Horizon Ridge You play with me
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
@Julooke he could have run into your leg or a branch or whatever you want him too :)

Tveir and his siblings were finally allowed out of the den and he planned on taking absolute advantage of this. He was a curious boy by nature, and he was excited to have his own adventures. He was a stocky boy with overly large paws and head. His baby blue eyes were always looking at something, he could spend hours just sitting there staring at something, trying to figure out what it was. Today his mother was laying in the sun and his brother and sister were taking their time playing with her, so he decided to toddle off. He wouldn’t go far, and Thistle would surely bring him back as she was watching him closely.

With bright eyes he laid his nose to the ground and followed a scent trail towards the edge of the boundary is mother had made for him. He wasn't paying attention really, on anything other than a scent that he wanted. With furry now down and small tail arched on his back he began his adventure.

He walked towards the forest a little ways away, ignoring his mother’s sharp retort, only to run into something barring his way. He landed on his small furry rump and looked up at the offending item.

248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
The day had finally come that Julooke was able to interact with the pups and have short times in which she was their guardian while Thistle was out and about. She was ecstatic and it showed in her face whenever she was around them. Today, Tveir seemed especially brave and curious. Julooke kept a watchful eye on him, especially when he headed straight for the boundary Thistle had set for them. The white she-wolf moved to intercept, smiling down at the pup as he ran into her front leg. Her ears perked, and her tail wagging, she asked, Going somewhere? Her tone was light and friendly, and genuinely curious as to where his little nose was taking him against his mother's wishes.

While Julooke was comfortable in a play-toy role, she took her job as caretaker of puppies very seriously. They could laugh and play and explore all they wanted, but she was firm in limiting them to certain areas. Thistle would have her hide if they wandered too far and got into trouble. Still, Julooke couldn't help but have a soft side for the little mini wolves.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I'm going to be mixing nordic and english with him since he's learning both if that is okay :D
His baby blues alighted onto the white she wolf face. And he stood with his tail wagging, making his entire body wiggle from side to side. He had become used to her, as she was a regular visitor in his little world, since the first big day. He sighed a little exasperated that he had been caught but excited that it had been his adult play mate. Their mother would let them with her, when she went on her adult adventures. Tveeer go esplor...esplor...Jooloo. He looked up at her with a small puppy face, almost begging to be left to his own devices.

Quickly realizing that she wouldn't give an inch he sat back down with a puff of air. "Neinn wan a esplor" He tilted his head back again to look up at her, clearly disgruntled, but then he shot her a puppy grin and asked the best question yet. Joolooo pway wif Tveeer pway?
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
No problem. Julooke needs to work on hers, too.

He was so adorable, looking up at her with those piercing blue eyes. It was difficult to tell him no, but Julooke knew it was for his protection. She motioned with her muzzle to the clearing behind him, Explore here. You know your Mom doesn't want you going too far, she said softly. He sat his rump down, looking a little defeated.

But, he was not to be down for long, thankfully. Almost instantly, he wanted to play instead. Spila, já! she replied excitedly in broken Nordic. She leaped over him, going a few feet before facing him in a play bow, her tail wagging. Come and get me! she taunted playfully.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tveir frowned at first at her words, he didn't want to explore in the clearing his mother had designated. "Neinn wan leika in clearing wan leika út dere," He listened to her again and then sighing he looked back at his mother and dipped his head Otay for móðir, onwy móðir He would only stay in the clearing because his mother wanted him too, not because he wanted too.

Tveir play bowed when Julooke did and yapped at her. He wiggled and waggled his body towards her, Tveeer git Jooloo git jooloo! His baby giggle could be heard for miles if listening. He jumped forward and batted a small sandy colored glove at her, his baby blues snapping and piercing with repressed energy.
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
She sighed, moving into a sitting position. She had hoped playing would get his mind off of his boundaries. For a moment, she thought he would put up more of a fight, but he seemed to want to make his mother happy. That made Julooke happy, too, since it made her job a lot easier, too. Thank you, Tveir, she said, smiling.

With thoughts of leaving the boundaries outside of his head, Tveir joined her in play, batting at her face. Julooke growled playfully, her jaws opening in a mock display of defense. She laid down on her side, hoping to entice him to pounce on her. It would be good practice for when he was grown up.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tveir had almost exhausted his speech today, and he didn't feel like telling Julooke that she was welcome, so he just gave her an endearing smile. He wagged his tail, his pudgy body rocking to and fro with the force of his tail wag.

His baby blues alighted on her prone form and a small smile worked it's way across his tiny muzzle. He jumped at her side, and laying on top of her he shimmied up towards her ears and pulled on them playfully, while he tried woefully to keep his balance on her side.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
He did as she hoped, crawling onto her side and working his way up her body to her ears, which he promptly started to tug on. Oh, no! she said playfully, He's gonna eat me! Hjálp! She squirmed and shimmied her body, but wasn't really trying to get away.

