Sleepy Fox Hollow Beschützen
139 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
Emmerich is at the border doing a patrol! Hoping this will be my last trade thread for his first mercenary rank. <3 Would love anyone to join.

The day was still fresh and there was a trickle of sunlight that promised the young aspiring guardian to leave the hearth and make his way to the borders of their hollow home. Emmerich had learned the paths well. Since his father had taken him out, shown him how proper protection was offered, the young man had taken it upon himself to be the best guardian Paleo would have.

Once he found a faded marking, Emmerich stopped to make a new one – something fresh to show that this was their land. He thought of Dusty and how the strange individual had wandered in, seemingly searching for friends or companionship. Emmerich wondered if the peculiar fellow had found what he was looking for, or if he had blindly stepped into another wolf’s home.

Sniffing at rabbit droppings, Emmerich found his stomach rumbling. He would finish his patrol and then he would search for food.
omnipotent society of youth
178 Posts
Ooc — wen
he needs one more too! <3

as a dispersal, astraeus had found he chewed on the inside of his mouth; a graph of recorded analog data would read the independent variable was his anxieties where his cheek biting varied continuously with its higher slopes. 
an object demonstrating spatial position, from one weir to the next rise.
he was making his rounds in hoping to become familiar with the borders and the land itself. he licked the pockmarks inside his mouth when his gaze caught one of the children.
he flicked his ear in acknowledgement.
139 Posts
Ooc — Teo
Emmerich had not anticipated that he would happen upon unfamiliar company. He had hoped that he might find his father. The surprise of the other individual was not unwelcomed. The white-hooded boy simply blinked a few times and found his footing. One way or another, he would show his worth to his parents. It was through his action and his dedication to getting better that he would show he was a worthy young guardian.

The young wolf nodded his head in greeting to the other wolf.

Schönen Tag, he offered politely. Though he did not know the name of the wolf he had found, Emmerich was swift to recognize that the man smelled of their land. He was a member of their small group. He would do well to treat one of their members as politely as he could.
omnipotent society of youth
178 Posts
Ooc — wen

schönen tag.
she nodded soft as he felt the whole of love and agnst on his throat. he felt displaced around most of paleo. he didn't know if he had been mentioned before. he doubted it, but brushed it off just as quickly.
he canted his head  towards emmerich's projected direction to see if he wanted to continue on the boy's patrol.

139 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The dark figure had an intense gaze. Emmerich did not shy from it. He offered a smile, hoping that he might get to know this wolf. Just because they had not met, did not mean that they were any less a part of Paleo. The young, white-hooded wolf did not want to seem like he was a loner, that he operated without the good of his packmates in his mind. That was not him.

Vill you patrol with me? I have not met you. I vould like to know your name.

Emmerich’s father’s accent had started to take hold upon his tongue. Oftentimes, he found himself defaulting to the German that had been taught to him and his sister. The young wolf lifted his head and parked his ears curiously to a point. Would the dark stranger accept his offer?