Deepwood Weald all aboard a sinking ship

ogre maiden
316 Posts
Ooc — bon
backdated, @Raiyuk

racharra didn't know just how tired she was from her own journey that when they took a break for the moment, she nearly collapsed. not from lightheadedness but pure exhaustion.

it took her a minute to realize that here was where she found long rain again. looking around, she doesn't expect to get lucky again.

instead her attention returns to raiyuk, watching the seal hunter boy from the comfort of her seat.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The scents of the village carried in to these woods, specifically his father's, and Raiyuk was surprised. The further they went together the more he learned: Dutch was here with his wife, and likely the rest of Morningsong. Perhaps they were building a lodge? He was curious but focused on his task, so he would put aside the discoveries for another time.

The woman he was escorting had stopped and so he did too, looking back at her, then moving to check on her.

We can make camp here if you would prefer. It was not as far as Raiyuk had anticipated they would get from Moontide, but he would base their progress on Racharra's needs above all.

ogre maiden
316 Posts
Ooc — bon
the early morning sun hung just up ahead. how much more time can she spend outside of the palace? racharra couldn't meet Ra's eyes but she hopes he still saw her the same despite everything. she prays akashingo will see her the same.

she can meet raiyuk's eyes, though. he turns to her, and for a brief moment she fixates on his chocolate eyes. gentle, and subtle. but theres a vibrance in them too. but for some reason, she can't find what she's looking for.

no no, i just needed a quick rest. she shakes her head so vigorously, it swings her mane around.
i'd prefer to rest properly once we get to moonglow. that way, i can spend more time in it, get to know it.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Well then, he had time to look around a little more.

Alright. Were you hungry? I could hunt for something while you rest? For a young adult Raiyuk wasn't usually so serious, but since earning his scars he had become more focused on routine, and figuring out where he fit now within Moontide; a byproduct of this was a constant need to be ambulatory.

Sitting still would leave him alone with his thoughts for too long. He wanted to be seen as industrious, strong, and capable like his father - especially around others. And this was effectively a princess he was escorting! He had never had a more important job.

ogre maiden
316 Posts
Ooc — bon
she nods. it wasn't hunger that gave her issue.

a rabbit or hare should suffice. get something for yourself too.

the boy had thought of her as a princess, even said so, and racharra wishes it were true. so she hadn't corrected the boy even now that all she is a maiden with a fancy title and fancy upbringing; none of the goddess' holy blood runs through her veins.

but it's nice to pretend that it does.

gently she sets down the gifts to moonglow — that she elected to carry to avoid burdening raiyuk too much — indulging in the moment to rest for just a bit longer.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
The forest was full of opportunities. He departed in to the dark crisscross of the weald, and left Racharra there to relax.

When he did return it was a good thirty, maybe forty-five minutes later. He carried a fat rabbit and a pheasant of some sort, and when he approached with them he was careful not to be too loud.

He didn't want to disturb her. Raiyuk began to pluck feathers from the grouse as quickly as necessary, showing a bit of feminine finesse, although it was women's work. He had watched his father's many wives do this often enough.

ogre maiden
316 Posts
Ooc — bon
his gentleness isn't lost on her. she watches as each feather is plucked, wondering if any could be saved as another gift for moonglow. the better the impression she could make as sole representative of the mesa, the better.

do you travel often? for being so young, you're a skilled hunter. the silence was getting to her, and she wanted to get to know a little more about her escort. it isn't enough to gleam the surface, afterall, handsome as it may be.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He was glad to receive the accolade, even though he felt humble; the hunt had been easy enough, nothing like the seal hunt which transitioned him to this new stage of his life. Everything felt easier by comparison to that.

I wouldn't say so. Pluck, pluck...

I have been to your Akashingo. It was very far - for a wedding? I think. The party lasted a long time. He envisioned the dance floor then, with Seal, and could taste the fermented berries.

