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376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
All Welcome 
Setting: Afternoon — 15:30
Weather: cloudy
Tags: @Turmeric

Alduin has been sneaking off quite often these days. His brothers seem content to stay mostly at the den, be he? No, no, he needs some adventure and he needs it now.

So he runs off! Sneaking towards @Arlette’s den to play with, and maybe terrorize, her pups. His fat paws move him forward and when he gets there he’s panting. Thankfully the sky is a bit overcast, it makes him less hot. He sees someone that catches his interest though. One of her pups! Just what he’s looking for! 

He stalks forward, eyeing down the agouti boy. He’s gonna get him this time. He uselessly stalks closer, obviously in plain sight, paws moving terribly slow. Then he jumps into action! Alduin clambers towards him with a loud bark and a short, playful growl to follow. He would tackle him if he didn’t move out of his way in time. Which is his original plan, hehehe.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
115 Posts
Ooc —
Turmeric was alone.

The little boy loved his siblings, but he loved his solitude all the same. Not so much for any antisocial reason, but because being alone gave him time to explore the world, and those boring things that sang of so much interest to him.

He'd found a new cluster of berries the other week, and after confirming with himself they were okay to touch (he'd watched a squirrel collect some away) and eat (she'd disappeared with them into her tree, after all), Turmeric decided to experiment with them himself.

Vibrant red stained his paws and the rock where he'd begun to mash the berries down. He didn't quite know what he was making, but the task so stole his attention he never noticed the obvious sound of footfalls behind him, or the charge of another, until a bark and a weight like a boulder - or maybe a mountain - crashed into his side.

"Tye!" he barked on instinct - only to realize, quick enough, the boy he faced wasn't his brother. The force of the bigger pup toppled Turmeric to the ground, and he felt the warm dirt scuff against his side, even as he thrust his paws upward and out in a feeble but honest attempt to try and fight back.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
The poor agouti pup fights back against Alduin’s advances! How curious. No one is as strong as him and Alduin knows this for a fact. Especially little Turmeric. His paws bat and push at Alduin and he doesn’t let up one bit. Rather, it urges him to play even more!

The larger pup even dares to laugh some as he leans around the batting paws — not after catching one in the face — and begins biting and nipping at the other. Playful growls fall from his lips and he combats the other. Alduin wants one thing! To play! And, boy, does he demand it.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
57 Posts
Ooc — Eoran
War could not sleep. The haunting images and dreams of the past was keeping her awake and she did not like it one bit. It was just a nap after all, she could stay awake, though she had not slept that night either. She walked instead upon earth still unfamiliar to her, the scents growing more familiar as time passed and she began looking for a good place. A place to spar.

”Tye!” Her ears turned and she tilt her head. A small squeaky voice had reached her ears and she wasn’t particularly curious but the yelping sound of a small one made her walk closer.

She came across two pups play fighting and one she had seen before the other was new. Big for a pup. War’s stone-cold eyes observed silently, keeping watch and looking if others were nearby, just to discover the pups were alone. War did not walk closer but watched them from a distance. If the pups thought she would step in and stop a friendly spar, they would be disappointed.

War would never interrupt learning, the preparation for fighting that was essential for their rise. She observed, watched silently as the pups wrestled. It was not her place to interrupt this and should it get out of hand? Well how could it, it was a spar, anything goes.
115 Posts
Ooc —
He's crushed under the bigger boy's weight. The grass flattens beneath their scuffle and Turmeric shimmies with a gasp of distress. The blows he throws miss Alduin by and large, save for one accidental hit against the older boy's face. The contact does nothing to soften the roughhousing. If anything, it spurs the older boy on.

Turmeric knows the sound of playing, even though this doesn't feel like playing. Not the way he tussles with Mulberry and Thyme. He can't seem to wriggle out from under Alduin's grasp. Turmeric shies his face away from Alduin's teeth, and catches the ruddy glimpse of an onlooker - but he is more focused on the weight he throws into the thrust of his hind paws. All his weight, directed into this effort to batter Alduin in the stomach and perhaps find a glimpse of freedom to scurry away from the boy and into the clear.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
Alduin’s finally starting to realize poor little Turmeric doesn’t seem to want to play. His brows furrow and a frown shows on his face. Then he gets a paw to the face again. Which makes him giggle out a laugh out of everything. Until he sees Turmeric’s attention turn, so his does too. Looking over to find someone so large and powerful looking he’s never seen before!

