Moonspear a new man
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,247 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
no rush on responding!

Sialuk found a quiet place on the mountain where she might step away from her parental obligations. To have so many in the ulaq was pleasant, but she found herself wishing for some time in a place of solitude. Not to be alone, but... she thought again of Elentari, the sweet woman who had given them a child. She thought of Maggak and Acrux, two perfectly lovely children who mirrored Sialuk and braataa—for whom her heart still hurt. Of the two nephews who would never know anaa.

It was @Argent she called for, reminding herself again of the bride price that anaa had given. Reminding herself also of what he wished of her. It was a thing she could give, and with the children born, she was ready.
Atkan Aleut
Two Rivers Isle
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
There were many mouths to feed—and with two now from their sister pack, Argent was eager to lessen the worry of the nursing mothers and the heartbroken man, @Rodyn. He contributed what he could—and when he did not hunt, he would watch over the children and allow Elentari and Sialuk to stretch their legs, and when he did not do that, he would then find himself a guardian along the borders, wistful of how once this had been his first priority.

How times had changed.

Called for by Sialuk, he found Moonspear’s founder in one of the quieter areas of the mountain, and he wondered at it—though he did not question. He prowled toward her, frosted eyes revelling a moment in her beauty before reaching to place a welcoming kiss to her cheek.
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,247 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The starwoman felt her chest tighten upon seeing him. Not out of fear or anxiety, but out of the sheer joy she experienced in seeing his face. It was how she knew that this was the choice the ancestors had been guiding her toward all these moons. Guiding her toward lovers whom she could—and would—love with all of her spirit.

A kiss upon her cheek was returned with ease, her eyes searching his a moment longer before she found the words she had prepared. Argent Sandraudiga, she said, You have made this woman very happy. And if you wish this woman to be your wife, her bride price is a fine elk hide and three otter skins.
Atkan Aleut
Two Rivers Isle
151 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Something had shifted between the two in the weeks past—at first, Argent had considered it his pride, bruised and broken, and thus, had urged himself to do better. And then, he had also wondered if it was his affections stemming also to Elentari—and the opportunity of love and fatherhood she had given him with such an open and gracious heart that he felt quite undeserving of it.

Now, as the ivory star made to return a kiss to his cheek, he rumbled softly, wishing to return to the ease of their companionship—but not from the perspective of the past, but to a better future.

So when she spoke, naming a bride price—Argent found himself surprised. Sliding his gaze over her, he could feel the warmth begin—spreading from his chest— a crooning rumble. “I would be the luckiest man alive to be at your side, Sialuk,” he murmured, his weight shifting, wishing nothing more than to envelop her within his embrace.

“I will seek to fulfill the price now. As long as you are sure you, Elentari and the children will be okay without me.”
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,247 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
tag for ref! (or you can crash the party, hehe.)

A moment of quiet was nestled between her implied question and his answer, though Sialuk felt as though it was as large as the salt water that spanned Moontide. Argent agreed, and Sialuk pressed herself into his embrace, feeling some of the stress and anxieties of the past few weeks somehow dissipating into the aether.

As a child, she had yearned for her own ugi. Now, she would likely be blessed with two. If Argent was the luckiest man alive, that meant that Sialuk and Ele were tied for luckiest women alive.

You will be missed, kivinik, she said. You will stay one more night? We can share with @Elentari the news together. That thought made her heart soar.
Atkan Aleut