Northstar Vale Sincerely Yours, From One of Y'all
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Limit Two 



How did one begin to label these feelings? How did you hold yourself, or anyone, up when you felt like you were drowning? They were against the odds trying to stand up, trying to keep their shoulders back, and failing to do so. This was supposed to all for one and one for all. He had never felt more alone. 


 He hadn't eaten since the meeting. What was the point? There was no desire. Desire for a better future had once been the dream and for now that flame had been suffocated. The happiness had gone, the sun blotted out, the faith he had choked til it was breathless. He had kept to himself albeit minor interactions with others that were here. Those that still were anyways.

 It had been hard to keep to his promises. But he had. He had left food outside of Vespera's home when he had found her and her children and tried to make himself more known. He hadn't faltered despite his lack of ambition. What was he running on if not hope? 

 His stomach rumbled in protest to the forgetfullness to feed. Honestly, the pain was nice. It let him know that he was still alive. He wanted to see Yuudai. He wanted to see if the Samurai was doing any better. did he fall so far? Did he approach the den and spew words of hatred for their Empress and false Emperor? Did he come and offer words of encouragement. No. None of the above. Instead, in the diminishing light of the setting sun Collision came yards before threshold of Yuudai and Hiromi's home. There were children here and so he tried to keep a respectful distance...but his concern ran deeper than Yuudai's sons or daughters. A whine escaped him. It was heartfelt and it was full of sorrow. Silence became him after this. He listened. Would @Yuudai answer? Would Hiromi come out to cast him away in lieu of her husband's need to be alone? He didn't want trouble....Actually, he wasn't sure what he wanted. 
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
158 Posts
Ooc — Kegana
Yuudai was a wreck, and it was obvious from his appearance. His once vibrant lavender gaze grew dull, and his sterling white pelt was scuffed and dirty. He did not look like the daring samurai who had arrived in the wilds all those months ago. No. Now he was burdened with the chaos that his dreams had caved into.

The whine drew his attention. And he lifted his head, casting a lingering glance at his wife huddled as far from him as possible. With only Kazu surviving, Hiromi and himself had found caring for the little boy rather straightforward. But despite them both loving for the boy so deeply, something manifested between the young couple. They no longer laughed or smiled as they once did. They no longer bantered about old times, nor where their quiet whispers about the gossip of the pack. In fact, they didn’t really speak at all. Aside from talking about his injury.

Yuu rose extremely gingerly from his prone spot. His steps were soft, and there was a hesitation with every movement. A stiffness to his actions. He was far from better, but he could at least exit the den. Which he did now. To find Collision outside. “Collision.” The soft spoken man called, beckoning him closer, and Yuudai met him half way.

Yuudai was slowly discovering a friend in Collision, and he was incredibly touched that the man had stood beside him. When Vespera has told him after the fact. Yuudai had been speechless. Collision had stood his ground, joining Yuu’s treasonous and disasters stand-off. Earning his own demotion, alongside Yuudai’s. The disgraced man hadn’t spoken with his brother-in-arms since the meeting, and was concerned by the sudden visit.
Angry Bean
347 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Everything was just going to shit, the tensions were high after the meeting and Vespera was starting to become an emotional trainwreck. The Duchess felt like an utter fool for she should have stood up for Yuudai when he spoke out because she had been in the male's shoes once before. The dark woman should have been there for her friend but once again she let her emotions take hold of her and she froze like a coward. Oh if only she wasn't pregnant! If only she didn't have stupid PTSD! The girl angrily thought of scenarios where she would have leaped in and ripped the false Emporer's throat out for abusing his power.

Her friends lost their ranks because of their cowardice, a member was exiled because of her fear.

She was to blame.

Her rank meant nothing to her.

The very thing that the girl didn't want happening to her friends became a reality, and she stood by.


The warrior woman would never forgive herself for this, but now that her pups were out and they were cared for by the brave Collison coming in and dropping food, it was time to kick ass. Unlike Reiko, Vespera would take action for now she would fight on the side of justice for her past traumas urged her to not let an event like this happen to anyone else. The girl caught the scent of Yuudai and immediately changed direction and followed his scent to an open space where Collision had beat the girl there and the guilt had only ached her more. As she came onto the scene, she couldn't forcefully hide her guilt, her eyes and ears dropped, her tail dropped as if it was dead. 

