Ankyra Sound Something Good
36 Posts
Ooc — Blue
Please message me if any of my assumptions are incorrect and I will change them asap! <3

Edit - changing this to private since it's so far in!
Taliesin only stopped once or twice, which he thought was pretty impressive. He carried @Mireille all the way to the coast, exhausted by the time they reached the nearest beach but feeling very accomplished. He was doing his good deed for the year. For his whole lifetime, probably. And he was getting something out of it.
When he thought they'd gone far enough, he deposited Mireille on the sands as carefully as he could manage and howled for @Morgana. He wasn't sure if she would actually hear him, but he was confident she would know he'd called. She'd told him she would come.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
864 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille came alive at the scent of the sea, at its sound.
when she was placed down, the girl tried to stand. she only was able to draw herself to a seated position. this beach was unfamiliar, and her eyes searched the dark water, then the features of her bringer. "where do we be?" mireille inquired in a voice rusted by salt.
where was her mother? where were the seacliffs?
156 Posts
Ooc — ghostwriter
perhaps it was coincidence she had idly roamed back here. perhaps some unknown force drew her back in. either way she had returned. she heard the call.

morgana made no haste as she walked towards the sound. she was merely curious of it, not yet aware the voice belonged to the man she’d put to work.

she’d recognized his form eventually, yet barely acknowledged him as she closed in. her eyes were trained on the girl at his paws.

what’s this now? the inflection rose with a hint of surprise and disbelief.
36 Posts
Ooc — Blue
And there she was. The Speaker. He saw her in the distance just as the red girl spoke up with her pointless, somewhat irritating question. There was plenty of time to answer it, so he glanced at her with a dismissive, A place of power. Now be quiet, please, And went back to watching the druid's approach.
Her greeting wasn't quite what he'd expected. You told me to bring something good, He answered with a touch of sullen defensiveness. She needs some patching up, but look, she's perfectly fine otherwise. No deformities, no sickness. She'll probably live, with druids treating her. That's worth something, right? It had to be. If it wasn't... well, he might just kill the girl himself for all the trouble she'd been.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
864 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille was weak but her vein of indignation was deep. when the strange woman appeared and her savior shushed her, the sea-girl pulled away from them both, trembling on unsteady legs that immediately dumped her back into the sand. 
"i be goin' home!" she snapped at the pair, red hackles bristling with belated alarm. "i do not need to be treated. my maman will do dat for me."
156 Posts
Ooc — ghostwriter
she nodded slowly as talisin went on and on. near absent minded, his words were little more than a overdrawn drone. whatever he told her she saw for herself. and she was happy with what she saw so far.

but the girls flaws began to show through little cracks. she pulled away from them, spat at them, voiced her faith in a mother.

where is your mother? she asked cooly, searching the empty shore that surrounded them. how could she leave you alone in this state?

morgana sighed and shook her head. how cruel.
36 Posts
Ooc — Blue
The girl wasn't quiet, of course. Taliesin turned a hateful glare on her as she spat her defiance and attempted to flee, but made no move to go after her. She wouldn't get far in her state. He looked to The Speaker, somewhat apologetic and hoping this wouldn't mean the end of his druid aspirations. I can just toss this one into the ocean and find something new, He offered nonchalantly after The Speaker fell silent, partially for the red girl's benefit. Perhaps if she was confronted with the reality of the stakes, she would be inclined to play nice.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
864 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"she did not! dere was a storm!" mireille growled, tail lashing at the disrespect aimed toward her pack. had she been in more of a headspace to focus, she might have put her energies in escaping.
the man who had brought her here now spoke of throwing her into the sea. mireille's legs shook and her ears splayed with a sudden, resplendent fear.
but she had not been raised to beg. "try it," she snarled, the neon green eyes glittering with defiance. mireille began to back along the shoreline.
156 Posts
Ooc — ghostwriter
it was a storm, she hissed, that separated her from her family. poor thing. morgana gasped under her breath. in reality she cared not for the girl’s circumstances, but the potential future she could have.

the girl’s defiance caused taliesin to speak. the annoyance morgana had for him sparked up once again. his threats would only make this more difficult.

ignore this stupid man. she glared at him before looking back down on the girl. i will not allow him to lay a claw on you.

what is your name?
36 Posts
Ooc — Blue
Annoyance twinged in his chest. This was such bullshit. Both of them were supposed to be more grateful, more obliging. He was doing them a favor; saving the girl's life, and bringing the woman a gift. But of course they were just bitches about it. No one ever gave him credit where it was deserved. Still, he knew druids kept their word, so he would keep his end of the bargain.
He turned away with a harsh huff of air from his nose, stalking off in the direction the girl had been going under the guise of throwing a fit. What he really hoped to do was cut off her means of escape, in case things continued to escalate. He knew druids usually tried for the peaceful route or whatever, being magic users, but he would definitely rather force this girl to cooperate, or kill her, than let his efforts be completely wasted.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
864 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille's eyes shifted between the woman and the man wildly. tears stung the back of them, but she refused to cry, refused to let them see her terror and exhaustion. "i want my mot'ers. now." she tried to keep her voice steady, growling as the man passed her. and she tried to keep an eye on him, but the woman's face filled her vision.
her head was growing dizzy again. she would not give her name.
"i live in sapphique. on de cliffs."
if only she could focus long enough to see that she was so close.
mireille collapsed, weak with hunger and the exposing lash of the winter sun.
156 Posts
Ooc — ghostwriter
as irritating as his little tantrum was, morgana was grateful taliesin stepped away. now she could work in somewhat peace.

the girl’s defiance did not waver. she did not give her name, much to morgana’s annoyance. but no matter. the girl’s name was of no importance. she would not pry.

she did, however, tell her where she’d come from. ah, sapphique. i’ve heard of your home. she lied so effortlessly.

the girl’s weakness overwhelmed her. morgana stepped forward as she collapsed. i will take you to your mothers. let me carry you there. morgana did not wait for a reply. she’d pluck her off the ground if there was nothing to stop her.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
864 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille chuffed a weak warning. she did not trust them. she did not trust either of them.
she blinked at the woman and saw two images of her.
she tried to shove the wolf away but her limbs felt heavy as mud.
once more mireille fainted, strained brow smoothing into something like serenity.
sobo's voice called in her mind.
36 Posts
Ooc — Blue
When Taliesin next turned around, the woman was picking up the girl, who had fallen limp. He frowned, a little caught off guard — but not at all displeased. He just hadn't thought the druid would pull out her magic so soon. He wasn't gonna complain, though. Instead he started to make his way back toward them, pacing his approach so he would trail a little ways behind them for the duration of the journey. He couldn't wait to meet the rest of the druids... perhaps even their leader. Unless The Speaker was their leader...? Well, he'd find out soon enough.
156 Posts
Ooc — ghostwriter
the girl attempted to bat her away with no luck. her body fell limp, and morgana was quick to lift her from the ground.

her gaze fell on taliesin then. the listener must see her. she strode to him, pushed the girl toward him. carry her. i will take you to the island now. whether or not he agreed to it — and he would no doubt — morgana dropped her at his feet. she’d take the lead from there.
36 Posts
Ooc — Blue
Well, there went that plan. He sighed and picked up the girl again, resentful at having to carry her even further. Just when he'd thought he might be able to catch a break. But this would all be worth it. He just had to be patient. So he followed The Speaker to meet whoever The Listener was, thinking about how weird and funny their names were. He wondered if The Listener could even speak at all. Maybe they just listened.