Broken Antler Fen for you i could pretend i was happy
divinity; ichor of gods
36 Posts
Ooc — delaney
Limit Two 
it's still early morning when roswell stirs awake and 'sneaks' out of the den. eyes in an awkward transition between the baby blue and the soft champagne gold they will be into adulthood, scan the still sleepy morning: taking in the soft pastel colors of spun sugar along the skyline: pink and blue and purple.

the birds have begun their early morning songs, but even they are muted with lingering vestiges of sleep.

roswell is not hindered by sleepiness as he navigates a randomly picked path of dew-kissed grasses. he does not venture too far but having shaken off his sullen funk ( though his questions are still endless ), he wishes only to explore and meet the wolves of brecheliant that he has yet to meet.

2/3 threads
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay knew that Ibis' three were older and therefore they were starting to explore more. They were no longer confined to the den, but were looking to meet other wolves of Brecheliant and discover the world outside. It was terrifying, just as it had been when Elfie and Weejay had gone. He wasn't ready for this, having expected to have at least a few months before Sylvie and Hymnal were at that age. But Roswell, Diantha and Jasmine were already there and so the father could not take his time to get used to the feeling. He knew he couldn't panic every single time a child was gone from the den. That's how he'd driven Elfie away; he couldn't repeat that mistake.

So when he noted Roswell missing from the bundle of sleeping children Eljay felt his heart leap, but decided to calm himself down first. He took a deep breath and then exited the den and followed the path that Roswell had left behind in scent, prints and the dew missing from the tops of the grass.

When finally Roswell came into view, Eljay smiled to himself, feeling calmer already through the walk here. He didn't immediately engage with Roswell, instead simply following, curious where the child was on his way to.
divinity; ichor of gods
36 Posts
Ooc — delaney
it takes roswell a while to even notice he's being shadowed. caught up in his own little world; blissfully ignorant of the dangers that stalked the world that was still very small to him, he explores without a care in the world.

when roswell does notice eljay — much like with maia — he startles; hopping around quick like a spooked kitten; wispy hackles bristled. until his gaze — a strange mixture of soft golden champagne and baby blue — finds eljay. the tension in roswell's muscles melts away immediately and his tail wags excitedly behind him.

hiya! roswell chirrups in greeting.

2/3 threads
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
For some time Eljay just followed Roswell, only watching over like a stalwart guardian. There was something relaxing about being out and about with just one of the children, rather than having to manage the whole bunch. He didn't need to engage; he was happy enough just being out here, in a moment of peace and quiet.

When finally Roswell noticed him, he seemed startled by Eljay's presence. Eljay stopped in place as to not startle him further, but soon he relaxed again and greeted Eljay. Even though he'd been following him for a while, Eljay said with a smile, Very alert. Then he asked, Were you exploring?
divinity; ichor of gods
36 Posts
Ooc — delaney
it was not one of the mysterious pack mates yet to have been met that roswell 'finds' but he's pleased to see eljay all the same. though the continued absence of ibis and the shift to maia and eljay's den had been sudden and jarring and for a while had sunk roswell into a deep, abysmal funk of confusion and had overwhelmed him ...the adjustment period had ended and he feels comfortable around his adoptive parents(?).

yees. he answers eljay's question with a firm bop of his head; preening just a bit beneath eljay calling him 'very alert', relishing in what he interprets as praise.

ver awert! he chirps and lets out a giggle, bouncing from paw to paw for a moment before he stills and peers around at the surroundings. wookin' fors uhm... magics! he 'puppy-whispers' which really meant he wasn't whispering at all. that hadn't been his original intention when setting out but roswell's mind and focus shifted so fast that it was as if that was his original intention.

2/3 threads
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay could not help but smile at how cute Roswell was as he confirmed that he was exploring indeed. Eljay chuckled in a mixture of amusement and endearedness when Roswell repeated his praise to the boy. His next words piqued Eljay's interest, though — he was looking for magic? Eljay wasn't a very imaginative wolf himself, but he loved hearing about other wolves' creative outbursts.

Oh? Did you find any? Eljay asked Roswell with a smile.
divinity; ichor of gods
36 Posts
Ooc — delaney
did you find any?

a good question! and one that roswell doesn't immediately have an answer to. though his smile drops a small fraction, his tail keeps wagging with his unbridled, childish enthusiasm. not yets, roswell admits, defaulting to honesty with a small shake of his head 'no'. i feels it! he chirrups in the next moments; perking back up. if he felt it, that was as good a start as any.

help me looks for it? pwease?

2/3 threads
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,156 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay smiled as he saw Roswell's little head spin cogwheels for a moment, hoping to encourage him by patiently waiting. However, he soon shared that he had not found them yet. It warmed Eljay's heart that even though it was sad to admit he had not found them yet, he still gave an honest answer.

Then, suddenly, he said he 'felt it' (the magic, presumably) and asked Eljay to help look for it. Of course. Lead the way, magic seeker. Eljay felt a bit out of his depths here — Maia was much, much better at make-believe and stories than he was — but he hoped to be able to guide Roswell anyway. Hopefully the kid's own imagination would do most of the work, anyway.
divinity; ichor of gods
36 Posts
Ooc — delaney
since this thread is older, i'm going to conclude with this post. <3

roswell's tail wags with unbridled enthusiasm as eljay instructs him to lead the way. otay! he says with breathy determination. with a lift of his chin he marches onward, trusting his intuition ...or 'magic feeler' to lead the way. as he goes along searching for 'magic' he repeatedly checks to make sure eljay was following: occasionally interjecting random questions about nonsensical things as he goes.

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