The warrior woman approached the two men, she didn't want them to take pity on her, but her shame and guilt couldn't hold itself back, "boys... I am so sorry," her gaze lifted with utter remorse, "I should have done something... But I couldn't.-" The cloaked woman held her breath, "while you were down Yuudai... the scene morphed into a disgusting memory that I tried to forget and put behind me... I was frozen... What happened to me happened to you and I couldn't bear to see you like this... And yet, I stood by like a coward."

"I am no Duchess,"
Her brows furrowed as she was furious with her actions but continued on with her apology.

"Collision... You are a noble male, one who was willing to stay true to your beliefs no matter what... And I should have done the same..." The girl gave a small dip of her head in respect.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
He came forward but there was something visibly broken about him. It surpassed the phsyical. This was pain you didn't know until it shook you to your core. Collision understood it because while they loved Reiko in two very different ways...they had both felt the stab of betrayal. Their souls were damaged. 

 Collision wanted to scream at him to lift his head. To stand with some pride! The words were lost in his own silence. In his own head. He had come here with all the intent of being a friend. Of trying to understand...but perhaps this was all the understanding they were due. Not why things were the way they were...but simply that this is how it was now. 

  Yellow eyes fought back tears and it turned into a losing battle. He was always so stoic. He never showed a thing--even happiness, but the funny thing about being so emotionally removed...when the flood gates did open it was obviously genuine, "Yuu I'm so sorry. I...don't know what to do," There was no hopefullness in what he had decided to say. There was nothing he could do to make this good. He had failed. Again. 

 Vespera came. Her words immediately overtaking them and Collision could feel himself hanging on to every word. He prayed she was going to say somethin that would ignite a flame in him. He prayed for her to offer him restoration but he could only feel the empty ache of his heart shattering more. Could he be put back together?

 She tried to offer him kind words of encouragement. She tried to reach and compare their actions. She dared to call him noble, " didn't need to put yourself in harms way like that...and If I was noble I would have done more than offer words that didn't do anything to repair the damage done. We all failed in one way or another...." He verbally. Yuudai physically. Vespera emotionally. 

He didn't want to be so negative...but what were they to do?
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
158 Posts
Ooc — Kegana
He was surprised by the arrival of his ebony friend. The last he had seen her she had been days away from birth. Surely she must have extremely young pups at home. Normally he might have quietly mentioned it, concerned but giving her the benefit of the doubt. But now, now Yuudai was struggling to care. He sat gingerly before he slowly walked his paws forward lowering himself further. The short couple of feet from the den's edge taking his breath away. Yuudai couldn't stand for long periods of time, and he no longer cared whether he appeared weak or not. They had all witnessed his weakness two weeks ago. They had all seen it. Why not give them a reminder.

At Vespera's words, Yuu simply scowled dropping his head and staring at the ground. "It doesn't matter now Vespera." His words were biting, sharp almost. "It's over." He conceded, his eyes shutting softly. "He won." The words carried on his breath, ultimately defeated.
Angry Bean
347 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Vespera hated being away from her pups, they were so young, so vulnerable, she so badly wanted to run to them now, but her brothers in arms needed her. The Duchess felt a great weight off of her shoulders once those words left her mouth. The girl knew she was in the wrong for not showing loyalty to the pack for she feared her own life and the pups that were growing inside her.

She was fearing for her life once again, and she hated it, it was time for a change.

Collison spoke like his collected self but the woman could tell the man was broken, and she couldn't blame him. The cloaked woman had been in the same defeating sense of mine that these men were experiencing right before her violet orbs. These boys needed some encouragement, but she really wasn't the best wolf to do it, yet again, she owed these men. Yuudai with his loyalty, honor, and wisdom, Collision with his nobility, integrity, and courage, these fine gentlemen had given the once broken women hope again, to be better than she already was.

Now they needed her help.

The Duchess was no stranger to the fading light of a soul, and it was clearly flickering in these boys, the sparks in their eyes were diminishing. Collision was trying to be sympathetic but even he stated that the damage had been done and just by his words and tone of voice alone, he was crushed. The Duchess gave him a smile and lifted her ears, but Yuudai cut in rather sharp which made Vespera flinch a little at his pessimistic words hit her ears like thorns. Even the honorable samurai has fallen. 

But the evening star rises.

