Otter Creek Override by fear
32 Posts
Ooc — Amaguq
Akari could've progressed farther: her pads were only minor discomfort. But she couldn't waste all of Lane's hard work, so she threaded through the meadows at a slower pace. 
She reached the banks of a sly, tortuous creek, surrounded by thick riparian vegetation, burnt by the cold. A few meters ahead, she spotted a pair of otters playing in the water. They whistle and dive and twist with an agility that rivals the fishes themselves.
She sat for a minute, observing the creatures that behaved so carelessly, so innocently, it was odd to think those two were adults. She looked at the curative Lane had done to her pads: she managed to keep it throughout the journey, but she felt it was time to take it off. She carefully unwrapped the bands and washed away her paws in the running waters: the wound had healed fast! The bloody wounds were now a pair of rough scars.
I guess no one will praise my soft pads anymore. She smiled. That didn't bother her one bit: it was just the first sign that her life was changing. She carried other scars, invisible ones, far nastier than those.

But the signs didn't end there. For a couple of days, she had been feeling restless and blamed her wounds for it. However, the time passed, her wounds healed, and the strange feeling just kept growing.
It started with a rumbling in her stomach, then a tingling sensation started tormenting her rear, and soon a feverish state took over her body, like a fire consuming her from inside out.
She stopped more often to drink, and she thought she had gotten sick somehow. But oppositely of getting her senses dull by the disease, they actually sharpened, allowing her to perceive the world with a clarity she never had experienced before: the colors were brighter, the scents were stronger, and even the water acquired its own taste. Everything was beautiful.
In her path, she saw Blackfeather Forest to the west, a spot of woodland that somehow managed to develop in the middle of the grass fields. Ivory Rose. She remembered Lane speaking of a pack in some nearby forest. Her nose confirmed it: she felt the scent of wolves up ahead. Her lips began trembling, her tail wagging, and an urge compelling her to dive into those woods head-on.

Only then had she realized that her only affliction was to be a healthy female wolf.
I'm... in the heat?  Such realization hit her like a punch in the stomach and turned the tingling even worse.
To her eagerness adds fear. She was experiencing her first heat, and even though all her instincts compelled her to find a mate, her mind was soon haunted by foul memories of her past. She recalled the disdain with which females were treated when the heat came to them, back in Cherrywood Valley: their bodies tortured, their spirits tormented, their minds twisted into madness. Akari's could hear their screams, feel their desperation, taste their tears! 
I don't... I can't... end up like them! Her cousins, her friends... Mom...
Adrenaline spiked: Akari noticed it tainting her scent, still so sweet, so alluring. With her body shaking violently, her gaze met the forest once more, and panic took over: the wolf collapsed, panting heavily like a fish out of the water, desperately struggling to breathe.
Get out of there. Get out of there! RUN!
But her body didn't respond. Her senses started drifting, her vision blurred, and the world faded into darkness.
486 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Powerplaying just based on this post, but I've PMed you just in case this isn't okay!

Shit. He thought.
A young wolf was parked on the ground on their doorstep. Her scent, obvious and alluring, had led him here. 'Twas the season, he knew, but it was odd for any stranger to find themselves in the world of others without a purpose.
Taikon had expected to find a female in heat, as it was a smell he had known well. However, it was not her body's availability that interested him, but rather her unknown status. She was a strange, odd little thing. A reddish hue coated her fur. The prince circled in mild panic around her, fearful that someone might happen upon him and think that he had somehow done this to her. After thinking about himself and what this meant for all of ten seconds, he realized she needed help. Collapsing was not exactly a hobby that most people kept up. The border of the woods was the obvious place for a Rose such as her, but he didn't know if it was right to drag a collapsed woman into the wood.
Not knowing what to do, he called for @Rowan or @Minnow, or some other possibility of a medic within earshot. Then, Taikon gingerly took her scruff in his mouth, and began dragging.
This was not as smooth as he had hoped. She was heavier than he anticipated from a small woman, and her scruff was not easily weight distributed the way that puppies were. So, Taikon heaved and hoed, pulling her into the darkness and safety of their wood only several steps at a time. He stopped to pant, heavy, wet breaths drifting from his mouth. Strangely, her scent excited him in spite of himself, though her face was hardly one he found attractive.
relatively thin from illness (Apr 13, 2020)
32 Posts
Ooc — Amaguq
Her eyes blinked slowly. The world was a confusing blur full of shadows. She had a huge headache, and her tongue felt horribly dry.
What happened?
She tried to recall it, but a piercing pain in her tempers urged her to let go of it. For now, anyway.
She blinked a few more times. She was aware of being near Otter Creek, but strangely enough, she couldn't hear the running water. Only a rustling sound through the earth.
What... What is going on?
She tried moving her head but she couldn't. She closed her eyes tightly, wishing a clear image once they opened again. And her eyes obeyed: she saw her inert body being dragged, but she was too tired to move. She could hear grunts of effort behind her, and soon her nose picked up a scent so nice and so invigorating, she inhaled the air deeply enough to feel her chest cooling off. That scent... she craved for it. She even tried to moist her nose, but her tongue only scrubbed it dryly.
It scented like a forest, like a wolf. Male wolf. Wait...

