Redsand Canyon Hur
65 Posts
Ooc — Teo
All Welcome 
The canyon was larger than it appeared from the outside. The redstone hallways that stretched through the mountain range was a suitable post, certainly. Cad believed it to be naturally guarded by the formation of stone that sprouted around it. There were enough pathways to walk for days without finding familiarity in it all.

The young soldier had set to work learning. He had found the tablinum, though he had not entered. The Imperator’s words were still fresh in his mind – without supervision, he was to leave the herbal stock alone. Cad had ventured toward the training grounds, where he sniffed at the remnants of paws against the earth.

Pausing near the sleeping quarters, Cad looked down the halls at unfamiliar homes. He felt very small, suddenly.
416 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He was headed down the path toward the training grounds—it had been a while since he had devoted some time there—and was sauntering along when the pale shape ahead caught his eye. 

Hey, there! Killdeer called out jovially, sizing the other up without agenda. An unfamiliar face on a middling frame; a new recruit to Mereo.

I'm Killdeer, he introduced himself. You headed for some sparring?

It would be nice to get his blood pumping. He might even win against this supposed tyro.
65 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It was a joyful voice that halted Cad’s pace and turned his peachy face to a young wolf with bright eyes. This must have been one of the Imperator’s soldiers. Though he was young, the wolf had a spring to his step that spoke of his physical strengths. To a lean figure like Cad, he looked promising.


Mossy eyes blinked, drawing the wolf back to the moment. He offered a pleasant smile to the stranger. Cad was not skilled in the art of combat, but he had been trained with the other soldiers to hold his own. If this was what was asked of him, he would gladly comply.

I can spar, yes. If you’ll have me as a partner.

The peachy mask was dipped in a thankful display. Realizing that he had forgotten to introduce himself, he lifted his snout quickly. 

Oh! I'm Cad.
416 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Of course! Killer replied, grinning. Yep, definitely might get a win today. But it wasn't about that, really; he was just happy to make a new friend.

Cad. Nice and easy to remember.

He set off toward the sparring grounds, motioning for the other man to follow. So, where'd you come from before Mereo? he asked, glancing slightly back to catch Cad's eye.

Of course, this could open up a can of worms. It had with Reyson and a few others. Luckily for them, Killdeer was a good listener.
65 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The dark yearling was pleasant. He was a stark contrast to the serious countenance offered by Mereo’s Imperator. Curious, how Germanicus had gathered a bunch of eager youth in his ranks. Where Cad was from, it was the best time to shape them into suitable men of war.

Following the other figure, Cad perked his ears upon the question.

I’m from a warm place called the Spice Sands. The young soldier looked concerned. He didn’t know how far from home he had ended up, but it felt like another world. I was stationed to be moved to a northern outpost. It’s a six month journey. Cad had fretted over the trip for many days before-

Something happened. I washed up on a beach to the north.

A nervous smile was given to Killdeer.
416 Posts
Ooc — mercury
The Spice Sands sounded warm just by name, and he was intrigued. Doubly so by the idea of this wolf just washing up on shore somewhere. He gazed sidelong at Cad, nodding solemnly.

Wow, he said simply (perhaps inadequately). That's a lot. So then how'd you find your way here? The ocean is a ways.

They were nearing the sparring ground, and it seemed empty, luckily. No one around to see Killdeer potentially show his ass—he was rusty—or to crowd the newcomer as he settled in.
65 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It was a lot. Cad wondered if he had allowed himself to properly process the events of his disappearance. He could not even recall what had happened before the woke on the shore. Confusion had dawned on him, immediate with its bite.

Why had he come to Mereo?

I- Cad paused, thoughtful, worried. He did not know how he might answer until realization came in like a wave. I followed the mountain range. I thought maybe we had started our journey to the northern post. If I followed the mountain, perhaps I could find my way. It was all so large and white. Any of the commanding peaks could have been the station of the White Sea. It had not been until he had seen the canyon and met its Imperator, that he realized how far from home he had been washed.

