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The beckoning of the waves echoed through the field. A patch of yellow danced.

The sun had long since risen, providing some sort of warmth; Stephanie sat still, eyes closed but just as open. The growths along her abdomen continued to swell, growing larger in size each day. She knew that something was wrong, but she didn't know what to call it. Even if she did, Stephanie was so far from sanity that it likely wouldn't have mattered anyway. Her mind was slipping just as fast as her body, if not faster. 

There was a rustle in a nearby bush. Having managed to lift herself back onto all fours, Stephanie proceeded to investigate.
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Ooc — Starrlight
It seemed somewhere along the last few weeks, Epic had decided to bounce.  Without even saying goodbye, which made it way worse.

More than a little bummed, Maia figured this was good a time as any to try out her new skills and practice.  She wanted to go see Illidan too.

She told @Wraen she was taking a quick trip to the coast, and Kiwi, who seemed pretty unbothered.  She'd been cold ever since the hunt, colder than usual that is.

Now, as she traveled, she paid special attention to her surroundings.  The grey of the sky, the way it was offset by the bright colors of the trees, the patterns in the clouds.  One upside - she could find her way better if she focused.  Another was that she hoped it would help if she came to tell a story about this.

She made no attempt to be silent as she crossed the fields, but she wasn't looking at the ground either.  Nose to the sky.... yep.  She was going to walk right by this wolf without even seeing her.
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Rather than a hare, it was another wolf. Stephanie stopped in her tracks, watching as the silverbacked stranger meandered by. She tilted her head curiously, debating for a moment if it would be worth her time to follow along; ultimately, Stephanie decided that she'd never know if she didn't try. 

While remaining still a few feet back, Stephanie tried to do a sort of trot, though the uneven weight on either side made it look more like a very drawn out fumble. She chuffed and called out -- Hey! -- hoping to get the other wolf to slow down.
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Ooc — Starrlight
A "hey" drew her out of her thoughts, ones that had currently consisted of lunch because honestly she'd been drifting away from actually looking at the scenery again.  Practice!

Hi! Maia turned around to look at whoever had spoken abruptly and a little sheepishly, though they didn't sound upset.  I'm Maia, just passin thro-  The words cut off when she noticed the odd way the other woman was walking, and her shape.  Are you okay?  She blurted it out before she had really thought about it.  Maybe she was just kinda fat.... well if that was the case she supposed the question still stood since she really seemed to be walking funny.
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Slightly confused, Stephanie cocked her head and smiled. Yeah, just a little slow, she called, taking the time to catch up. There were times when she was fully aware of her condition, but every other time was like this; locked two years back, choosing not to remember what had happened since. I'm Stephanie, she greeted, finding that it might be rude to not reciprocate Maia's hospitality.

Where are you headed? she asked, still wondering if it might be worth the energy. It was a nice day for a trip, so Stephanie figured that she could do for an outing.
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She didn't seem concerned, so the polite thing would be to drop it.  Maia knew she would still have a hard time not staring as she walked, though.  She'd never seen a wolf so oddly proportioned.  Or oddly patterned.  Was she a wolf? Maia wondered as she came closer.  Yeah, she must be.

Stephanie, hi.  I'm heading to the coast to visit a friend.  At least I think I am.  She looked, then around.  West, mostly... that was right.  Do you live around here?
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After thinking it over, Stephanie decided that no, she did not live around here. She shook her head, then thought to ask the same, You probably don't either, right? The coast was nice, but she never understood the wolves that chose to live there. Do you mind if I come along? Just for company? She limped a little closer, shaking out the tension on her left leg.
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Maia shook her head.  No.  I live that way. She made her best guess on the direction of home, which was a fair approximation to truth.  

Well, honestly? Yeah. She kinda minded, but only because she didn't want this girl to come with her all the way.  Then she'd be there and have to be introduced to Illidan and that would definitely put a damper on her visit.  Sure, she replied, but just until I get to my friend's.  I don't think they really like strangers so you might not want to come all the way.  There we go, obviously it was in her best interest.  Because Maia was super nice and all.
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It took all of three and a half minutes for Stephanie to decide that no, travelling actually was not worth it and that she was tired of going back and forth (with herself). She took Maia's invitation with a kind, suburban father sort of grin, replying, Actually, it's okay. I don't want to intrude. Not wanting to give her new pal any room to refute (which Stephanie was sure would happen), she made a slow, uncoordinated turn, and began her awkward retreat.
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Ooc — Starrlight
That was weird, but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't a little equal parts grateful and disappointed.  Grateful that the other girl wouldn't be there to intrude on her visit, but it would have been nice to have some company for a while.  Oh, okay.  Are you sure? I mean....  as long as it wasn't something she did, she was fine with it.  But still... so far everything about this wolf had been a little weird.
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Hearing the half-plea, Stephanie turned to look over her shoulder and shoot Maia a nod of her head. Surely, they'd meet again, though under circumstances that better warranted a conversation. Stephanie didn't want to intrude and she was sure that Maia really didn't want her to either, so she turned back to face forward and continued out of view.
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She wasn't super sad when the other wolf confirmed and left, she'd done her due diligence anyway.  Best to let her go be alone if that was what she wanted.

Without another glance, Maia spun and took off, galloping once more in the direction she figured would take her to the coast.