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Given to Shale by Dawn on August 25, 2018
Dawnlark Plains · heart of gold
it gave me the feels
Given to Shale by Graveyard on August 25, 2018
Dawnlark Plains · heart of gold
Given to RIP Grezig by Caiaphas on August 24, 2018
Mount Apikuni · go then, there are other worlds than these
"She feared that there was something already mentally wrong with this boy" -- well you're not wrong (JK! <3). menny thanks for taking such good care of my son ;-; i'm enjoying all of the grezig/illidan threads so much.
Given to Relmyna by Graveyard on August 21, 2018
Blackfeather Woods · and sleep as i in childhood sweetly slept,
Given to Relmyna by Graveyard on August 21, 2018
Blackfeather Woods · and sleep as i in childhood sweetly slept,
Given to Engel by Aditya on August 18, 2018
Jade Fern Grove · she said, "you ain't no son of mine for what you've done"
Engel will always be one of my sentimental favorites. The shenanigans he got himself into were both amusing and slightly horrifying; I think he got laid more times than anyone else on this website (if someone wants to run numbers, go nuts; I'm not doing wolf secks calculations). At the end of the day, though, he was just a sweet guy looking for the other half of his heart. Poet, singer, explorer, lover. Farewell, Engel! You died in the most fitting way possible--in the middle of a sexually-charged encounter with a dude you just met. Aditya and I will both miss you dearly!
Given to Cassiopeia by Vaati on August 16, 2018
Blackfoot Forest · starts so soft and sweet and turns them to hunters
i love this post so much. the dialogue is on point. cass is a mf queen. vaati is shook. im shook. we're all shook.
Given to Wraen by Coelho on August 16, 2018
The Sunspire · new rules
as a general rule, i love all of your posts.. but i think this one is exceptionally well written. it's very easy to feel like i am in wraen's shoes in this post.. ?
Given to Wraen by Olive on August 16, 2018
The Sunspire · new rules
So many feels, and so exquisitely written!
Given to Eleuthera by Graveyard on August 15, 2018
Broken Boulder · Like or Like Like
what a great portrayal of childish innocence tbh
Given to Lyra by Arcturus on August 15, 2018
Moonspear · keep this fire burning brighter
that's for calling revui fat hehehe
Given to Apple by Mirabelle on August 12, 2018
Whitebark Stream · it’s alarming honestly how charming she can be, fooling everyone,
I love this so much. You play this character very well! I love seeing her go through her children, and I laughed out loud when you said, "Incredible had been the day when a fellow showed up who asked for her hand in holy mateship. And the odd thing was that with combined 3 neurons they produced amazingly intelligent full-brained children."
Given to Titmouse (Ghost) by Graveyard on August 12, 2018
Totoka River · I sometimes wish I had never been born at all.
Given to Antumbra by Tux on August 11, 2018
Dragoncrest Cliffs · we begin in the dark and birth is the death of us
i. how does a wolf reach seventeen hundred posts (one seven zero zero) without gaining any sort of kudos? ii. what a character! thuringwethil is so widely-recognized, and drageda has had such a good, long run. i hope it continues to remain strong. you've put so much work into it. iii. you have a way with words, my dear friend. iv. thank you.
Given to Nechako by Arcturus on August 10, 2018
Firefly Glen · shadows will scream that i'm alone
as a horse person (lmao is this a bad label) i just wanted to give you a kudos for your A+ description of how horses snoof interesting things. i thought this depiction of nechako interacting with arcturus was perfectly written!
Given to Durnehviir by Lunna on August 08, 2018
Swiftcurrent Creek · And I know you don't know, but I need you to be brave.
I like your profile picture. :)
Given to Reigi by Hamartia on August 08, 2018
Wapun Meadow · in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife
" Why had her husband's everything been so pitifully little?"
Given to Seabreeze by Olive on August 08, 2018
Bitterroot Valley · on and on and on
You are a fabulous thread partner and lovely person to plot with. I love writing with you, as well as just reading your posts - or are they poetry? - and then talking offline with you about pretty words and wacky sentence structures. Thank you for the constant inspo with your fun and dynamic characters. You are such a big part of wolf for me <3
Given to Nunataq by Reigi on August 08, 2018
Wapun Meadow · in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife
Just like her mother.
Given to Komodo by Reigi on August 04, 2018
Wapun Meadow · in inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife
I am so happy to see Komodo back, and I can't wait to get started writing with you again. Already you've taken me with this post.. you're so good at creating characters and having them feel things realistically. Komodo is three-dimensional.. I can tell just with this post alone. <3