Vespera furrowed her eyes a bit at Yuudai as the man hung his head, this wasn't the Yuudai she knew, "he won eh?" She tilted her head at him and gave him a gaze of disbelief. The Duchess scoffed, "the dumbass didn't win, in fact, he dug his own grave," she stated with a small chuff as a small smirk broke on her lips, "thanks to both of you, the pack is starting to see that Takeshit is undeserving and a total dick." Her eyes continued to stay on Yuudai, occasionally moving to Collision, "I know he demoted you both and the fucking bastard kicked out Awenfen which was a big ass mistake," her claws started to grip the dirt which was a reflection of her frustration because she too was exiled, but she wasn't there to see it, she was informed. 

"This so-called "Emporer," I have seen his type time and time again, he only cares about the damn title and nothing else, and that fuckfest of a meeting only proved that he abused his power to try and silence those who oppose him. Same shit happened to me at Easthollow, the "leader" of that pack attacked me just for trying to comfort my friend, but my friend was his mate. Their pup had been attacked by a sorry bitch and I just wanted to give her some comfort because I knew she had experienced so many tragedies before. But his possessive ass dragged me off of her, which by the way, she didn't care that I was comforting her, but he still beat me to the ground anyway and raked my neck which caused me to bleed." The Duchess needed to take a breather before continuing, she hated remembering this.

"He was an arrogant dick that only cared about his title and tried to enforce his dominance on me just because I disagreed with him, what makes this worse is that he was apparently a nicer guy before he became leader. But, once he took that title, he became an arrogant asshole who didn't even BOTHER to try and convince me that he was a worthy leader, he just raised his damn tail and growled. His mate was the opposite, she was caring, patient with me, now I admit that I was once difficult, but I changed, and yet he didn't care. My friend tried to get me to talk with him, and when I explained my story to him, he basically spat on it and turned away, didn't even fucking bother to try to make a clean slate when I was more than willing." Vespera wrinkled her nose at the memory.

"What did I do? I ran, I couldn't take the constant abuse I was getting my whole life, and even when I thought Easthollow was safe, that turned out to be a big fucking lie. So I kept running till I landed here, the place of so-called opportunity, a fresh start, and that was all I wanted, and realized, I can't keep running because one often meets his destiny while trying to avoid it. So instead of running with my tail tucked in between my legs and let that asshole actually win, I'm going to prove to that son of a bitch that he ain't so tough without that title." Vespera lifted her muzzle and gave Yuudai a determined look,

"Because in the end, it's just a damn title unless you have earned it, he is nothing without it, so I am not going to just sit here and let him hurt innocent wolves, and you two shouldn't either. For the thing I hate the most is letting assholes get their way," Her eyes became riotous with determination as she spilled her heart out to her friends for she was giving them her truth.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
The meeting of the trio was burdensome. They all sat laden with desperation, saddened faces, and they exchanged looks of sorrow, regret, and acted as though they had all been condemed. They had. What was there to go back to if they stayed here? Two peasants and a saddened duchess. There had to be more to this life than the pain they all wore on their sleeve. Takeshi had won. They were each beaten into the submission of his choice. 

 Or were they?

 One of them had had enough. One of them was done with this pity party. To much surprise it was not Collision or Yuudai. The one's who had done something in the first place. This time it was Vespera. The girl of few words was suddenly the sound they would march into battle with. She was suddenly the fierces of them all and Collision couldn't take his eyes off her. He was amazed at the things that came from her mouth. He could feel her igniting his soul. And she kept on and on and on until a flame errupted. Suddenly Collision realized that he had never seen her in the light she stood in now. She was beautiful. A force to be reckoned with. But now was not the time. It never would be the time for...that. 

 He stood and looked at her and his face grew serious. There was something quite serious brewing in his mind. Total anarchy. It was likely they would have one shot at this. One chance to beat back the beast and failure was not an option. Honestly; was it ever? Or had he just been allowed to believe the place they all stood was the best for them. Collision was going to do better. Vespera already was. And he would be damned if Yuudai didn't see that he was also going to rise to the occasion and support the cause. He needed to help restore the trembling faith in the man.

 "Vespera, I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. I'm so sorry some hell-bent heart hurt you," He trult felt for the girl. His story was as long and traumatic. But the day was not his. It was hers and he had never been one to be selfish. Perhaps someday he would tell her his tale and then they would be even. They would both understand one another. 

