Lion Head Mesa got me with that feline guise

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
All Welcome 
Nazli had been dismissed for a number of hours to rest and eat of her own time, and decided to take her meal out among the hills. She knew by now the limits to the mazoi patrol routes and would not go far.

She held a little lunch kit in her teeth: a green leaf wrapped around a few pieces of lesser-quality dried meats, the likes of which were not suitable for the royal family to consume. It wouldn't have much flavor to it, and perhaps take the entirety of her resting time to chew, but it would fill her belly.

As she climbed the path up the hill she became aware of the stiffness in her shoulders - no doubt a holdover from her work with the priest-boy. After settling at the apex of the hill, she sighed and tried to let herself relax.
328 Posts
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treva had found herself content.

grown into a rhythm among akashingo. not yet titled queen, but queen in all other ways. she attended most matters in the morning, time for herself in the afternoon and the evening dedicated to the children.

she did her best to mingle with all, to see every face enough to remain familiar. the young fellahin was one she recalled with great ease.

the girl had been there for the birth of the newest royals, tended to her in the aftermath of it all.

now she lounged upon the hill in a rare moment of respite from all the work. treva had no intentions of spoiling it, but she did care to check in on the girl.

a soft hum in the back of her throat as she drew closer.

mind the company?

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
The work had proved to create a hunger within Nazli, one which she could hardly contain; so when she unfolded the little leaf-pocket and began to eat, she gorged; therefore, when the queen-to-be came upon her, the girl's mouth was full of the toughened morsels.

She hastily crunched through dried gristle with her molars and swallowed, taking another entire piece whole with it, and forced it down, turning away from Treva as surprise dawned and when she turned back, her eyes were glossed from the effort.

M--mih, miss Treva, hello, a small wheeze came from her and a cough, which helped correct the situation (something might've gone down the wrong pipe) and she blinked rapidly, but her mouth was then empty.

I don't mind at all, miss. A glance down the hill and then back again to the woman - Do you need anything? I could fetch berries or -- water, how are you today?
328 Posts
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it felt as if she had a way of catching others off guard.

first the hem, now the fellahin. glassy eyed and coughing some. clearly the woman had interrupted the meal at the wrong time.

yet she'd make no comment of it.

just company. her voice carried some thread of warm humor in it, a small smile upon her features. i am well, but how are you? is the new sanpin any help to your work?

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
It wasn't all that abnormal for a mazoi to spend time with fellahin during their shared down-times. It was odd to Nazli now, though, because it wasn't any mazoi - this was the woman meant to be queen, and they wished to spend time with little Nazli? It was an honor, and brought with it some concern.

The mention of the sanpin alleviated some of Nazli's feelings, or rather, displaced them with something new and ominous. Yes, they're very helpful. It will take time for them to learn, but so far it has been a blessing.

She had seen less of Tavina because of the sanpin, had less work allocated to herself, and thus less time with Makono as the newcomer was given more grueling tasks; these things Nazli prided herself in doing so well, stripped away from her.

Jealousy was not commonplace for the girl.
328 Posts
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i'm happy to hear that.

and she meant it, her features warmed a bit further.

have you taken any interest in caregiving further since assisting me and tavina? just because she was fellahin did not mean she could not specialize in the tasks she did, no?

and perhaps it would be beneficial to have others who specialized in such critical knowledge.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
An interest? Tavina was so skilled to start with, and now she had the sanpin who she herself had brought to Akashingo, and Nazli thought it sensible that the woman might train the newcomer in all things herbal or to do with medicine; but if the need was there, the girl thought - why not?

I would like to be of use to everyone, of course. Nazli's answer was non-committal without meaning to be, and vague, which ran with the many thoughts brewing inside of her.

There doesn't seem to be a need for it, though. Tavina is skilled, and I've heard the lady Qiao is also very good with plants and things. I could help with the identification of some things but I don't know the uses of many, yet.

She wasn't meant to specialize. Fellahin were meant to do as they were told, oftentimes to perform their tasks without comment, so to be asked about any of her own desires felt almost taboo.

