Moonspear it won't break me
Sun Mote Copse
the muse of w a r
230 Posts
Ooc — delaney
All Welcome 
she's been told to see @Sialuk personally but keeping this all welcome as she can't howl or anything! <3

when jr ( and the others ) were dismissed, their tasks given to them, she makes a few small preparations before she leaves.

with the bundle of dried meats betwixt her jaws, she watches the towering mountain spear she'd once called home draw nearer and nearer; more imposing the closer to moonspear's borders she draws.

though she is aware of the open border policy shared between the moon villages, she still finds herself hesitating at the borders; the package laid to nestle safely betwixt her paws.

she cannot call, cannot announce her presence and so she sends ghost to the air in the hopes of finding someone.

has a juvenile peregrine falcon companion named ghost; can be freely pp'd in threads with her; with the exception of serious injury/death.
-Ptero will look like this in posts-
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
A falcon circled overhead, and while Sialuk did not always read such things as a sign of some greater power, she felt called to it. Light footsteps brought her to the edge of the village, and she found a familiar, though much grown, younger Towhee staring back at her. The girl—now young woman—had left some time ago, and Sialuk had heard nary a word from her since. Not that the younger woman owed her anything, but seeing her back brought a sense of relief to the starwoman.

Her own ptero was shoddy at best, but she knew a gift when she saw one. Towhee Junior's own scent was interlaced with that of Ariadne's, so Sialuk could only assume that was where she had ended up after all. A smile followed by a beckoning gesture invited the younger woman to follow her up the mountain toward the ulaq.

Ah, how she wished one of the other Redhawks were here to foster communication! She would have to improvise.
Atkan Aleut
Sun Mote Copse
the muse of w a r
230 Posts
Ooc — delaney
it has been some time since towhee jr has seen sialuk; enough time had passed that she remembered sialuk in that vague way that a young child more concerned with their own growing pains and woes remembered.

but still, it is enough for jr to know her by sight and greet her with a friendly wag of her tail.

-hello,- she signs in ptero before she gathers the bundle she has brought with her betwixt her jaws again and follows her to her ulaq with the invitation.

ghost does not follow into the ulaq, preferring to be close to the sky.

a glimpse is spared to her falcon companion before she shrugs into sialuk's ulaq, sitting the bundle at the leader's paws.

-for moonspear,- signs jr. -from moonsong.-

has a juvenile peregrine falcon companion named ghost; can be freely pp'd in threads with her; with the exception of serious injury/death.
-Ptero will look like this in posts-
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
The falcon appeared to have a close bond with Towhee's child, and Sialuk realized it must be much like the bond she had with Sixsix. Perhaps the bird was also a useful companion in alerting Towhee Junior to sounds that she could not hear. A wise arrangement, although Sialuk did not think the bird would be able to translate for them like a Redhawk could have. The starwoman did note the familiar "hello" movement, though the others took her a bit longer, specifically the latter which she did not recognize.

She did her best to put two and two together. The last word is the movement for Ariadne? she asked. For it had to have been a gift from her sister.
Atkan Aleut
Sun Mote Copse
the muse of w a r
230 Posts
Ooc — delaney
for a moment, jr hesitates as she reads sialuk's lips; which takes her a bit longer than she'd like due to the dark of the ulaq.

it is a brief thing; felt and then caught and swept away. it hadn't been exactly what she'd been trying to communicate and the soft furrow of her brow lingers for a moment longer before she decides that it is close enough.

-yes,- jr signs with a nod of her head.

she noses the gift towards sialuk.

-how are you?- she signs next, trying to slow the movements of her paws for her company's benefit.

has a juvenile peregrine falcon companion named ghost; can be freely pp'd in threads with her; with the exception of serious injury/death.
-Ptero will look like this in posts-
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
I am well, Sialuk said, then turned away to unwrap the skins, marveling at the dried meat inside. The children would enjoy the treat, she thought. It would not take them long to devour it all, growing as they were. She smiled, turning back to Towhee.

-Thank you,- she signed, glad to have learned what little she had from the girl's mother.

Your mother, does she know you live with the village? Sialuk asked. I will not tell her if you do not wish it, but I do not doubt she wishes to see you again. It had to have been difficult to lose her father the way that she had. It seemed he had simply vanished into the night, never to return. Sialuk had found that many men did this when their offspring entered the picture. It was an odd thought to her, seeing as her own father, Aiolos, Argent had always wished to be so involved in her own children's lives. And there was Rodyn, who had all the reason to up and depart, and yet he stayed for the sake of his sons.
Atkan Aleut
Sun Mote Copse
the muse of w a r
230 Posts
Ooc — delaney
it is a relief to jr as she reads that sialuk is well, and from what jr can tell, moonspear seems to be faring good as well. she tucks these observations away to inform ariadne of upon her return.

jr's attention almost doesn't snap back in time to catch sialuk's question.

she asks about towhee, the og, and if she is aware of jr's presence in moonsong. -yes,- signs jr. -we saw each other not too long ago.- she considered adding that they 'spoke' but refrained, though she assumed that sialuk would understand what she met either way.

-have you seen sable recently?- she signs her question, trying to beat down the hope trying to bloom within her chest, hoping that maybe he would've returned to moonspear.

has a juvenile peregrine falcon companion named ghost; can be freely pp'd in threads with her; with the exception of serious injury/death.
-Ptero will look like this in posts-
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Sialuk breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she would not have to hold something away from the Redhawk matriarch should they cross paths again soon. It pleased her to know that Towhee knew of her lookalike's whereabouts. Sialuk knew she would wish to know where Maggak and Acrux were at all times, even if such a thing was not possible. She studied the younger Redhawk's movements with care, and although she only caught small pieces, she recognized the name at once.

I have not seen Sable for many moons, Sialuk said, speaking slowly and shaking her head. I had hoped you had found one another on your journey. This was not the case, she had learned.
Atkan Aleut
Sun Mote Copse
the muse of w a r
230 Posts
Ooc — delaney
jr wonders idly, as she lets the news that sable had not been seen by the matriarch of moonspear either, if he even remained in the wilds or if his search for maxim had taken him to far off lands that jr could only barely hope to imagine.

though she liked the adventure of traveling, despite the additional risks it meant for her specifically, she could not imagine leaving the wilds she called home. there was so much to explore here! and, though she feels a guilty enough about it, she does not remember enough of maxim to have the insatiable drive to search for him that had overtaken sable.

-i see,- jr signs with a sigh. -i hope he is well.- a sign of words made wishfully, though meant mostly for herself.

-is there any news i should take back to ariadne for you?-

has a juvenile peregrine falcon companion named ghost; can be freely pp'd in threads with her; with the exception of serious injury/death.
-Ptero will look like this in posts-
High Sage*
who stole my toe?!
1,245 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Me, too, Sialuk said, a caring look toward the young Redhawk. It was difficult to lose a brother, even if his fate was uncertain. Sialuk thought of her own brother. A demon wore his face now, and she clenched a paw.

Tell her she is welcome to come visit whenever she wishes, Sialuk said. If all went well, her visit would not be far away.

Long days and pleasant nights, Towhee Junior.
Atkan Aleut
Sun Mote Copse
the muse of w a r
230 Posts
Ooc — delaney
-and to you.- jr signs in return. with the gift delivered and tidings offered and the message to return to ariadne, jr offers sivaluk a soft bow of her head before heading back in the direction she came; ghost her ever vigilant companion and recon partner as he takes to the skies.

has a juvenile peregrine falcon companion named ghost; can be freely pp'd in threads with her; with the exception of serious injury/death.
-Ptero will look like this in posts-