 "She's right though. Takeshi did not win. Not then. Not now. Every single one of us stands. A heart still beats in every single chest here. We are not going to swear fealty to that mongrel and I don't know about you, but I guarantee I'm not going down without a fight. aren't either. You are gonna show that boy in there some strength. You are going to show him who is father is, and you are going to show Takeshi who he fucked with," His eyes narrowed and his tail swished behind him quite dramatically, "Takeshi didn't win because I won't let him beat us and I sure as hell won't while I'm still breathing. So the question stands....Manipulation or simple condemnation?" 

 How would they approach this? Working their way in? Or would they decide he needed to pack his bags for a long ride to hell

The tried trio had just become the unholy trinity.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
158 Posts
Ooc — Kegana
He had known her past to be troubling. It was evident the night he first met her. She had been so closed off and so angry. Vespera was a different person now. She had changed so much in the couple months that she had lived with them, and founded the Empire. Hearing her story he found he was so proud of her, proud of how far she'd come. She reminded him of Reiko. The Rei before Takeshi. Who was confident, and regal, and happy. He raised his head, his scowl changing slowly into a considering frown. He deliberated.

Before he could properly think over his own response Collision offered his piece of mind. Instantly he could see the loyalty in his gaze. The yellow orbs, recovering their brilliance. Again he was reminded of Reiko. She had ignited the spark that inspired the loyalty Collision was demonstrating. Was he loyal to Reiko still? Of course. Without hesitation he answered the question he had thought. Of course, he still loved her. He would always love her. His frown softened, and he seemed to understand they weren't going to take 'no' as an answer.

A silence fell between them for second, the tension building. When finally Collision broke it, posing one final question. "So the question stands....Manipulation or simple condemnation?"

"Thank you for sharing your story Vespera. A tragic backstory which created the strong Duchess here today. I'm proud of you." He even offered her the faintest upturn of his lips. He then sunk into deep thought, eyes slowly passing between them. Yuudai analyzed them, he analyzed the situation. Before giving a little nod, "Do you have a plan?" He hadn't confirmed his participation, but neither had he denied it. He would here them out, and then think again.
Angry Bean
347 Posts
Ooc — Kaiju
Vespera didn't notice that Collision had a certain spark in his eyes after she gave her speech, but what mattered was that the male was on board with her and that was all that mattered. The Duchess smiled a confident smile at Collision as he understood her perspective on what happened at Easthollow for she felt like she was the only one that saw Greyback in his true colors. But silence filled the area as Yuudai didn't make a peep which caught the attention of the girl with her gaze falling onto him with a bit of concern. Had her story and speech not reached him? The cloaked woman poured her heart into making such a statement because she revealed more of her past, so she bit her tongue and waited to see how the samurai would respond.

Thankfully, Yuudai gave her a small glimpse of hope with a faint smile which reassured the woman that she had both of the male's attention and gave both of their sympathies to her with the white male stating that her tragic story had made her stronger. "I'm over it," which was a lie but she said it anyway with a casual shrug of her shoulders. But the samurai's next question was a doozy, what was her plan? Vespera didn't know that she would even get this far, all she wanted was to lift the men's spirits, that's it. However, responsibility was now on her shoulders since she hyped them both up and she did say that she was going to do something about it. The girl pondered for a bit, her face clearly expressing that she was in deep thought as many ideas were buzzing in her mind as her eyes darted around.

"Well... We clearly have the edge in the fact that the pack, and I assume, are upset with Takeshit's recent actions," she focused her gaze on the boys but it was clearly shown that she was still unsure. She had to take a pause with her muzzle tilting to the ground and her right eyebrow arched as high as it could go before one of her thoughts slapped her. It hit her so much that her brows skyrocketed up with her eyes bugging out, but this moment was short-lived with her face morphing into a slightly sinister face with a large smirk. "Well........" the woman dragged out her word, "why don't we further push the tension further," Vespera's brows moved in a wave as she cast a sly glance at the two. "Since Yuudai here was attacked with EVERY pack member watching... Why don't we fake his death?" The Duchess paused a bit for dramatic effect, she figured the boys would have questions and concerned and confused expressions.