Oof! He gets paws to the gut. Which allows Turmeric to get his much desired freedom from the dark pup. He lets him get up, but instantly crowds against him once more, eyes still on the stranger. He bats him softly this time to get his attention.

“‘Meric! Look!” He whispers back. A deadly smile forms on his fat little face. “Let’s get ‘em!” He says clumsily, a playful growl beginning to rumble in his throat.

Then, with — or without — his friend, he starts making his way over to the larger wolf. He stands only a meter away and puffs his chest out at her. Tail wagging held high on his hips, he tries to make himself look threatening, but his smile betrays that. 

“Who!?” The prince demands! Who are you? He punctuates his demand with a stomp of his fat paw to the ground. I demand an answer!
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]
57 Posts
Ooc — Eoran
The fighting stopped. Pity.

She wonders what made them stop, but soon realizes their attention turns toward her. Ah. She was the reason it seemed. She watches them silently as they whisper to one another, what they say she does not know, nor does she care. She almost readies to leave until the darker and bigger child comes to her. War’s ears perk forward, and she looks down at the child who makes a meaningless display.

”Who!?” The demand is noticed.

It does not please her.

She growls a warning, a statement rather. She does not like to be bossed around by a child or have demands made by a child either. The growl is low and without the show of teeth and she leans down to the child to look him in the eyes. Her grey eyes show him nothing, but then with a sudden and rather fast movement for someone so big she pushes her nose forward to push him down and into the ground.

”Who?” She demands back, she declares and she does not apologize for probably tilting him over. If he falls to the ground, she will use her front paw to keep him there, hold him in place. Teaching the child a valuable lesson of real life. War wasn’t playing nice, but she was gentle still, more gentle than usual at least. She knew better than to harm a child, and she did not wish to do so. But she wanted him to know that throwing demands left and right would not get him nothing.

Every spoiled child had to be taught a lesson, and this was his. War was chaos after all.
115 Posts
Ooc —
Turmeric manages to free himself from the dark pup's grasp, and the little agouti wriggles away. He isn't too good at fighting yet, but his smaller size makes him an awful good slinker.

He doesn't think about the stranger until Alduin draws his attention toward her again. Turmeric surveys her through wide and cautious eyes. Though curious, he doesn't share Alduin's enthusiasm, nor his devious smile. Not like he imagines @Thyme might. He wonders, if his brother were here, would he stay with Turmeric? Or parade after the charismatic Alduin?

In any case, Turmeric is his own, and he stays planted despite the older pup's cajole to 'get 'em!' Turmeric simply isn't sure - and he wishes dad were here, so he could watch what he did, and maybe get some answers on what he himself was supposed to do.

Yet he is happy he didn't rush forward with Alduin. One moment his friend is standing, the next, he's watching the rusty woman nose out at him with the obvious - and not nice - attempt to push Alduin to the ground.

"No! Stop!" Turmeric rushes forward, but not too close: he knows this woman smells of pack, but is still unsure what she intends to do, or if she'll come after him next.
376 Posts
Ooc — Malia
His demand is obviously not appreciated and the only answer he gets his a lowering of her head and a close mouthed growl. This makes Alduin a bit nervous, it shows in the way his spotted ears turn backwards. He tries not to falter though, he wants to show ‘Meric how strong he is — how reliable he is to protect his friend. 

That is, until she pushes him to the ground and settles a heavy paw over him. Her on calm, but serious demand sounding back at him, parroting his own words. He doesn’t yip or yelp when she pushes him, but his eyes widen and his mouth falls open in surprise. Ears laid flat to his skull now, he’s almost completely frightened. 

Then Turmeric’s cry for her to stop brings him back to reality. He focuses scarlet orbs on ‘Meric and then War. Circular brows knit together in fierce determination not to look like a Oscar Mayer Wiener in front of Turmeric.

“Alduin!” He grunts back his name with fire in his eyes, but the distinct look of fear still holds him. “Who you?” He questions her with false bravado as confidently as he can muster.
[Image: dezcpd0-1faedfae-e3b1-4dc1-b270-4056322a...TmEKLfHlyM]