Phantom Hollow A Calling in the Dark
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
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After her little experience, Moonshadow continued on her way towards Blackfeather in hopes of seeing Maegi one more time. It had been so long she hoped the young one was still around. But for now she rested in the hollow taking shelter underneath a tree. It was cold but she stuck it throughout.
1,293 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He shouldn't have left the woods the first time, and certainly not this time. But he was on high alert ever since his return, and Titmouse wasn't going to let the black dogs of Moonspear corrupt what little goodness he had found with his beloved. He was no outrider, and certainly no warrior despite all the dangers he'd survived; but he would put his life on the line if it meant Maegi would be safe. She had her brother - and their friends - and she could survive if he were to fall.

But it was not Hydra that he encountered as he neared the silvered forest; though the stranger was darkly coated, they were softer looking than the hardened mountaineers he so dreaded. There was something familiar there - but Titmouse could not remember if he'd ever met this woman before. He followed after them in silence, cautious and watchful in case they were yet another shadow sent to ruin his life.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow had trekked forward and caught the scent of a wolf yet she knew not where it came from. “Hello? Is anyone there?” She hadn’t been around this area since Blackfeather woods disbanded. It felt so long ago now that she thought about it.
1,293 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He was not a stealthy creature in the beginning, but in the time spent in silence upon Undersea's beaches and then in the familiar darkness of Blackfeather, the nearly mute wolf had acquired certain skills. He ghosted through the hollow as if he owned it, like the phantom who it may be named after.

Then she called our, and whatever power Titmouse felt in that moment was gone. He made himself known to her sight first - stepping in to a patch of slanting spring light - and drew close. He called to her with his rasping voice, What doing here? but the same could be asked of himself; he should have stayed in his dark wood.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The female had been answered shortly after she had asked her question. It took her a second to see the figure as he or she stepped out from where they had been watching. As the voice spoke it was clear to be a male. Though something about him felt familiar but she decided not to ponder on it. “My name is Moonshadow, I was on my way to Blackfeather Woods in search of a friend of mine.”

I’m reality she was like family to the shewolf when hers was not. The woods had never abandoned her and in turn she would do no such thing either
1,293 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
This is super old so I'll fade it here!

The stranger introduced herself; Titmouse had no memory of this dark-coated female but then again, his stay in Blackfeather had been tumultuous at best. When she spoke of the forest his gaze lit with a knowing fire, but he said nothing — just sank back from her, turning and striding off like a wayward spirit. If she followed then they would return to the woods together, but he did not look back.