"Hear me out, Yuu was clearly struck in the ribs so we can just say the ribs broke and punctured the lungs and you died from that," her attention went to Yuudai since he would be the main point to this plan. "I know it sounds crazy but, after that, you could go train so that you could take out that piece of shit and end this once and for all!" Her voice got louder and more hyped as she felt more confident with her plan and gave a firm nod as she had just made the best plan ever.
A mistake is only an error, it becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it.-John Lennon
266 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision had started the day feelling so defeated but now it seemed as though they were all heading in the direction of a new light. What exactly was the plan? He wasn't sure, but he knew it was time to get it going. A very slight smule lit up his face as Yuudai seemed to find some modicum of faith. He was going to stand with the them. Together. They were going to make sure their goal was accomplished and things could return to normal...

Was normal the right word? Could he happy here again?

Now was not the time to wonder about himself. The other two needed him and he was going to live in only that moment. Besides--it was Vespera who took the floor and she began to spill forth an idea that could be quite fruitful. It was dark. Dangerous. It would have to break so many hearts before they could allow the healing to begin. Collision couldn't see many flaws in the plan. The issue was: It needed to be executed immediately. 

 He noticed her voice was getting louder and louder and his eyes widened just a bit and a smile of amusement spread over his features, "As exciting as this all is. We may have eavesdroppers," a chuckle rumbled through him and he realized how excited she had gotten. 

 He tossed the plan back and forth in his head and had some possible addendums, "We need to accredit information like that. I'll deliver the news to the pack--yourself included. And you're going to have to fake it, Vespera. I'll say we got the diagnosis from Awenfen. She might not be here, but they know of her capabilities," 

 Collision knew the only way to make this work was to craft an illusion, "Yuudai...Hiromi and Reiko can have no initial idea that you're alive. I need them to be broken. I need their raw reaction. It's the only way Takeshi is going to believe this," He didn't know any other way around it. He didn't want to bring harm to Hiromi (a part of him still felt as though Reiko deserved pain), but surely Yuudai would understand the levity of our situation. 

 "I'm going to leave the Empire as well. I think it would be best if I left and I blamed Takeshi. This would increase the tension. It also gives me time to find a place the three of us can meet. Your job will be the most delicate, Vespera. You'll have to be our inside man and bring us any information," That meant they were also going to need a meeting place. Perhaps somewhere west of here. He would figure out all of that after they were all on board
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
158 Posts
Ooc — Kegana
Could it work? Could they topple the tyrant? A tactician at heart, Yuudai thought over their plan. He had been defeated.... no not had... he was defeated. Lavender eyes fell to the ground, thinking... but mostly avoiding eye contact with his two companions.

Could he do this? What about Hiromi? God, could he put her thought that. And Kazuhiko? His son. And Reiko? Would she even care? But then again he had already been wondering if the pack would be better off without him. Maybe it wasn’t Takeshi that was the problem. Maybe it was him. If he went along with this plan, he could test his theory. Would the pack flourish without him?

Yuudai let silence fall between the trio. Thinking over as many scenarios as he could come up with. ”Alright.” His voice carried no higher than a whisper, but he nodded his head agreeing. He needed space and time, to find himself again. He was a samurai, but hadn’t felt like it in quite some time. ”If you stay here Vespera, and feed us information, we might find an opportunity to finally end Takeshi’s hold over Reiko.” Despite her perceived betrayal, Yuudai would never stop seeing her as their rightful leader, their Empress.

”I’m not sure where I’ll go. But I’ll contact you in a couple of days.” Yuu glances over his shoulder, his wife and son not far. His heart stung with the pain of leaving them both. This is for them. Either they will grow and flourish without him, or he would come back. Whatever is best for them, no matter the pain, Yuudai would do.

”I should go, if this is the plan we can all agree to. After I am fully healed I’ll leave you a sign Vespera, and we can talk. I assume you’ll do the same once you have broken the news to the rest of the pack, Collision.” Yuudai’s voice sounded stronger, a hint of his previous commanding presence coming through. ”If... If anyone wants to see my body. Tell them to t was my dying wish that no one see me in such a state. And tell Hiromi... tell her that I loved her and that we’ll see each other again.” Of course Hiro would assume he meant in the next life, but for now that was the best send off her could think of.

”Thank you...” Yuudai stood from his previous seated position, and bowed his head deeply. ”Thank you for your support, I am indebted to you both.” With a small smile and a deep breath, Yuu turned for the border. ”I’ll contact you both soon.” This was it. This was the beginning of the end for Takeshi... at least he hoped so.