Firestone Hot Springs lakes formed in the wolf's tracks
71 Posts
Ooc — Kris
All Welcome 

The white wolf stood back from the strange sight — and smell — that greeted him. He felt as though he looked upon a place that could not be touched by winter. Peculiar fog rose from scattered pools of water had not froze even when nearby rivers and lakes were ice. The edge of snow crept only so near and then stopped, leaving green grass to still grow between the pools. He found the smell almost indescribable. It reminded him of carrion, and of foul winds from beneath a friend's tail. It wrinkled his nose.

Skwol's ears flicked back on his broad skull and a low growl rumbled in the depths of his throat and chest. His approach was curious but cautious and comprised of a few steps and then a pause to look, to sniff, and to wonder. Still he growled. This alien place reminded him of far too many horrors. His readiness to spring was evident in his twitching muscles and the jerky, flighty movements that had replaced his usual smooth saunter. That he could feel heat from the pools as he drew nearer only unsettled him more.

Skwol snorted and backtracked several paces before turning to size up the hot springs once more with an intense and scrutinizing gaze, keeping an ear turned out to listen around him.
1,336 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
aditya, at first, had found the hot springs a novelty, something to marvel at. he had seen such things down south, but not this many grouped together all at once, with pools this large. now, though, it was merely another part of the landscape, the immediate territory surrounding morningside's claim.

he had been patrolling for hours and noticed his body was beginning to ache; the winter chill was settling in his bones, something that--although unaware of, for now--he would struggle with for the rest of his life. so adi sought the restorative properties of the pools, hoping to let the wet heat sink in well enough to feel somewhat better.

adi was just about to step into one of the little bodies of water when he noticed movement nearby, stepping cautiously among the pools. standing suddenly in wariness, and slight alarm, he sized up the man standing not so far from him. a big, white wolf--bigger than aditya--with a thick pelt and golden eyes. not someone he had seen before. and, judging by his scent. . .mercifully alone. for now.

with a chuff bridging the gap between warm and stern, aditya alerted the other to his presence, waiting for the snowy-furred man to make the next move.
71 Posts
Ooc — Kris
To Skwol's surprise another wolf appeared meandering between the strange pools. His ears flicked forward with interest. It appeared that this other male was about to go into the water before he noticed the white wolf standing there. Skwol greeted the male's chuff with a wag of his tail and several tentative paces forward. He was emboldened by the ease with which the other wolf moved around the peculiar place, but he was still greatly unsure of it himself. He wanted to know more.

"Friend! Can you tell me about this place?"
1,336 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
his wariness faded somewhat as the wolf greeted him with the word friend, and adi let a small smile play over his muzzle in response. "friend," he repeated, the tip of his tail wiggling slightly in greeting. the tension in his shoulders and back had increased as he had bulked up his posture, ready to confront this wolf, and now as he let his body relax a little, so did the pain subside by a small amount.

"hot springs, formed by intense heat underneath the ground," aditya explained, dipping his nose and letting the steam hit his face in a satisfying sort of way. "good for aches and pains, healing wounds." he looked back up at the man, curiosity slowly winning him over.

"who are you? where do you come from?" he asked him abruptly, his tone brusque but not unkind.
71 Posts
Ooc — Kris
Hot springs.

Skwol's gaze drifted from the stranger to linger on the pool. His ear twitched as he wondered: how could there be heat underground? How did this wolf know? The white wolf did not inquire. There were many tales of strange things and he had seen things that defied explanation himself. He was a wolf to question but he was also a wolf to accept that some things simply were.

He moved closer, caution still characterizing his steps and gold eyes still watchful of the other male. The mention of the water's healing properties intrigued him and it was that interest that coaxed him to the edge of the pool opposite of his companion, where he sniffed at the pool and the ground.

"I am Skwol." He answered as his tongue flicked out to taste the water. The combination of the heat and the odd tastes was not welcome and he quickly shook his massive head. "I have come from the north, from a mountain known to mine as the Broken Fang." Skwol lifted his head then and angled his ears forward, expecting a reciprocation of his introduction.
1,336 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he watched as the man attempted to drink from the spring, half-smiling as he shook his head in obvious distaste. "not good for drinking, unfortunately," adi said, his voice rueful. he nodded as he took in the information the wolf had thrown his way. skwol. north. broken fang.

"my name is aditya," he introduced himself. "i am with a pack that lives just to the east of here." he swiveled his head and pointed with his nose as he said the last bit, for illustration--and to, perhaps, subtly warn the man of the proximity to a pack (a strong one at that) should he prove a threat.

but this skwol seemed amicable enough. aditya's standards for friendliness had lowered dramatically since he had first entered the teekon wilds. no need to be overly charming or funny--just don't be an arse for no reason and don't hurt my family.
71 Posts
Ooc — Kris
"Not good for drinking..." Skwol grunted in agreement.

He committed the male's name to memory, drawing a breath at the same time to nest it with his scent. His eyes followed the line of his snout to flat edge of a plateau and the mountains that rose behind it. He could not know exactly where the pack made its territory based on Aditya's gesture, but he would note the landscape and be aware when travelling in that area, if ever he was inclined to head that way.