I like to -- run, and to hunt. It isn't often I get the chance to be outside of the palace, she was rambling a little bit now, musing aloud in a moment of weakness, relaxing beside Treva as if they were old friends. Not that I dislike being inside, or doing my daily duties! Her ears fanned different directions, realizing how that might've sounded.
328 Posts
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it seemed almost as if nazli was content to dodge.

to dismiss herself.

such was the place of fellahin, but perhaps treva was softened by the girl. she had been there in a turning point in treva's life. a helpful hand in the dark. not directly, but all the same.

maternal hormones too, perhaps. who could say.

i hear you, but perhaps i am biased as mazoi. she laughed. although she was hardly a mazoi these days, was she? acting queen, waiting for the wedding.

so did you... enjoy, she wanted to say. yet she tried to grasp with words better for a fellahin, wondering if it would make it easier for the girl. appreciate the trip to mereo? i bet work is different there than in the palace. the journey there, too.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
Given the opportunity to pine over the trip to Mereo, Nazli could focus on things outside of her usual routine and that opened her up to all kinds of things.

She looked thoughtful a moment, then animate.

I did, I really did. She thought of the trip to Mereo initially, where she was alone more often with Makono and the dour-faced guard was nowhere in sight; they'd thought themselves to be scoundrels for escaping his view, unaware at the time that they'd never really been in danger.

The faraway look vanished as she returned to the present moment.

The work there is different, but only a little. They are very self-sufficent there. The men hunt and guard, and there is a place where the women live with the children. I spent most of my time with the princess, working hard to be quiet and attentive as usual, and I think... I think her highness made a very good impression.

Upon Nazli, at least, that could be confirmed.
328 Posts
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maybe you will go on future trips with her as she makes her impressions.

she noted, soft and patient. she was not here to force either one to accept the other on a trip. it was not her place. acting queen or not.

or maybe the mazoi could ask for your help here more. you could get to run more often.

now that she imagined she could nudge along. mindful. carefully.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
Treva's suggestion was met with a smile. Nazli would go with Makono anywhere that she desired, and to be afforded the freedom of such trips was a blessing! She did not speak for or against anything, as it was not her place.

—maybe the mazoi could ask for your help here more.

It surprised her to hear such a suggestion from the queen-to-be, as Nazli had never once thought of it herself and did not know it was possible. Do you think so? She could not hide the hopeful lilt in her tone.

I would not want to detract from my other assignments, she admits next, speaking of her duties for the princess specifically, and becomes contemplative.
328 Posts
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it does not need to be an always affair. the silent one — although treva quickly realized that hardly clarified with mazoi! the woman, raven like and lean. i bet she would not mind the company. she works quick, often at night.

riddled with grief. a sad state.

perhaps nazli's kind hand would be just the careful touch the woman needed.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
The silent one brought to mind the beastly stallion of a man chosen by Makono, rather than the serpentine woman, but all was clarified as Treva explained.

The girl wonders if she has ever met this mazoi and cannot recall; no doubt she has been spotted in the later hours as the palace slips towards slumber, but as a figment before sleep.

If that is your wish, I would seek her out in the evenings. There was a brightened note in her voice found most often in children, as this was a mysterious creature whom Nazli would go on to serve and she found it enticing.
328 Posts
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i think it will be good. for both of you.

a wolfish wink as she moved to stand properly.

i have burned too much of your break already. enjoy what's left of it. a dip of her head, prepared to dismiss herself from there if the fellahin did not need anything else.

Priestess of Nwt

617 Posts
Ooc — talamasca
The woman rose to leave and Nazli watched her, and bowed her head sharply.

It was good talking with you, Miss Treva. It would not be long before the mazoi was elevated beyond the realm of servicemen, and Nazli knew she would miss these moments, fleeting as they were already.

When the woman departed the girl turned back to her meal and picked carefully at it, though she did not eat much; and when she spied the alignment of the sun above, knew she had little time to eat regardless, and would have to find a place to bury it for later.