Stone Circle There were roses
231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
All Welcome 
Quietly, the boy sat in the shade, contemplating the fading green plants that grew not far from where his family kept him safely stowed away at night. Clouds passed beneath the sun, casting a bit of shadow that brought with it a bit of a chill. The days and nights had grown darker, colder, though he didn't mind terribly, having not yet learned to love and miss the heat of summer's peak. 
          One of the plants had long leaves that looked somewhat spearlike in shape. He sniffed at them, catching a hint of the lemon-like aroma. He looked about to see if anyone would stop him- before he reached out and chomped one of the leaves from its stem and chewed it. 
          It was sour! He chewed loudly, trying to figure out if the taste was horrible or if he liked it. It almost made his eyes water. Once he'd finished with that leaf, he eyed the rest. It wasn't grass, but he didn't know the name of sorrel yet.
372 Posts
Ooc —
since her return from akashingo she had felt...different.

weird and alienated from the world beyond kvarsheim. but maybe that was okay. it was not as though there was much good beyond the borders. prey, mostly. even then the lands here provided much!

so she kept closer to her mother and young siblings.

who grew so much! she had not expected to see one out, eating something of a plant-nature.

skáld! she spoke with laughter as she neared. you are not deer. why eat plant?

i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
note: bjarna speaks broken english at best.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Skáld was lost in thought, contemplating how it was a plant could have such a wildly different taste than another he’d eaten before, and was startled when his name was called out. His first feeling was guilt. He’d been caught doing something that probably wasn’t right- but he relaxed a bit when he saw the amusement on Bjarna’s features.
          His head dropped slightly, and he tried to grin though he looked more sheepish and ashamed than amused. His lips twisted a moment while he tried to figure out what sort of explanation he had. He’d been curious, but that didn’t seem like a good enough answer. 
          He shrugged and shuffled his paws before he lifted one and gestured to the leaves. ”Try,” He suggested shyly.
372 Posts
Ooc —
bjarna knew nothing about plants.

certainly not enough to know if this one was safe or dangerous, yet she figured she'd rather be sick with her brother. rather than sick without.

carefully she chewed upon the plant. finding no liking for it at once.

i do not know... but she was reminded of the horrible place over the mountains. the good thing of there had been the small, round plump things.

i can find you a sweet treat. would skáld like that?

i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
note: bjarna speaks broken english at best.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She chewed the plant, and seemed about as surprised and unimpressed as he had been. He tilted his head, and exhaled softly, as though to thank her for at least humouring him and giving the sour plant a try. He would remember it for its taste, but neither of them seemed to find it appealing enough to keep it as an edible plant. 

When she mentioned something sweet, he perked his limp little ears. He nodded, standing and allowing his tail to wave, the curly feathers of fur drifting from side to side. "Berries?" He asked, wondering what it was she had in mind.
372 Posts
Ooc —
how did you know! you are too smart, little bear.

she placed a soft kiss upon his crown before she began her search, inviting him along.

are dagur and yrsa being good to you? she loved them all! yet she felt it important to spend that vital time with each individually.

i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
note: bjarna speaks broken english at best.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He blushed beneath his fur, and smiled, grateful for the praise. His tail wriggled, curled tassels of fur bouncing. He followed along with her, though his pace was careful. He didn't want to go too far, but he trusted Bjarna wouldn't take him somewhere that felt frightening. 

"Mmhmm," He confirmed. It wasn't exactly the truth; Skáld was a bit of a loner, and spent more of his time by himself than playing with the others. He didn't want to be rough or playfight, and his siblings' teeth were getting awfully sharp. He had no complaints otherwise, though, with reference to his siblings. "Bjarna, how many plants have berries?" He asked.
372 Posts
Ooc —
i do not know them all — but!

she hummed now, thoughtful. trying to remember how many berries she had seen in akashingo.

i bet we could learn together? maybe each day i find a new berry for you. she could not help herself from gently nosing at him again. admiring the softness of baby fur and the scent of mother. would skáld like that?

i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
note: bjarna speaks broken english at best.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He stopped, surprised by the sudden halt in conversation. He flinched at first when she reached out, more startled than anything, and a bit headshy by nature. He warmed almost instantly to the touch and nuzzled into her soft, pale fur. He continued along with her, now trying to brainstorm the different berries they could find. 

"Blue berries, red berries, black berries...Bjarna berries, Skáld berries," He continued smiling slyly to see if she noticed his playful, imagined berries.
372 Posts
Ooc —
we can keep going or fade for something new? :D

blue, red, black, bja—

she had been nodding her head along to his list. prepared for them all. only to be surprised by his list!

there are no such berries! she laughed, warmly and freely. but we will find the others. maybe a blue one today and we take it back to mama, hm? she knows so much!

i held an atlas in my lap
ran my fingers across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?
note: bjarna speaks broken english at best.
icelandic will be italicized with translations on hover/click.
231 Posts
Ooc — Jess
How 'bout we fade this one, should count toward caretaker trade for her and naturalist for him, and have a new one :3

Skáld giggled with glee, having been caught in the middle of his mischief! Dipping into a playbow, he wiggled his little rump in the air. "We find white ones, we name them Bjarna berries!" It didn't matter to him, too much, if the berries already had a name. Of course, if he could choose, he would want for Bjarna berries not only to be perfect and white, but also very sweet and healthy. In his experience thus far, white berries meant that they were under-ripe. Surely, there had to be a good, white berry out there somewhere. 

"Find for Mama!" He agreed, and toddled after her in search of good, tasty berries to bring back for Sanja.