Meadow needed the most comforting. She smiled at both of them but then went to list massage Meadow's chest and stomach with her chin. She had noticed the little ones discomforting movements and wanted to assist her in returning to normal.

"Your ok Meadow. Now we know not to do that again."  Pema remarked to Meadow, in her mind thinking her children would have no idea what it was she would be saying. She then turned her head quickly towards Padma. "Be careful little Padma, your siblings are fragile little things. They can't always keep up with your strength."  she teased though cautioned the miniate being. 
The black of heart
131 Posts
Ooc — Keg
Padma gave a huff, she hadn't meant to hurt her sister. Turning her head away she gave a deep, comical scowl. Even though she had no idea what her mother had said, she hadn't recieved any comforting from her mother. Although her sisters anguish brought the little girl around. Padma didn't like it when her siblings were upset. Frowning, the lanky girl pushed her nose back at Meadow. If she really wanted to suck on it should could.
"it is if everyone dies alone."
"Does that scare you?"
"i don't want to be alone."

547 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Her cries were cajoled by her mother, the gentle ministrations of her graceful affection quieting the child. She breathed slowly, blinking her eyes open as the dark form of her sister pressed toward her. The idea of grabbing her sisters nose was no longer on the forefront of her mind -- instead, the honeyed girl nuzzled her own face in to the crook of Padma's nape and shoulder, closing her eyes and drifting to sleep between her family, the smarting of her head easing.