Redtail Rise bloodrain
Bearclaw Valley
519 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
another leap. another grasshopper. ancelin had killed five of them today, though he had already eaten three. which was a net gain of two. but who needed math? the boy missed the last couple of pounces and stopped, dissuaded. he was hot and panted.
eventually he returned to the shade of a cool tree near the den. he looked around for others, constantly reminded by their appearances that they had blood inside them.
the event with his cousin and brother had never left ancelin.
385 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
As usual, Redd watched.  She did not bother to hide but stood motionless and made no move to introduce herself.  The other ones her size had much in common with those she knew, but they were kept apart.  This made their importance less.

Hunting was always worth observing.  He had caught nothing and she assumed, then, that he had failed.  He should have kept lower and made less noise.  She would do better.

When he appeared to lose interest, Redd began to slink around and look for the prey he had been chasing.  In the meantime she ignored him completely.
Bearclaw Valley
519 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the movement of dark red caught his eye. the other pup did not turn toward him. this was another one of his aunt's children, which made her his cousin. ancelin only crouched catlike, elbows tucked into his waist. 
he wanted to see what she did, and every movement made by the girl fed his most focused attention. ancelin was a follower, at least for now. or was he a studious boy, for her snub of him was even overlooked in favour of what she might teach.
385 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Redd typically did not take initiative, but it was not for need of validation.  She did not feel rushed and instead was content to wait her turn for the chance to prove herself.  She knew that she was capable, that her siblings and the others would understand this.  She felt little desire to lead.

Yet she did enjoy his eyes at her back.  Knowing that he would see and learn.

Redd crept forward as she had seen Relic to, as she had seen Prophet and Augur do at times.  It wasn't the fluid movement of an adult but it was enough to allow her to approach the insect without notice.  She was slow until she was sure, until a single pounce would have it.

She sprang!  It buzzed for freedom, but her paws flattened it to the ground, and Redd could feel it whirring it's wings against her pads.  She rumbled a small note and kept it there, satisfied and reveling.  It could not get free unless she allowed it.
Bearclaw Valley
519 Posts
Ooc — ebony
ancelin was fascinated. compared to him, the red girl moved like a well-oiled machine. he saw how jerky his movements were next to hers. but the comparison did not sting. ancelin decided that it was a reason for him to do better.
when she sprang, he sat up, ears quivering. and when the grasshopper did not fly again, when he heard its trapped buzzing muted by her paws and the earth, ancelin stole closer. his ears slid back, his tail swung once. friendly. 
he stared intently at where the insect must be. "have blood?" he whispered hoarsely to her.
385 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Blood?  She did not fully understand what he was asking.  After a moment, she surmised the question must be directed at the catch.  Clearly she had blood, as did he.

To answer, she shifted a paw, then closed her jaws around the top half of the grasshopper and crunched down.  She felt it struggle momentarily in an eerie way within her mouth, but she did not taste blood.

Redd ate her half and left the other, pushing it lightly towards him.  He would know the answer if he inspected it.
Bearclaw Valley
519 Posts
Ooc — ebony
wow i suck, can we fade & have another? <3

his ears flicked at the crunch. when she let him look at it, ancelin saw that there was no blood.
meat had blood. birds had blood. 
"not like a wolf. wolves have blood."
ancelin smacked greedily after he ate his half of the grasshopper.
385 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
def!! <3 and no worries, I've been slammed lately also

He sorted it out and she didn't feel the need to confirm - it was confirmed obviously enough from the lack.  

Her tail twitched, antsy from the success, and she looked sideways.  Perhaps there was more to find in the taller grasses?  She rose to move, then glanced back.  He was welcome to come if he wished, but if he did not join, she would be content to continue solo.
Bearclaw Valley
519 Posts
Ooc — ebony

ancelin did follow, after a moment's hesitation. he felt like he was betraying his brother. but as he walked beside the girl, a sense of rightness crept over him.
but he would say nothing else about it.