Julooke had missed these days immensely. Being the caretaker for her younger siblings had been some of the best days of her life, and if she thought about it too much, she would become sad from missing them. But, there was no room for sadness when there was a puppy who demanded her attention. She smiled, turning her head to try and lick the side of his little puppy face.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tveir took the lick though he fixed an unimpressed blue eye towards her. YUcky kisses Jooloo yucky, but is okay. He nodded his head he didn't like kisses his mother gave them to him too, but he would accept them, cause it made the females happy his mother and Julooke.

though she hadn't meant to and Tveir was already unbalanced a small squeak worked its way from his mouth, as he slid down her side to land on his butt in the dirt. He let out a small yelp, it kinda hurt and then he looked at Julooke with pleading eyes. I fall jooloo tveeeer fall. He shook his tiny head and stood back up and returned to climbing up her side growling as he went, tiny pinpricks of white showing when he pulled his lip back in play.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
She couldn't help but laugh when Tveir was less than impressed with her kissed. She knew they weren't a big hit with the puppies, but sometimes it was hard for her to hold back. And sometimes it was fun to see them squirm to try and get away from them. Suddenly, he slid downward and landed on his rump with a yelp. Her ears perked as she looked at him, knowing he would be okay, but it didn't stop a little bit of worry seeping though. With that puppy voice that no wolf could contend with, he explained he fell. She extended her neck to try and nose his neck a little in comfort, silently telling him it would be okay. However, it only took a moment for him to be back up and playing. He growled an adorable puppy growl as he climbed back on top of her and bared with little teeth he had.

Her tail wagged, thumping the ground, as she attempted to grab one of his front legs with her jaws. If she got a hold, she would only hold it for a second before letting go. She tried rolling slowly, trying not to hurt him, but letting him get the hang trying to move with her. If successful, he would be on her back.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tveir let Julooke nose him for a minute, but all too soon enough was enough, he wanted to play more. As he growled and gnashed his teeth he climbed the proverbial mountain of her side. He dug his little paws into her side, as he struggled to push himself up her side.

He squirmed as she grasped his leg in her mouth wondering what on earth she was doing and was even more surprised when the thing he was standing on started to move. WHA…JOoolooo…whaaa….dooong His eyes went momentarily wide, only to be replaced with a grin when he realized he was on her back. He pranced up her spinal column, with his little head held high, he had conquered her for sure.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Tveir was a little apprehensive at first, not understanding what she was doing. He did well, though, moving with her and staying on top. Her tail thumped the ground as she turned her head to look at him prancing along her back triumphantly. She chuckled lightly, before warning him, Halda á. When she felt he was secure, she slowly stood up, her tail continuing to wag. She stood there for a moment, gauging his reaction.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tveir squealed in delight as she stood, and he held his head high and his tail even higher and closed his eyes lifting his muzzle in happiness. He was as proud as punch, and it showed. He pranced up and down her spinal column as best he could, but he just felt like king of the world.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
Julooke turned her head to the side so she could watch the pup on her back. She had never done this before, so she had no idea how he might react. Thankfully, Tveir seemed to love it, squealing with joy as he moved up and down her back, his confidence showing in his stance. He probably pretty exciting since he may not have been this far off the ground before.

Slowly, she took a step, and then another, and then another, staying within the boarders set out by his parents. She circled around, making sure not to go so fast that he might lose his balance. Her strides were careful and even, showing her own caution. When she had gone around in several circles she came to a stop, slowly lowering her body back to the ground. Gaman, já? she asked with a smile.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tveir held his spot the entire time she moved. Occasionally he would feel a little shaky and almost slide off, but he caught himself every time. His balance was increasing with each step she took, and as it increased so did his confidence.

He was having so much fun, he was disappointed when she quit. He frowned at her, but then smiled at her question."Ja, Gamman " He looked up at her with pleading eyes, Agin jooloo agin?
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
It seemed Tveir was having a good time, and working on his balancing skills. Thankfully, he seemed to be picking it up quickly. She could feel when he would shift his weight to one side to counter balance and keep himself upright. She kept her pace slow and even to help him out.

It appeared that although Julooke had felt the ride was long enough, the pup wanted more. She chuckled, giving in to his adorable commands, Alright, she said. She stood slowly and began making her way around the small clearing again. When she had circled a few times, she came to a stop once more, and lowered her body slowly to the ground. All gert, she said, mixing English and Nordic.
I was a rover, an outrider, a silver tongued devil. I was inflicted and I was broken. I've been many things.
865 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Tveir nodded his small head and he climbed down from her leg, but rather than continue off to play, a yawn split his tiny maw in half and he snuggled up to her side and spoke through another yawn. "I iss syyffffjaðurrr jooloo" jooloo stay wif teer? He closed his eyes and snuggled closer to her and small uproarious snores worked their way out of his little mouth.
<i>Set and Avatar from JAVA</i>
248 Posts
Ooc — Mary Ellen
I'll have this archived. I hope we can do another thread soon! <3

Surprisingly, he climbed off her back without fuss. He was usually so spunky and active and stubborn enough to fight to get his way. It seemed, however, it drained him of his energy and he was ready for a nap.

He snuggled into her side and Julooke shifted a bit, laying her head beside his. Ja, of course, she replied. Her tail softly wagged behind her, knowing this sweet moment would be in her memories always. She closed her eyes, but did not sleep. Her ears still swiveled atop her head, keeping a look out of any sounds that might mean danger.

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