Gyrfalcon's Keep blood sister
First Warrior
988 Posts
Ooc — ebony
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in his wanderings, chakliux found another village.
the seal hunter was careful with tense nerves, for on this day he had brought raiyuk. "stay back," he ordered his son.
the borders held no northern scent. these were not those he would know.
but he was curious all the same, and though he remained wary, chakliux called out to these people, keeping himself between the edge of their land and raiyuk.
75 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She did not want to leave her mother's side- not when her new, younger siblings were so adorable! She'd never seen puppies before, and something about their smell made her want to kiss their fur over and over and over again. Solveig allowed her daughter to visit, but when a call came from the borders, she issued the gentle but firm request that Thyra go and answer. Their pack was few in members, and now had a mother and three children to feed. Greyfalcon was off in search of new recruits, leaving behind a mother, a father, and their priestess. 

Fortunately, Thyra was not shy, in spite of having no drive to fight whatsoever, she did find meetings at the borders exciting. It was seldom that she met new wolves, but she was a social butterfly, and really did benefit from the exposure. 

Two wolves had come, a taller man with stunning eyes and pronounced scars on his face, and a young one who remained close to his side. Seal-pelted, she thought- with his face slightly darker than the rest of his sandy fur. They smelled of a pack and she wondered if this was a wolf from one of the Moon-packs that had settled nearby in the area. "Hello!" She called out as she approached, tail waving. She was still bathing in the glee of having new brothers and sisters, and forgot some of her formality because of it. She couldn't help but smile to see the young one tailing along with the fuchsia-eyed man; some day, she would have little siblings to follow her around too!

"Hail og sael," She greeted, her tone buoyant. "I am Thyra, what brings you here to Hljóðrfell today?"
Old Norse | Common Tongue
First Warrior
988 Posts
Ooc — ebony
the woman was made of darkness fading to gold, with curious eyes a shade for which he did not have a name. she was pretty; her appeal softened the seal hunter at once, and he favored her with a grin as she spoke in a tongue he did not know.
"i am chakliux, of village moontide, and this is my son, raiyuk."
she had said the name of her village, but its syllables were harsh for him to know. "will you speak it again, the title of your land?"
75 Posts
Ooc — Jess
phone post while in transit- sorry for all the typos!!

Chakliux was pleasant, and his son seemed perhaps a bit shy, but polite too. Thyra had come to know of the Moon packs, though her mother had said little more of them than that there were several of them- and they were worth investigating, but friendly. So long as they did not expand into Hljódrfell’s hunting lands. 

”Chakliux, Raiyuk, you are welcomed,” She said with a gracious smile. ”Our pack’s name is Hljódrfell,” she said, pronouncing it an ounce slower for comprehension.
Old Norse | Common Tongue
First Warrior
988 Posts
Ooc — ebony
thyra was polite and the heavily accented words did not hide this. chakliux found he enjoyed their slightly melodic sound. and felt raiyuk press against his far flank as the woman spoke. at first he had found them to fall hard upon the ear, but after thyra's repetition, the seal hunter thought he could enjoy hearing more of it.
"i am new to these places beside the sea. i lived upon the mountain moonspear." a faint, sloping silhouette. his heart ached for it; chakliux flashed another smile. "but i have come to love the smell of the wind. you are leader here, thyra?"
75 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He spoke like a poet, she thought; flattering himself as he spoke of the scenery. Thyra, of course, blushed under the compliments. The man was handsome- but obviously taken, she thought. She would want a man to speak to her of the sea and mountains like that, some day. 

”Here, we have both. The air and the elevation, though I think perhaps the Keep is shorter than your Moonspear,” She said. If it could be seen from this far away, it was definitely taller. The Keep was almost a tall foothill. ”I am not a leader, no; I am a…Smith. I make pelts. But my mother, Solveig, she is our leader though she is four days new with children,” She said with a smile. ”We can offer hospitality for you and your son, if you would like?” She offered. After all, they were intended to be allies, and she knew to be kind to them.
Old Norse | Common Tongue
First Warrior
988 Posts
Ooc — ebony
chakliux sensed that his words had achieved their intended effect, and the grin upon his mouth deepened in his berrybright eyes. "akna has blessed your mother. i will give a gift of my hunting before we leave." 
among the seal hunter people, a woman who was blessed to carry children was infinitely desirable. pregnancy was only one part of the greater mystery chakliux found to be supernatural about those who brought forth life, and for him, it was sacred.
"we accept your hospitality,'" he agreed, face still holding an interested expression for the greeter "the wolves of the villages moonspear and moontide are led by two sisters. their mother is the moon woman of moonglow. we have one way of making hides. maybe you will tell me another, thyra, if it is not a secret?"
their home had many amenities, and with this talking of hides, perhaps a way to trade with moonspear and moonglow.