"What do you call yourselves?" The white wolf was not one to pry into personal business, though he had no qualms offering a plush ear to listen if someone wanted or needed to share. He was however a scout at heart — the blood of his nomadic ancestors thick in his veins. It was second nature for him to collect information about nearby packs, about the land and the prey that used it, and other such things.
1,336 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he paused as skwol asked him the question, puzzling over his response for a long moment. no pack-scent clung to this man's pelt, and he seemed friendly. and morningside must be a well-enough known presence in the flatlands that telling this man something he could find out easily enough would likely be of no harm.

"morningside," aditya said finally, his tone light but his eyes, so like a hawk's, fixed on the man. who asks? you--you alone?

there was trouble brewing in teekon; he could feel it. tensions surrounding many of the packs, mostly regarding the misdeeds of that southern band of wolves. and the incident at their own border, that had ended in a tail ripped from its base, an eye from its socket.
71 Posts
Ooc — Kris
He thought he could discern a question in the other wolf's eyes but was unsure of what that question might be. If he had to guess he would suppose that the male wondered if he was interested in banding with them. Skwol should have been but he was not finished wandering, or rather, he was not yet ready to commit to a future different from the one he had saw coming just a short time ago. His wounds were still too raw.

Skwol provided no answer either way. He turned his gaze back to the water and paired another question with a snippet of information about himself, if only to offer something in exchange for his inquiries. "I know a bit about healing — I like to heal. If you cannot drink this water then how is it used?"
1,336 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
aditya had watched skwol's face as he spoke, and was relieved to find neutrality in the lack of response. it seemed that the man had no hidden agenda but was merely curious, and that was good. instead, the lone wolf commented on the springs once more, and aditya was happy to oblige him with an answer.

"i've been told the water carries healing properties. stuff inside it that helps soothe aching joints and muscles, or heals cuts and scrapes." the water itself was acrid and pungent, not like seawater--something more foul, from the depths of hell itself. funny, then, that this hellwater could do such good.

he looked up at skwol and smiled. "i'm no medic, myself, but we have a couple of them back home."
71 Posts
Ooc — Kris
Skwol found the answer lacking but he did not let it show on his face. The male had already informed him that the water had healing properties. He wanted to know how to use them if the water could not be consumed. He might have pressed for the detail he wanted had he not arrived at a probable answer himself (and in that moment was almost thankful that the other wolf seemingly misheard his question — it spared him from having to make the I should have known that face).

The white wolf stretched out a leg and slowly made to dip his large paw in the pool, his eyes watching for any alarm from Aditya, any indication that he was about to do something stupid. Seeing none, he submerged his toes and his breath caught in his throat. Oh. It was like liquid sunshine. Hot and inviting. He drew extended his paw further into the water and slowly swept it around, relishing the sensation against his travel-worn pads.

"They must love these pools," he commented, thinking how much his pack's medicine wolf would have delighted in them, if they truly were mending.
1,336 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
it was a wonderful sight, to see the man enjoy the heat on his paw. "they do," he responded, face creasing in a grin. "i come down here from time to time to soak. not as young as i once was. starting to feel it."

sitting on his haunches, he regarded skwol curiously. "i've not seen you around here, before," he remarked, his tone level. "new to stay, or just passing through?"

many travelers came through these parts, the vast expanse between the two mountain ranges, a clear path to the sea. where was he going? aditya wondered. he almost wished he could tag along.
71 Posts
Ooc — Kris
"New," Skwol answered as he moved forward. The water felt so soothing on his foot he could no longer resist having a soak himself. He made an effort to be polite and ease himself in... or rather, he thought about it. No sooner had he started to gingerly wade in did he abandon his manners. The white wolf gave no warning before he launched off the bank with his powerful hind limbs and splashed heavily into the pool, the sheer size of him sending a hefty cascade of steamy water in all directions.

Skwol romped for several moments, the picture of an overgrown and clumsy pup, completely enthralled by how wonderful the hot water felt. It was just what the white wolf needed for his soul. He settled down shortly after, and took to calmly treading circles in the pool, looking to his companion.

"Just passing through but I think I'll stay awhile and soak, as you say."
1,336 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Master Ambassador
Master Ranger
he flinched slightly as hot droplets flew his way, shaking out his pelt with a grin as he watched skwol wade around in the water. the man looked as if he was in for a nice, leisurely afternoon; aditya, having concluded that the stranger was no threat, was not about to distract him from his relaxation.

"i'll leave you to it," aditya said warmly. he pointed his nose in the direction he was headed back to. "it was nice to meet you, skwol. if you're ever in need of a place to stay. . .my pack lies that way."

giving skwol a final, curt nod, aditya turned on his heel and loped off, having completely forgotten that he, too, was due for a swim in the hot springs.

he would remember it the next morning, surely, rising with some ache here or pain there.

last post!
71 Posts
Ooc — Kris
He thought perhaps the other wolf would join him, but instead Aditya invited him to his pack if he needed a place to stay, and then bid him farewell with a dip of his head. "Thanks, take care." Skwol returned, before resuming his relaxing soak.