Redtail Rise emerald
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
preferrably someone she hasn’t threaded with much or in a while <3 I’ve been struggling with her and I think trying to not start threads has been a culprit.  I’m never fast enough to snag open ones XD

The wind whispered through overhead, an announcement of an approaching storm.  It cut through with a chilling breeze and the scent of static on the air blended metallic with the heralding dampness of rain.

Redd would finish this hunt.  She’d run the stoat to its burrow and was digging her way within.  Her thin shoulders were wedged well within the widened opening and she pushed further.  There was no exit.  Her quarry was cornered just out of reach.  Both she and it knew that would not last for long.

It decided to shorten the wait.  Redd snarled as it sliced her cheek in a sudden lunge to get by her, but it was the last hopeless attempt of a desperate animal. She finished the fight in a single snap, then backed her way out of the dirt just as the first raindrops began to fall.  Her ears pricked to the roll of thunder in the distance.

Shelter and a meal.  Redd ignored the dirt that still coated her and moved off to wards the nearby cliffs.  She could shelter in the lee of them and hope the rain passed soon.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
New Snow hated when the sky snarled and roared like the long-clawed, sharp-toothed creatures of mountains. In the open tundra of the north, there had not been any. She was introduced to them on her journey to the Teekons, but fortunately it had not been her taken out by the beastly thing.

But at least one could prepare for this. The weather was no ambush predator; she could smell it, almost taste it. The air was charged.

It was by happenstance the place New Snow was nearest to was where Red Woman's daughter was, too; New Snow picked up her pace with the sway of her tail, a little happier for the company. New Snow chuffed a greeting, her light-footed step perhaps announcing her even before that.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She had found within her a disconnect in the pack, a difficulty that made it hard to fit where others seemed to naturally flow.  She prized harmony and knew that her value was in her ability to join the others.  Why then did things seem easier alone?

It felt a betrayal.  She was wrong.  This was the feeling that drove her out today, hoping to find another to hunt beside.  Instead she’d tackled even this alone.

Of them all, the silent pair were easiest. Redd huffed around her kill as she was approached, then regarded her quietly, taking in her friendly manner and the lack of threat within.  Her tail waved and she bent, though her ears twitched as thunder rumbled closer.

They would find shelter, but first… a game.  If she could take a portion of what Redd held, then the meal could be shared.
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — ???
When the thunder came, Snow's ears flattened atop her head. She darted several steps ahead looking all the world like the word "nope" personified. But looking to the yearling, she saw the dangling quarry there, and she saw too how the other stood.

New Snow was taken in by this, and with a wag of her own tail she took to the distraction. Sneezing softly to show to the girl she was only playing, New Snow then surged forward in an attempt to grab a portion of the prey to prompt a game of tug of war (if she succeeded)!
Redtail Rise
314 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Redd was delighted as the other wolf accepted her invitation, and she held herself still as she recognized the game that was being incited.  As New Snow grabbed the prey she crouched and growled, shaking her head to settle her teeth in and tugging sideways.

Her grip was good, but the prey was bound to give out eventually, even if neither of them lost their hold on it first.