omnipotent society of youth
180 Posts
Ooc — wen
the rims of his eyes brimmed with firewater as he came down from the belltower again, not an occupation he chose but the upkeep was all his, with no medicinal knowledge to aid the intervals of pain that cut his respite in half.

was he even allowed to pick from the caches? given the softbellied nature of the cherub he'd followed, hushed willows appeared to be a pretty almsgiving place.

after this, he'll hunt for himself, he thinks. he hopes to catch a bite instead of a one-sided conversation in his nearsight.

he'd cross @Reina in his path, and silently wonders if taking a detour was possible.
174 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
I hope it’s okay to infer their location on the mountainside over looking the town. I wasn’t quite sure where to put her, but your use of bell tower made me think height, hence the mountains haha

It was a quiet day; rare in these parts, for it seemed the Hushed Willows was always teeming with something or another, and the Willows’ healer decided to use it wisely. She laid on a sun-warmed rock, one that jutted out slightly to overlook the Town, her own den just below the cliff’s edge. It was a perfect spot for alone time while also keeping an eye on the children below.

Though, she wasn’t expecting the elusive male that seemed to come from nowhere, his paws almost silent save for the occasional pebble rolling and scuffing the terrain. She had not officially introduced herself—if she were honest, she had been too preoccupied with the Medeiros family as of late to be as friendly as she otherwise would have been—and rolled to her belly as she greeted him.

“Hello, there! We haven’t formally met—I’m Reina. I’ve seen you around the area, but haven’t learned your name.” Her smile was soft, but reached her eyes.

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This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
omnipotent society of youth
180 Posts
Ooc — wen

he lightly cringed at the display but just as quickly warded it away.

he couldn’t imagine showing his weak points to strangers, as a man who was defined on his face by mortal combat.

klaus began to realize a lot of reverie’s people would share her easygoing mien. this unnerved him. he wasn’t aware of the darkness in his own scrutinizing eye, a turn of the screw.

turned off, he only nodded his head noncommittally but offered nothing in return, his ability to speak was cut for the day due to his persistent headaches.

before he elected to turn away, he caught sight of a curious bundle of hyssop plant. he abruptly broke the awkward encounter and trotted towards it, a spiritual manifestation of his vater's greenthumb rising within him.
174 Posts
Ooc — Kitt
He offered her nothing and she could only stare in return, watching him nod and turn off toward a plant, seeming to find it much more interesting than her. To say it didn’t offend her would have been a lie, but she didn’t know him, and he could be a plant connoisseur for all she knew.

He was a curious man, a silent type, for sure. She got up to take a step to follow, but stopped, unsure if she should. Some days it felt difficult to connect with others, to understand if she were even worth her salt to any of them. 

So, she stayed where she was, sliding back down to lay where she had began, eyes glued to the man.

Mature Content Warning

This thread has been marked as mature. By reading and/or participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you are of age or have permission from your parents to do so.

The participants have indicated the following reason(s) for this warning: Player may use vulgar language and may write about sensitive/difficult topics that might offend others. Discretion is advised.
I will ALWAYS discuss plot points and address any and all concerns regarding any of my toons, threads, or even specific posts. It is NOT my intention to cause anyone discomfort; I am merely interested in creating stories and building my writing skills.
omnipotent society of youth
180 Posts
Ooc — wen

anise hyssop—unknown to him functional deerbane and a pollinator, but a not-so-oddly comforting color. he feins to take it suddenly, but is swiftly kicked in the gut when he realizes he has no garden of his own.

he sighs apprehensively, swishing his tail at reina to see if she had any use of it, given she was trained on him despite his antisocial introductions.