A male wolf?!

Her eyes rolled to see the figure of a beautiful cream-hued wolf, right before releasing her scruff to catch a breath. She sighed. She felt too dizzy, too tired, to allow herself to feel anything at all. As her mind awakens, it demanded to know first: "Where... are you taking me?" Akari asked in a harsh, fragile whisper.
486 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Taikon paced for a moment, then was shocked when she started to come to. He gasped, standing over her and moving his head low to listen to her. The voice was hardly a whisper, fading into the air as it left her gentle lips. He didn't dare to touch her, afraid she might shift away or try to get up and run. Whatever had caused her to fall, he was very concerned that she was unwell. He hoped someone would come soon to help her.
For the moment, Taikon practiced his bedside manner and spoke softly back to her. It's okay — I'm Taikon of the Ivory Rose. I'm here to help, he offered.
The Ivory Rose did not reject those like her based on poor health. Perhaps they should have. Maybe she had come bearing some sort of disease, or was faking it. Though Taikon rarely trusted intentions, he was also not willing to risk her safety based on unknowns. The mystery woman was in trouble, and that was all that mattered.
He moved and leaned over to pick up her scruff again, stopping before he did so. I'm going to move you further into our woods. I've called a medic for help, he said, and grabbed her as a mother might try to pluck up a puppy. He dragged again, hoping that someone was close by. He was not equipped to diagnose or repair whatever was wrong with her.
relatively thin from illness (Apr 13, 2020)
32 Posts
Ooc — Amaguq
Only when the male approached her to hear her words did Akari look at him: the thick mane, the light-colored fur, the golden eyes... He's beautiful, she thought. I must be dreaming...

His voice was a balm to her ears. Taikon of Ivory Rose.

Ivory Rose...                                                                  The forest...

The image of the forest flashed before her eyes, and the memories of what happened didn't take long to assault her mind: the forest, the fear, shadows of her past... then darkness.
"I fainted..." Akari cooed to herself. Her past was unworthy of reminding, and when she left her wolfpack, she thought she could cast it into oblivion. She was wrong, but still, she never thought she would have a panic attack of such violence. How long was I unconscious?
Her headache worsened. She needed to rest, but not before giving a word to the wolf that was trying so hard to get her safe. She had to chose the right words, for she would conjure them with her remaining strength.

Forgive me...                                                                           I am no threat...

That wolf's attitude meant so much for her: he seemed to have principles, to be kind...
It was maybe because her past had been ruled by an unscrupulous wolf; maybe it was the heat thinking for her.
But at that moment, she wanted to believe him. She wanted to believe everything would be okay.

"Thank you..." She said with a sigh before closing her eyes.
394 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She heard the howl flood her ears and awoke the young she-wolf from her nap she was taking before a patrol. It seemed to be urgent so the female rushed over to her pack mate and seen another wolf with him a brown wolf she had never seen or smelled before but she seemed to be injured. She came closer and looked the her pack mate. “What happened?” She questioned.
486 Posts
Ooc — Zina
Her delirium did not escape him, and he frowned gently. Taikon had seen illnesses of the mind before, but whatever this was, he simply did not have the knowledge to diagnose it. Trauma both mental and physical could cause things like this, but the fact that she was also in heat could have been related. Part of him wished now that he might have become a healer so as to better care for the people around him. It seemed more relevant than ever given this woman's ailment.
As he dragged her, he hoped that it was not something serious. He hoped that someone would come to their aid, as he felt more than a little bit out of his element.
It didn't take long for Minnow to appear. He didn't know her apart from her vague abilities to help when needed, so she was more than a welcome sight. He released his grip on the cinnamon woman and frowned as he explained the situation. I'm not sure — I found her collapsed at our borders. She's delirious. I don't know what's wrong, he said, looking over the woman a bit frantically as he lightly moved his nose over her shoulder, hoping to glean some kind of information.
relatively thin from illness (Apr 13, 2020)
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
Rowan arrived in time to hear those last words.
Delirious and collapsing.
He didn't know much at all, only how to clean and bind a wound and pray for lack of infection.
The woman smelt strange, sweet and it stirred something in his gut. But he assumed it was something to do with her condition. His eyes narrowed as he scanned her for wounds.
And saw none, aside from newly healed pads which smelt like herbs.
Likelihood of infection from a wound: low.

