Two Eyes Cenote Close Eyes
my story's gonna end with me dead
252 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
All Welcome 
For @Safiya <3
Forward dated to roughly a week after his imprisonment

Since the incident with the fly, the dog had begrudgingly taken greater care in his cleanliness. A stream with fast-flowing waters became his washroom, where he carefully disposed of old bones and food scraps, watching them swirl away into oblivion. Occasionally, if the insects grew too persistent, he would plunge himself into the freezing water, but the piebald beast remained a far cry from the man he had once been.

Dosing in the fading rays of sunlight filtering through the hole in the ceiling where interrogations were sporadically barked down at him, Machi stirred from his uneasy slumber. His ears twitched at the faint sound that pierced the droning monotony of his cell—quiet steps, unfamiliar yet creeping further into his awareness with every passing moment.

First checking above him, he then shifted his gaze towards the crack in the wall where the coyote woman occasionally appeared, wondering who would come to gaze upon the scorned fellahin today.

suck the rot right out of my bloodstream
There is always unintended consequences
156 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya had asked her father to speak with the wolf she called beastie. There was something about this whole mess that felt strange. He had helped her and in her puppy logic that meant he was good right? And besides she feared no one and nothing. So the fact that he maybe dangerous completely eluded her and she simply didn't care.

Mother had been adamant that she not see him, father had argued for. What his end game was she didn't know. Perhaps her father thought if Machi would talk to her, he would get answers. Maybe he just wanted to show his daughter the other side and what not to be or do. Whatever the case maybe, her parents were fighting and she left with a roll of her eyes. 

She knew how to get to the prison herself. And being small even for an older puppy, she would never grow large like her father, she simply faded into the back drop of the numerous fellahin and Mazoi. 

Sea green eyes stared at the man behind the wall. Beastie?
my story's gonna end with me dead
252 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
Machi pulled himself to his feet, nose twitching as he padded across the damp floor of his cell, drawn towards the narrow fissure in the wall. Carefully, he pressed an opalescent eye to the rough stone, its surface cool against his whiskers, while the faint glow of reflected light illuminated his curious gaze as it searched out the source of the intrusion.


Safiya, he exclaimed warily, I didn't expect you to come back. His voice held a tinge of bitterness as he recalled her father's disdainful display, parading the small family into the prison to turn him into a spectacle.

Her father.

Machi's gaze narrowed suspiciously as he studied Safiya's oceanic eyes, Does your family know you're here?

suck the rot right out of my bloodstream
There is always unintended consequences
156 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She couldn't  quite see all of him. She hadn't been able to come the way her father had brought her before. But his eye soon fell on her as his whispery words too.

She shrugged tiny shoulders. I wasn't going to, but.

She moved a paw unsure what she wanted to say. She was old enough to speak well, but even still some words, especially about emotions eluded her.

She shrugged again. Probably not yet, but it won't be hard to figure out.

She was young yet and naive. Saw no reason to hide the truth. They didn't know, but they'd figure it out.

She settled to her haunches and looked at the bigger wolf expectantly, but for what she wasn't yet sure. And explanation maybe? And absolvement of guilt?
my story's gonna end with me dead
252 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
The half-breed hummed softly in response, wary of the consequences that might follow if the child were found speaking with him—he did not need to borrow any more trouble. He cast an anxious glance past the small figure, expecting an angry parent to emerge from the gloom at any moment.

Why did you come back? Machi asked simply, his voice a whisper that echoed off the stone walls, amplifying it to a volume he found disconcerting. This is no place for someone so young. You could have been hurt, he continued with a tone that was more concerned than chiding.

He shifted uneasily, the cool, damp air of the cell sending a shiver up his spine. His fur bristled as he peered warily into the shadows, ears twitching nervously but hearing nothing save the dripping stalactites.

suck the rot right out of my bloodstream
There is always unintended consequences
156 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya didn't quite know why everyone was so angry with the beastie in front of her. But she knew that her father was furious. IT agitated him greatly and her mother would be angry that she was here. But even her parents ire didn't scare her. For she was used to it. It left as quickly as it came for they loved her. 

Because you are beastie. She looked around at his words, a furrow in her brows. Who would hurt me? What would hurt me? And they can try.

She spoke with the confidence of a child that had never been tried. Who had not been marred by anything dangerous. But truthfully even if she had been. Safiya wasn't sure if it would affect her. She was different. 

You are okay?
my story's gonna end with me dead
252 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
Other wolves, perhaps. I'm not sure how many besides myself are down here, and I don’t fancy you being the one to find out, Machi murmured, his luminous eyes shifting thoughtfully before settling upon the intrepid girl once more.

He knelt down, his lanky frame folding gracefully to find another crack in the wall, bringing his gaze level with hers. His expression softened as he took in her determined stance, a glimmer of admiration mingling with his concern. Listen, little mazoi, there might be some who would use you as a hostage to force your father’s hand and set them free. He paused, studying her reaction. You do know what hostage means, don't you?

The dog shifted uneasily, his usual bravado faltering in the face of her innocence. He hesitated, searching for the right words. I, he faltered, I'm okay, yes. He reached out a paw, ruffling the fur atop her small head, the touch hesitant and gentle. A soft, reassuring smile spread across his marred snout, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. I appreciate the concern but don't worry yourself about me, alright?

