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The Sentinels · what tale could I tell that has not been told
The Sentinels · what tale could I tell that has not been told
The Sentinels · what tale could I tell that has not been told
pffft just. ded.
The Sentinels · what tale could I tell that has not been told
The Sentinels · what tale could I tell that has not been told
RIP <3 What a legend
The Sentinels · what tale could I tell that has not been told
"With a crack, she was no more.
Just a black duchess with a red carpet surrounding her so.
A final breath, as the curtains draw."
Given to Skuld by Rosencrantz on January 06, 2021
The Sentinels · what tale could I tell that has not been told
Given to RIP Umbra by Rosencrantz on January 06, 2021
The Sentinels · what tale could I tell that has not been told
Given to Skuld by Rosencrantz on January 06, 2021
The Sentinels · what tale could I tell that has not been told
Given to RIP Umbra by Rosencrantz on January 06, 2021
The Sentinels · what tale could I tell that has not been told
;3; </3
Given to RIP Bronco by Fennec on January 06, 2021
Redhawk Caldera · Jet Song
I'm gonna contain myself and not kudos every single post in this thread but this one feels so Bronco that it's a good'un to pop this on. I love this boy so much, he's so sweet and hesitant and caring and does so much ;.; I hate that yelling at him is one of my favorite things to do but I swear every time we have a thread like this my muse for Fenn spikes a million. Your writing is also so full of imagery and physical language and I will never get over it. I AM BLESSED to be able to write together as often as we do and ILU LOTS <3
Dragoncrest Cliffs · 'Bring on the night.'
Hideaway Strath · There Are Monsters
I love bampa already
Dragoncrest Cliffs · 'Bring on the night.'
The skill
Given to Regin by RIP Bronco on January 06, 2021
Dragoncrest Cliffs · 'Bring on the night.'
WOAH. This post is beautiful! Far too many lines for me to start listing the ones I love, but I think it's the 'hooded figure' in the water that made me sort of shudder. Is it her reflection? Is it a sea lion? Is it CAIAPHAS? Or some other figure from the beyond? It's great, and I love it.
Dragoncrest Cliffs · 'Bring on the night.'
Given to Regin by RIP Polaris on January 06, 2021
Dragoncrest Cliffs · 'Bring on the night.'
Given to RIP Toad Amelia by West Tyree on January 06, 2021
Firefly Glen · I'm sorry if I hurt you, I'm sorry if it got that bad
Firefly Glen · I'm sorry if I hurt you, I'm sorry if it got that bad
Ugh . My heart
Moonspear · confess to me,
I love Mira so dang much