Dragoncrest Cliffs grangou
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
these days, mireille felt as though she had moved beneath a leaden weight. her limbs were heavy, heart a millstone in her chest. the obsidian kept up her patrols, her hunting, her exchanges with those in her pack. she helped chacal where able and each day she visited the graves of sobo and erzulie, cleaning any debris from the edges, bringing kelp to loop and to dry.
today she went to visit @Wing, struck by the bear but not killed. mossbloom held the healing-bed of the beryl, and with her she took a gift of curlew caught in that same bay they had once shared smiles.
the obsidian said no words, only set the bird down and settled close with a skimming of her green eyes over the other.
something is pulling me;
i feel the gravity
of it all
40 Posts
Ooc — Van
Cherub’s Wing of Honor was an empty shell of her former self. She was hollowed out, left only with shadows in her mind and disquiet in her heart. It would take time for her to be filled with light again.

She picked her head up as Mireille approached. Where normally there would have been a smile and a heavy thumping of her tail to greet the obsidian, there was now only a mournful, sunken gaze and a grim set to her jaw. Wing glanced at the bird. Thank you, she murmured, her mouth dry, voice cracking with disuse.

I– They hadn’t truly spoken since that day. The girl shifted uncomfortably as her healing wounds cried out for attention. I’m sorry. A trembling whisper, for all the pain the obsidian must feel. She turned her face away, ashamed of her own shortcomings.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille had seen the other woman staring that day, the first day that the seawolves had come together since the —
she let an exhale escape her nostrils and started to shake her head, then stopped. "my maman died de way she wanted to die. an' my brot'er, he was so loyal it was like de eart' itself had created him, right from de sea."
epitaph; eulogy. mireille shut her swollen eyes. "an' mama, well. i do not be knowin' she dead. only she could not live wit'out her wife."
"i t'ink my little brot'ers live." spirited off by meerkat and njord, and she could not hate either of them for it. "but i have to find quennell."
did she?
her da chose his family. she had seen him move in service to sapphique once. it was simply the last time when his very presence was necessary that he had failed.
and failed her.
but njord would keep quennell safe. how could mireille seek him out, rout him out, only to tell him of death?
"i want to know now what you be feelin', cherub's wing. i know it be a lot."
something is pulling me;
i feel the gravity
of it all
40 Posts
Ooc — Van
Wing listened, her heart aching, her wound itching, her mind racing.

The way Mireille talked, it hurt to hear her so. It hurt to think that she had conjured these thoughts, convinced herself to cope, and had cried so deeply and for so long that the circles around her eyes were puffy with malabsorption. Wing had never known such grief. All she had lost had never been taken from her with such permanence.

The redgem leader asked after her then, and Wing found herself hesitating. I feel…






She could admit to none of those things, as true as they might be. I wish I could help you look for him, the beryl whispered. I feel useless right now. And I feel like I failed. I owe Sapphique, I owe you my life. I fear I did not do my part. She took a shuddering breath. But none of that matters to me. I cannot think of it. You lost so much, Mireille. I don’t feel worth your worry, not when there is… there is nothing I can even do to comfort you.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
her lips trembled at this admission and for a moment mireille looked away. she did not want to cry again. "i know it do not feel dis way, cherub's wing, but you did not'ing wrong. you did not bring de bear. and all of us here are prepared to defend our home."
determination flushed her tones. "you can help me by healin'," mireille added fiercely, holding the other's eyes as she reached to touch their paws together. "we need you."
and maybe she did too, in her own way, needed this naiad given among them to strengthen so that she could join their circle of resolute voices as women of the coastline.
something is pulling me;
i feel the gravity
of it all
40 Posts
Ooc — Van
Despite the despair she saw before her and within, despite the sickness that she imagined had seeped down into her very bones, Cherub’s Wing felt suddenly light, as if briefly attuned to the life that flowed through her with every breath she took. Staring into Mireille’s evergreen gaze, experiencing the embrace of warm red paws against her own, she felt alive again.

We need you, came from the obsidian’s mouth; I need you, came from her eyes.

Wing felt tears welling up. A soft whine escaped her as she looked down, truly noticing that they were touching in that moment. I haven’t let anyone touch me, she admitted, whispering a secret, bringing down her walls. She had accepted healing salves but would not let anyone other than herself apply them, no matter how painful it was.

I keep feeling that I’m, uhm, tainted by poison transferred on the bear’s claws. I know deep down that it’s foolish to think such a thing, but when it is quiet, I imagine that I am rotting from the inside, that I am dying. It keeps me awake at night. I was afraid to give this… affliction to anyone else… She closed her mis-matched eyes, pulling her paws away from Mireille.

I’m still afraid. She knew that she could not heal if she was not honest.
"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
863 Posts
Ooc — ebony
cherub's wing explained.
mireille nodded with a wistful thoughtfulness, then opened her arms to the other. "t'ere be not'ing wrong wit you," the obsidian urged. there was no ease in her enough to grin, to be joyous.
"de bear do not define you."
the red chin lifting; something like ferocity touching her gaze as she beckoned cherub's wing forward, to be embraced and to know that for her sapphique did the same.
something is pulling me;
i feel the gravity
of it all
40 Posts
Ooc — Van
Though Cherub’s Wing pulled away, tainted by poisoned thoughts and uncertainty, Mireille did not do the same. Instead, she steadied herself before the ailing girl, beckoning her in with reassurances and open arms. Wing looked positively terrified – I’ll poison you, too!

But there was defiance in the obsidian’s emerald gaze. Strength and confidence. Wing thought suddenly that her leader looked all-powerful, stronger than any poison known…

Her lips trembled, and stifling a loud cry, she practically flung herself forward into Mireille’s waiting arms, burying her tearful face into her warm, welcoming bosom. Her body shuddered with great sobs of relief as a great weight fell from her shoulders, and she let herself bask in the touch of another for the first time in too long.

fade here? new one pls when mireille comes back!