He shook his head in amusement, a grin tugging at his lips—this time genuine. You’re a tough one, aren’t you, little beastie? he remarked playfully, trying to lighten the mood. But promise me you’ll be careful. Stay away from the other cells, and don't come back without an adult, okay?

suck the rot right out of my bloodstream
There is always unintended consequences
156 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya looked around more curious than anything now. Why did they keep wolves down here in this dark and damp? It was strange to her. She was sure there was a reason, her father always had a reason. But this reason was lost on her at the current moment and at her age. 

No. What's a hostage? Is it something bad?

Safiya squeaked at the first touch, but leaned into it. Why shouldn't i worry about you? Someone has too right?

She puffed out her chest and nodded. Very tough. This girl.

Safiya frowned  and looked around. I Don't know if any other adult will bring me? Her father would possibly, accept now she had left without him and he may choose to punish her by not bringing her. Or her mother maybe so furious she didn't let her go anywhere for days.
my story's gonna end with me dead
252 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
The half-breed paused, his mind racing to find the gentlest way to explain such a cruel concept to the youth before him. A hostage is when someone takes something or someone that another person loves very much to make them do something they wouldn't normally. For example, your father loves you very much, so a prisoner might take you to force your father to set them free, he explained thoughtfully. Does that make sense?

Someone has to care, right?

Her question pierced the dog's wretched heart.

He let out a low, dry chuckle, the sound brittle and hollow, echoing off the cold, damp walls of his cell. It was almost laughable that the one visiting him in his darkest hour was not those he held dearest. Those he had trusted most, those he thought might care. It hurt that Senmut had not shown his face in the week that he had been imprisoned here, but the absence of Legend cut much deeper. Had she really forsaken him after all this time? It seemed he had outlived his use. What a stupid, naive beast to believe he could ever amount to anything more than a pretty distraction for them.

Here, instead, in this desolate place, stood the child he had stumbled upon in the twisted halls.

A bitter, ugly serpent whispering confirmations of the half-breed's darkest suspicions slithered its way from the recesses of his mind, nestling into the forefront of his thoughts, coiling around his heart.

I can worry about myself, Machiavelli smiled, though it was a twisted, pained expression. You have plenty to worry about on your own, like growing up to be a good, strong warrior, right?

I'm sure if you really want to come back, someone will bring you. Perhaps your father or the other guard. But if not, don't burden yourself with worry, alright? I'll be okay. His tone was gentle, as he offered her a small, reassuring grin.

suck the rot right out of my bloodstream
There is always unintended consequences
156 Posts
Ooc — Danni
She listened and a cold feeling crept over her shoulders, but not of fear. More awareness that despite it all she was here alone. And she could certainly fight if someone tried to kidnap her, but she would ultimately lose at her age and size right now. That was humbling and made her want to start training.

It makes sense and also makes me want to bite someone.

Safiya frowned. I spose. If they will let me.

She didn't know all the intricacies of the palace, but she did know she had two options only Fellahin and Mazoi but it was still at the leaders discretion which one she was.

She looked at him. I'll find someone to bring me back. You deserve visitors just as anyone else.

She didn't know why he was here, but it seemed an injustice. Something she already hated.
my story's gonna end with me dead
252 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
It makes me want to bite someone too, the half-breed snorted, an amused grin twisting his swollen, bruised muzzle.

He leaned closer to the girl, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper, though his tone was encouraging, I'm sure they will! Keep your chin up! You'll need to train hard and show them there's no other place you could be, hmm? I have every confidence in you, Safiya. Machi's words carried a genuine sense of belief, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of admiration at her determination.

I appreciate it, but truly, do not trouble yourself over it. I have visitors, why, I'm hardly ever alone here! His reassurance held a hint of truth amidst the constant presence of guard patrols.

You're immensely kind though. Make sure you hold onto that as you grow up, okay? Machi's gaze softened as he imparted this advice, his tone sincere despite the irony of the situation. You don't want to end up imprisoned like me, he added with a self-deprecating grin, the weight of his words tempered by a flicker of dark humor.

suck the rot right out of my bloodstream
There is always unintended consequences
156 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Safiya just no noticed the marring of his muzzle. She frowned at it. Sometimes it makes everything better. 

Safiya found comfort in his words. And she would do her best. She nodded. She would somehow make sure she would be a Mazoi. Somehow. She would do it. 

Little girl looked up at him, unsure if what he was saying was true. But she was so new to the world. She had yet to truly know the difference between lies and truth. At least the big ones. 

She nodded. I will ask baba next time.
my story's gonna end with me dead
252 Posts
Ooc — Sprout
It certainly does, Machi agreed with a theatrical sigh.

Do that, he nodded, his tone earnestness. If he does not want to bring you, then there is probably good reason for it, so don't be too cross with him, alright?

For now however, I think it's time you return to your parents, Machi continued, his voice gentle but firm. He straightened up slightly, his tail flicking in a slow, thoughtful rhythm. If you're lucky they won't have even noticed you slipped away yet. I'll watch as far as I can, but try to stay as close to the center of the path as possible.

He pressed his head closer to the porthole, the limestone cool against his bruised face. And if anyone else tries to speak to you from inside the cells, don't listen to them, alright? he added, his voice taking on a more serious tone. Just keep walking.

suck the rot right out of my bloodstream