Blackfeather Woods Wanderings
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa

The young wolf was let into the pack alongside her brother and she decided to make herself aware of the borders, just in case they needed her for a patrol or something. Even if that didn't happen it would be a good thing to know. Moonshadow had to get used to the smell of the blood that surrounded the border of the pack. She was determined to make a life here and not make trouble for her brother like she had done many times before. She stopped beside a dead tree.
334 Posts
Ooc — Belle
The dark silver boy took to the bloodied borders often, frequently during the early hours of the morning, or well into the night, patrolling and scanning the horizon with his ice blue eyes. Quite like the winter themselves his orbs were, still shining even in the darkness after the sun had made its descent. Around they scanned, taking in all the details of the land he had come to know as his home - a strange home it may be, but a home nonetheless. Much better than his old place in Moonspear, though perhaps his dislike of that pack was simply born from those within it. He wondered briefly whether his parents, Dakarai and Olive, were still there. Well, for all he knew they could be dead. Maybe he should have questioned his sister about it while he had the chance. She'd know, right?

Oh well. His snow-covered grey paws led him around the edges of the Woods, until his sharpened gaze landed on a dark figure halted beneath a leaf-less tree. Raising a brow, he came to the realisation that he did not know this one - scent was not recognisable, and they did not smell exactly like the wolves who resided here. A new one, he supposed. Though still was he wary. A chuff was released from his muzzle, a misty cloud of air running from his nose.
If I cannot bend Heaven,
I will raise Hell.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow looked to the side of her where she heard a male announce his presence. She peered through the tree's as she could barely see him in the darkness. "Hello?" The black pelted she-wolf called out, hoping that he would step closer so that she may see him clearer. She had not met any of her packmates nor have they met her.
334 Posts
Ooc — Belle
Aries remained in the cover of the dark shadows that lingered between the trees for a moment longer before stepping out into view. His eyes glinted whenever a beam of light was cast though a gap in the clouds, though his cool gaze remained fixed on this wolfess. "Hello." He finally opened his maw to speak, voice deep - he was much less of a child now. Maybe he wasn't even one year yet, but so far from the immature rule breaking pup he'd once been.

His tail flicked behind him, though settled on the snow as his body lowered until he was sat down, large figure casting its own shadow against the white that coated the land. Though with the ever present darkness of the woods, his shadow was only distantly recognisable.
If I cannot bend Heaven,
I will raise Hell.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The dark furred wolf looked at her fellow pack mate and introduces herself. "My name is Moonshadow. Me and my brother Nightstar were accepted a few days ago." This wolf she was looking at looked familiar, perhaps this was the same wolf she had seen when that female had came into the territory and threatened the pups.
334 Posts
Ooc — Belle
Aries nodded silently, taking in the name and comitting it to memory, though if he was truly honest with himself he believed he probably would forget regardless. He had bigger things to worry about. Even so, he gave a curt nod of his head and then introduced himself in turn. "I'm Aries - welcome to Blackfeather." He did not speak of how long he'd been here, nor did he say that it was a pleasure to meet this wolf, simply because it didn't really matter to him, but he gave her a welcome of sorts anyway. Perhaps even with the lack of emotion to his voice she'd still get the idea - he was welcoming her in his own, cold and perhaps distant way. 

He recognised her faintly from that day with the lone female who had threatened the pups, but he mentioned nothing of it. Rather, he flicked his tail and fell silent for a moment. "I have not met your brother, but I am sure I will come across him sooner or later." Then he had a small idea pop into his head. "What skills do you want to work on in the future?" For most had a goal in mind for their trades - some perhaps not, but if one of these siblings had the mercenary trade in mind he could certainly chime in and perhaps get some training of his own in.
If I cannot bend Heaven,
I will raise Hell.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The dark pelted female thought for a slight moment before she speaks once more. "Well I want to work on my hunting a bit as well as fighting." She knew that she would have to learn how to fight sooner or later. So why not start now.
334 Posts
Ooc — Belle
Aries fell silent, ears perked forward as he waited for a response. They were fairly basic skills, but the fighting part caught his attention. The corners of his mouth twitched up in the smallest smile, and he tilted his head slightly. "In that case... we should spar sometime. I need to work on my fighting skills too." He replied, voice deep but lacking the usual malice he held in his voice. For although he was not one to socialise often, or enjoy it, but this was an opportunity to improve and bring him closer to becoming a mercenary.

"My goal is to become a mercenary." He shrugged, flicking his ashen tail.
If I cannot bend Heaven,
I will raise Hell.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
"That would be cool." The word Mercenary peeked the inky females couriousity as he spoke. She knew not what that was but she wanted to. "What does a mercenary do exactly?" She decided to ask. Moonshadow sat down as she waited for the male to speak.
334 Posts
Ooc — Belle
The female seemed to agree with his idea of a spar and so he gave a slight nod, committing the idea to memory so that when they next came upon each other (or, perhaps, if he sought her out specifically) they could do some sparring.

She did not seem to understand the term Mercenary, and his brow raised slightly. The idea that one might not know had not crossed his mind - and he thought for a moment before answering. "They are... like the fighters of the pack. Refreshing borders, offensive and defensive fighting, that sort of thing." Aries flicked his tail, glancing momentarily to the snow. Still, he could not feel the cold that should be numbing his paws. Or, perhaps, they were simply already numb.
If I cannot bend Heaven,
I will raise Hell.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She listened carefully to the male as he was explaining what a mercenary was, her curiousity grew the more he spoke. Maybe this was a decent trade woth pursueing, she quietly assessed her skills for a moment before speaking once more. "That's interesting."
334 Posts
Ooc — Belle
Aries is gonna start leaving, but if Moonshadow wants to say anything more then feel free to call him back :) Thanks for the thread!

He gave a slight nod of his ashen head, icy blue eyes flashing to those orbs of her own momentarily before drifting to the shadows he had emerged from. Feeling there was nothing more to say, he glanced back toward Moonshadow with a flick of his tail. "I think I will take my leave now. Feel free to seek me out for a spar whenever it suits you." Not that he'd always be in the Woods, as he did leave the borders and pass over the land away from Blackfeather occasionally, as most would. 

With that, the brute turned and began to stalk back into the darkness - as silent as a shadow, sleek and elegant yet with a dangerous spark as his sharp glance pierced backward one more time before he padded away amongst the trees.
If I cannot bend Heaven,
I will raise Hell.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow nodded. "I will." The she-wolf said simply as she watches the male slowly disappear into the vast amount of trees in front of her. She too turns away but in the opposite direction and continues to explore the territory.