There was also a shared hunt. The moon villages went after these giant beasts there, bison. He paused his work as he remembered.

ogre maiden
316 Posts
Ooc — bon
he doesn't entertain her questioning much, but she's used to that. apparently, boys like dodging questions about themselves.

but he brings up appearing in the palace before.
did you enjoy it? but racharra already knew the answer. he'd say yes, even if it were a lie. if anything, a part of her hoped he would say 'no,' just because then she'd have more to work with to paint a picture of him.

that wedding was also the coronation of the Divine Pharoah.. you are very lucky to be able to witness it. she closes her eyes and sees the rosy picture of toula stepping to her rightful throne.

i'm sorry we couldn't have met then. i was too distracted by other things.. i'm sure you gathered plentiful bison afterwards. he must've, if he got to see the ascension. now her attention turns to his scarring, wondering if that hunt is where those came from.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He finished with the bird, leaving a neat pile of larger tail feathers in the grass while tufts of down floated in the air. The naked thing he placed near Racharra so she could eat - not adding anything to it, as she might be used to.

He then turned his attention to the rabbit which he meant to eat himself. This he would take apart with the same care. The work distracted him enough from propriety, not that Raiyuk had been taught anything like it.

It was a bit obnoxious for my tastes. There were a lot of new experiences. He stripped more fur away. I enjoyed meeting people, and eating some of the food. The ceremony went right over my head; marriages among the Moon villages aren't so -- gratuitous.

Was that rude of him? He was being honest. And the event happened at a time where Raiyuk had been a bright eyed child, distracted by his first glimpse of girls, and so the more serious aspects of the wedding were forgotten.

When she remarked about the bison he smiled and couldn't help but laugh softly. Bison are incredible. I would show you, if you ever desire it. A trip to the plains to see their many bodies flowing across the grass.

ogre maiden
316 Posts
Ooc — bon
much to her surprise, he's honest. tactless too! racharra raises her brow, but she does not seem offended. the scene was beautiful, but for a simpler man like raiyuk, it's understandable that it would be too much. far too overwhelming. his bluntness gets him a smile.

i see. it's mostly because of the importance of the Pharoah, but i'm sure the other weddings would be far less grand. she thinks. it was the only time she'd ever seen a wedding, and admittedly she didn't pay too much attention to anyone who wasn't radiant, gleeful toula.

are they? i think i saw them.. but far, far out in the distance when i was traveling. they are magnificent.. and they make an excellent meal, but far too uncommon to sear the taste into her memory. instead, she bites into the pheasant so thoughtfully and meticulously prepared for her. not worry on escorting me back to akashingo. she decides to clarify after a moment of quiet. if she brought home a man, even if he wasn't her chosen, too many assumptions would be made. racharra feared so, anyways.
i can manage. we are headed in its direction, so it'd be easy for me to arrive.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
He thought by her first admission that she might be interested in the offer to roam, but then thought she was only being polite. Had he offended her? When Racharra went on to deny his escort home, he was quiet and busied himself a moment longer.

As he began to eat finally, he processed the conversation and considered putting it aside for sake of planning. Racharra wanted to go to Moonglow, and maybe could be pursuaded to Moonspear as well; she had a goal which his simple mind hadn't caught on to yet.

If you change your mind or want to go elsewhere, I am free. He glances at her, wondering if she was happy with that presumption or annoyed, given that she was so singularly focused. After a beat he resumed eating, dropping his gaze back to the rabbit.

ogre maiden
316 Posts
Ooc — bon
for now i only wish to go to moonglow. i just don't want to burden you either.

awkwardness now stirred between them. had she said something wrong when she asked to go alone? had she offended him? quickly, she attempts to make amends by returning his honesty with her own. 

i went against my Pharoah's orders — wishes — by coming here so soon again. she pains.  it was agreed upon that i would return to moontide to visit the other moon tribes, i just... came sooner than intended. i don't want you to get caught in the fringes when i return home.

trouble waits for me. but it's my responsibility. that's why i want to go it alone.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Yes, it is awkward. He cannot tell if it is his own doing or not. Raiyuk hasn't met many from outside of the villages and considered that he might be too different, perhaps slower, perhaps less -- cunning? If that was the correct way to see it. He was a simple young man and saw no issues with that.

