Silverlight Terrace Just One Wish
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
All Welcome 

A never ending night sky stretched out far above her. Faded from dark ink to pitch black. Countless stars spread out, some bright, some faint. A slight silver of a pale moon. Even with all this simple beauty nature offered this night, Elentari was un-acknowledging of it. Her mind was elsewhere. Closer to the the land around her.

She was a newcomer. A lone wolf whose scent and looks no native would recognize. But her surname, maybe. The Archer name was well known in lands far and wide. But she was not concerned with making herself prevalent so early.

Something greater pressed her this evening. Forcing her attention away from the quiet embrace of the valley. A deep ache made it's home in her left hind leg. Gnawing at the tendons and deep muscle. She knew it well. An old injury, sustained long ago. This was just another nuisance flare up, aggravated by the cold. 

Her jaw set firm, she scoured the ground carefully. Wracking her brain while she tried to search for signs of any herbs she had been educated about.
who stole my toe?!
1,205 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk made her way down the north face of the spear, legs traversing the pathways as she had as a child. It was good to be on familiar ground again, feeling her home's familiar slopes again. Sialuk sought witch hazel today, hoping to procure some to add to her ulaq. It was one of the few flowering plants available in the colder months, and she thought she had spotted it some time back in the foothills of Moonspear.

Her search had turned up nothing in the hours she carefully scanned the ground for the herb, but she did spot another who also seemed to be seeking something from the earth. Her dark and silvery form brought Glaukos to mind, and Sialuk smiled.

The raindrop clicked her tongue in greeting before she spoke. This woman greets you. You look for something the earth offers? she asked. Perhaps she had seen the witch hazel Sialuk sought.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Her efforts thus far yielded nothing. In this season of cold, much of the plant life was dead or waiting to re-bloom again come spring. Only a well practiced individual would know where to search, or where to turn for alternatives. She huffed quietly to herself, disappointed. About to resign to settling for finding someplace warmer, to stave off the aggravating cold.

A voice found her. A stranger. The very first Elentari would meet. She pulled her head up, easily spotting the pale figure amidst the dark. White, flecked with gray, she reminded her of many of the predominantly light natives of Torbine. And she seemed...peaceful.

"Hail." Their eyes connected. Her tail gave a soft wave, while her body remained loose but reserved. She was feeling a little slow to opening up, but not unfriendly. "As it is, I am. I seek a remedy for deep aches." Her ears tipped back as her voice dropped, feeling slightly embarrassed. "But my memory has been fuzzy." If this lovely young woman could offer her assistance, she would be grateful.
who stole my toe?!
1,205 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk knew such a plant, and she knew also that there was some nearby. There is one called ragwort that will soothe aching bones. She did not assume it was for the girl herself. Come, I will show you where it gathers, Sialuk said, and she began to walk toward the spot where it had grown wild amongst other things.

I am called Sialuk Ostrega. My mother—Kukutux—taught me many things of herbs and healing, and I learned many more from my travels.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
"Ragwort..." She repeated to herself. "Mmn, yes, the name does sound familiar..." Snapping out of her drifting thoughts and finding herself slowly warming, she nodded with a pleasant look on her face. "Gladly, thank you." She trailed after the pale one, falling in step just a half bodies length behind. If her discomfort were growing, the Archer did not show it.

"A pleasure, Sialuk Ostrega." She hummed, grateful for some receptive company. "I am Elentari Archer." She was quite intrigued her own mothers wealth of knowledge of herbs medicine. "Are you a healer too, then? Before my  journey, I had entered into the beginnings of my own education. But it has ah...gotten away from me." Travel did that to you.
who stole my toe?!
1,205 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Aya, Sialuk said with a nod, healing has called to me since the beginning. It was Kukutux's own healing of the raindrop's various injuries that had first interested her in the subject. She remembered many times watching anaa dry herbs and make medicines for Moonspear, and later Moonglow.

Mother has a wealth of knowledge. She can teach, if you wish! Sialuk suggested. The raindrop still felt so young, not quite ready to take on the role of mentor when she still felt an apprentice under the watch of Kukutux.

Maybe you do not intend to stay? she asked.

They continued toward the patch of ragwort, side-by-side. Sialuk's steps were slow to accommodate Elentari.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
It felt so good to be beside another who shared similar interests to her own. A promising start to her chapters in these lands. A soft noise of agreement slipped out of her throat. Sialuk went on to mention her own mother. A true and well practiced healer, from who she had learned. "You are blessed. Knowledge passed from one woman to another is of immeasurable value."

Her eyes grew a shade brighter. The silvered one's generosity was almost overwhelming. Elentari swallowed, unsure of what to make of her sudden traction towards this total stranger. "I would like that, yes. I would love to meet her, if that is alright. My father would be proud to know I am continuing my pursuits again."

