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Given to Jawahir by Gucci on June 15, 2022
Lion's Head Mesa · the price of luxury
Given to Kukutux by T.K. on June 15, 2022
Shadewood · piit ☆
Given to Kukutux by Yonder on June 15, 2022
Duck Lake · aanniqtuq ☀
Given to Kukutux by Gun on June 15, 2022
Duck Lake · aanniqtuq ☀
Given to Asmodeus by Gun on June 15, 2022
Sun Mote Copse · Something happens and I'm head over heels
Given to Kukutux by Gun on June 15, 2022
Duck Lake · aanniqtuq ☀
Given to Avicus by Medalina on June 15, 2022
Ouroboros Spine · x-ing a paragrab
Given to Kukutux by Medalina on June 15, 2022
Shadow Mountain · taqqiq ☾
Your writing is flawless. The bit about equivalent exchange (mother for wife, father for children) stands out to me the most, but the entire post is wonderful!
Given to Nazli by Innominate on June 14, 2022
Lion's Head Mesa · i'll fake god today
Given to Makono by Innominate on June 14, 2022
Lion's Head Mesa · reed
Given to Makono by Innominate on June 14, 2022
Lion's Head Mesa · reed
she's so fun to read aaaaaa!
Given to Innominate by Silvertongue on June 14, 2022
Bearclaw Valley · et peccatum meum contra me est semper
such devotion
Given to Innominate by Bjarna on June 14, 2022
Bearclaw Valley · et peccatum meum contra me est semper
this whole post ;u;
"He knew it in the scarlet-tinted rivulets running along the stone, the metallic taint that curled into his nostrils, the sting of salt a subtle undercurrent. " this is some of the hardest hitting writing ive ever read, this entire post fr
Given to Rosenskärm by Nala on June 14, 2022
Hideaway Strath · stjärnbild
you have such a gorgeous writing style! <3