But she explained, and these details caught in Raiyuk's ears. He thought of how his father had gone to find the evil man who attacked Marina; he thought of Dutch who went to help, only as friend. How was this different?

His smile fades; he looks too serious and as too adult as he considers, If there is trouble then wouldn't it be better to face it with a friend? But I see your point.

He was finished with his meal. Raiyuk moved swiftly to gather what remained and dispose of it; the pile of feathers remained untouched nearby.

ogre maiden
316 Posts
Ooc — bon
he hardens, and mentions friendship.
if only it were that simple.

this is different. how to say that she would look like she brought a man home without making everything even more awkward! she rattles her head for better options.

i'm sure it'll be fine once i explain myself. i didn't do it out of treason — i'm doing my duties, and nothing bad has happened to me. i think they'll just be upset, maybe disappointed in me. there might even be a punishment, though what she cannot imagine.

thank you, though. i appreciate it.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
Her world was so very different from his own.

They would be... upset? That you did as you were told but on your own time. Not impressed by your initiative? Not pleased that you could find your way? His brow furrows.

I'm sorry to say, I do not understand your parents. Mine would be pleased by such things.

He could only compare Racharra's situation to what he knew out of life, which was limited.

ogre maiden
316 Posts
Ooc — bon
she shouldn't have said anything.

maybe? it was reckless. and i've been gone for so long, they must think the worst has happened to me by now.

he calls the nobles her parents. how badly she wished to entertain the thought, but she lowers her head between her legs, tearing marigold away from his brown eyes that now stand above her.
..but they are not my parents. the Pharoah is not my mother.

i have none. i'm just a lady.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca

He sees his mistake as she shrinks. Immediately his heart goes out to her; Raiyuk knows how it feels to be without a mother even if his father's collection grows each season.

I—just assumed. I'm sorry, that was wrong of me. He didn't like how that made him feel, but worse was the sight of the princess looking so small now. She had been so confident until he had opened his stupid mouth.

My mother... left. It has always felt like... Well, I am glad to have my father. He has other wives but it's not the same. Raiyuk offers this as an olive branch - something common between them. Mothers were a sore spot for him as well. I'm sorry, that probably doesn't help at all.

He turns, checking their surroundings as if to find the path again, although he would only begin the hike of the weald with her go-ahead.

ogre maiden
316 Posts
Ooc — bon
you did nothing wrong. she corrects him, but softens again when he speaks of his own mother. 

but mentioning his father's wives brings back a memory of prancing around in the spring grass, watching afar as the dark shadow that sired her was surrounded always by a flurry of women. none of them does she remember the faces of. all were so embroiled in their own conflict that she's sure khaba forgot he had children until akashingo invaded.

and zharille.

i'm sorry.. but i think i understand. but she never had parents. he at least had a father.

she thinks of the marriage, of greatwater lake's insistence to return with new disgusting life eager to replace racharra as bint-zharille, how eager beasts seem to get to have children, how much time she has left as a maiden, how much time she has left as spiritual daughter of toula before she gets replaced by someone she can truly call a daughter to the world —

and racharra finishes the last of the pheasant with a dainty wipe at her lips. the best of the pile of feathers are plucked out from their pile one last time, and tucked away into one of the gifts.

i think it's best to get going, and not dwell on things we have no control over anymore.
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this
215 Posts
Ooc — Talamasca
His ears turn to her voice, and as she busies herself with the feathers Raiyuk turns properly to watch her, quiet, assessing. When she suggests they get a move on he nods and begins to show her the way.

My father told me of some shortcuts. We should make good time. Not that Racharra was in a hurry. Did those of Moonglow know to expect a princess? Oh well. He would do his best to announce her when they got to the village.

The rest of the journey was spent in quiet reflection of their similarities.

ogre maiden
316 Posts
Ooc — bon
her turbulence at bay again, racharra follows closely behind raiyuk.

their travels were quiet, but racharra could feel, at least, a kinship in the boy.

how far would it go?
[Image: 0bonbon.gif]
if only my heart were as cold as i pretend it is.
maybe i could get over this