Bit by bit, the dark wolf had drifted closer to the side of her pale acquaintance. She was aware, paying mind enough not to get too close. Everyone had their personal radius and Elentari did not want to accidentally offend. Sharp eyed, she looked for the signs of the Ragwort they were in search of. A dark ear turned to the words. "It is my plan to stay, yes. Where, has to be the right fit. It is part of why I had chosen this path for myself."
who stole my toe?!
1,205 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk felt her cheeks grow warm at Elentari's assumption that she was blessed. It was true that Kukutux had been a good mother and a good teacher, but she was mother and teacher to many. Sialuk merely had the honor of being in the right place at the right time. The raindrop only wished that anaa's knowledge could spread to others. It would be good for many wolves if more healers roamed the wilds.

Yes! Anaa—Kukutux—takes on many pupils. She is patient and willing. Sialuk did not see her mother turning down Elentari if she wished to learn such things. They continued onward, and Sialuk noted the subtle change of the dark girl's proximity. The raindrop thought again of what she had said to Chakliux, and she grinned. Perhaps it would be nice to have a wife.

Anaa lives in a ring of mountains—village Moonglow, but I—Sialuk stopped suddenly, thinking this was the place. Ah, this is it! She began to dig into the snow, her paws flinging it backward until she reached the green that lay beneath. She pulled it from the earth; it had been frozen with the first snowfall.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She was warmed in knowing that Sialuk's mother, would willingly accept her as a pupil. But she wanted to meet the Moonwoman for herself. And, while happy to potentially learn under the guidance of another, she too, would want moments where she may learn on her own. Her kind were known for their independent, slightly stubborn streak. Meaning, Elentari would accept help, of course, but would not want to be held by the hand the whole way. And when she needed assistance, she would seek it. No one needn't look over her shoulder constantly.

The name Kukutux was beautiful to her ears. She was about to inquire of it's meaning and origin, while listening with held breath at the lovely description of her home. A ringed circle of mountains called Moonglow. Only, Sialuk cut herself off, having at last found the Ragwort they were searching for. She took off after her in a light trot, coming round to stand opposite to nose at and inspect the plant. The skin under her eyes flinched slightly. That jolt of motion re-awakened the soreness in her leg. "Have...have you had practice with this plant before?" She sighed, slumping into a sit. "I should have been more direct sooner." She extended her left hind leg. "An old injury."
who stole my toe?!
1,205 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Ragwort is good for aching bones, Sialuk confirmed. There were other plants that would suffice, but this was the most convenient and most effective in her experience. Eat a small portion if you do not want your stomach to turn. Eating too much of any one medicine could make a wolf sick, and Sialuk did not wish to be responsible.

The remainder of what was left over would go to Sialuk's ulaq to be dried for later use. She did not think Elentari would be the last wolf with aching bones she would need to treat.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She nodded in affirmation. Well aware that it was common knowledge that too much of anything would spell trouble. Picking up the Ragrwort between her teeth, she clipped off a small portion. This she chewed until it was ground up, then swallowed.

"I will seek your Anaa for a meeting." She paused, her brows knitting. "Perhaps you may have the time to introduce me to her?" Part of her felt awkward about showing up on someone's doorstep unannounced. If Sialuk would accommodate, then that meant another chance to spend time with the silvered woman again.

Elentari, however, had no way of knowing of the Raindrop's own, bigger plans. That Moonglow was not her home; that she was reviving her very own. She smiled, faintly. "Thank you for your assistance today, Sialuk..."
who stole my toe?!
1,205 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk was glad to hear that Elentari would seek teachings from Kukutux. It would be good to have another apprentice among Moonglow. If I am near when you visit, I will come, Sialuk assured her. With village Moonspear beginning to grow roots, the raindrop did not know if she would be called away frequently. There were other villages she wished to visit with gifts to make a good impression upon them.

You are most welcome, Elentari, she said. After you visit Moonglow, come to the tallest mountain there—Sialuk gestured—it is where I make my home.
Atkan Aleut
188 Posts
Ooc — Mai
She let the taste of the Ragwort dissipate in her mouth, knowing that soon, it's healing properties would take effect. "I will keep an eye out for you, just in case." She assured her with a small smile.

Then at last, something she had been hoping to hear. An invitation to come visit Sialuk to the tallest mountain amongst the peaks. There, was where she made her home. Not Moonglow. Something of her very own. "I will, my friend." Warmth laced the last syllables of her voice.

Reaching out, she ran her nose under her pale sister's chin, with a touch like the delicate petals of a young blossom. "Perhaps then, there will be no need for goodbyes." Her gaze glinted, interest deeply sparked. As she left, it was with fond memories of the woman and this day.