How peculiar.
She didn't look like she was starving either. Maybe she ate something funny and that was what the smell was.
Yarrow, which makes wolves throw up, wouldn't be any use if there were already effects as severe as this - it was in her system already.
He looked to Minnow, "Perhaps some rest is in order," he drifted closer, his breath touching her fur. Warmth poured from her. "Perhaps something for fever too, just to be sure." He knew the slender woman was more medically inclined. He looked to her again for any agreement or other opinion.

Rowan gave Taikon a smile. He truly cared. "Thank you." He wanted this. He wanted them all to do this, help all those who needed it. 
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One lie is enough to question all truths. 
32 Posts
Ooc — Amaguq
Her eyes opened slowly. She sighed, and her nose told her she was still in Blackfeather Woods. The wind blew gently through the canopy of the trees: the sound of the branches and leaves rustling had a calming effect on Akari.
She couldn't tell for sure how much time has passed since she blacked out by the creek, but her fur was sharing the scent of the forest, so she guessed it had been at least a couple of days since that whole situation started.
But Akari was feeling better. A little thirsty, but better.

She raised her head and yawned just like she'd just woken up from a dream. She saw three wolves nearby: Taikon and two others: one being a slender built female, while the other was a male with a distinctive scent about him: he was the alpha. Akari could sense it.
She stood up slowly, facing those wolves who had cared for her so promptly. She was grateful to them from the bottom of her heart, but the words struggled to get out of her mouth. She blushed: still couldn't help but feel embarrassed with all that happened.
"Thank you all. I'm feeling better now." Her voice was delicate and melodic, as it should be. "I'm sorry for causing you trouble, though." With that, she rendered a respectful bow, her nose nudging her paws. 
486 Posts
Ooc — Zina
(I know you on PPC Minnow but feel free to jump in!)

Minnow listened just as Rowan was arriving. As Rowan began gently to examine her, Taikon felt strangely protective over the woman. He knew very well that she was in a state of vulnerability, and though he owed Rowan a lot, he did not know the boy leader well enough to not feel some anxiety about the whole thing.
But it seemed clear that his intentions were good, despite the tantalizing scent that emanated from her fertile body. Taikon blinked calmly as Rowan turned and thanked him. He said nothing in response; he simply nodded very slightly. There was no need to thank him, he thought. He had not gone out of his way to help her. She had appeared at their doorstep, and he had pulled her in rather than leaving her in the dirt to die alone. Such a thing was not something deserving of praise or appreciation — it almost made him angry. People like Cordelia had seen the worst of wolfkind. He hated that he appeared "good" only because he was not the worst of the offendors.
Just then, the woman stirred, yawning long and wide as she woke again from her strange slumber. She even stood, and Taikon stepped forward to try to assist her as she did so. The movement ended up awkward as he tried to prop her up when she did not need it, and he backed away with a weird face, hoping she was too dazed to notice. The Ivory Rose welcome any in need — it's no trouble, he said immediately, and stood back as he also bowed to her, deep and low.
It was a grand, cordial greeting that had long been his signature, but out of place in the Wilds. As he raised back up slowly from the formal gesture, he breathed slowly and realized he had interrupted before Rowan could speak. He bit his lip and backed away a step. Boy leader or not, it was Rowan, not he, who would decide if she would stay or leave.
relatively thin from illness (Apr 13, 2020)
s t i g m a t a
440 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
She woke rather...suddenly.
As if a gentle hand had shaken her awake.
He watched her carefully, head and tail raised.

She bowed, and Taikon did too.
Respect. Better than what Imaq claimed. He hoped the wolf-dog was safe.
"Stay a while," he invited with a smooth tone. "Until you're sure you're feeling better."
And not going around the Wilds fainting at everyone's doorstep. That wouldn't do.
Her smell was rubbing itself into his nose. Maybe she'd rolled in wildflowers and one of them made her pass out?
He glanced o Taikon, wondering if he noticed too.
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One lie is enough to question all truths.