The days before I washed up on shore are foggy. I can’t make them out. I simply remember getting my last orders and preparing for the trip.

Cad felt like he wasn’t being very good company by prattling on about himself.

How long have you been a soldier here?
416 Posts
Ooc — mercury
He listened, nodding, his face very serious. He'd never experienced anything like that before. The closest was, perhaps, when he was having trouble swimming to the island with Caracal, his head bobbing precariously close to the turbulent surface.

But this! This was much different.

A few seasons, Killdeer replied. He'd honestly lost track of time, and had taken it day by day for many moons now. My Mom is here, and my cousin, too. Aunt, he noted, but Tierra did not and would never feel that way to him. And other family lives over the range to the northwest.

They'd reached the sparring ground, and he strode out upon the plane, glancing back at Cad. So. You wanna strike first? he asked, his grin growing.
65 Posts
Ooc — Teo
It was nice to hear that he had family close. Cad hoped that he was supported by them. Some family situations were challenging, he knew. This was why he didn’t comment on it. The peach-faced medic only smiled. He couldn’t help but to think of his family. He hoped they were safe. He hoped the rest of his group had not been swept away into the ocean.

Cad was asked if he wanted to strike first. His mossy eyes shifted to the other. Swift as a rabbit, he bowed down onto his front legs.

No, you got first. I want to work on playing dodge.

It would be a challenge for Killdeer to see if he could land something satisfying, as Cad was a swift wolf. His legs were that of a dancer.
416 Posts
Ooc — mercury
No prob, he replied casually, eyes narrowed as he sized up the other's frame, his stance.

Worked to find a seam and then. . .

He raced forward, hoping to barrel into a shoulder in lieu of taking down one of those long limbs.

up to you to determine hit or not!
65 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The fighter was swift on his paws.

Cad only just missed taking the brunt of the strike. His legs sprung back, but Killdeer found purchase in his elbow. Too long, or perhaps he had been too slow. Either way, the leg was swept and swung his rear around to stagger awkwardly.

The silver-furred medic let out a laugh.

Good one! Then, working to align himself, he sprung toward his sparring partner and aimed a nip at the other’s ear.
416 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Success was quickly met with another onslaught; the way spars went, it felt like only a second between Cad's compliment and the feeling of teeth against his ear. He knew if he ripped away quickly, it wouldn't be good, so he instead twisted his body to let his head remain while trying to throw his weight against the slight man.

That was one good thing about being as large as he was—he could really use his bulk to his advantage.

Killdeer leaned, hoping to give enough pressure that the other's legs would buckle and he could release himself in the confused moment.
65 Posts
Ooc — Teo
The weight of Killdeer was pressed against the medic’s chest. His paws lifted and he released his hold on the other boy’s ear.

Cad had no intention of keeping his prize, anyway. He had been pleased to have found his mark. There was no reason to cause harm when they were only testing each other’s swiftness, the surety of their paws and teeth. Even though he had seen it a hundred times, the peach-faced man couldn’t help but marvel at the tenacity of a fighter.

Hopping back, and then again, Cad managed to hold his balance and to place some space between himself and his sparring partner.
416 Posts
Ooc — mercury
gonna close this one out since it's older! feel free to archive before or after last post from you <3

Tenacity, forsooth. He was breathing hard—he'd never really pushed himself in his spars—and when Cad went backwards, Killdeer lifted his head, meeting his partner's gaze with golden eyes sparkling with humor.

You win, he huffed, grinning. It was hard throwing all that weight around, especially with little experience. He'd poured most of his efforts here into patrolling, anyway. Seriously, nice job. You'll do well here.

Once settled, he'd show the newcomer around—a much more appropriate use of his expertise. He'd rather play tour guide than punching bag, after all.

He really was just happy to have a new friend.
65 Posts
Ooc — Teo

Cad couldn’t help but smile at Killdeer’s praise. The soldiers of his homeland had always teased him for his size, for his lack of true battle knowledge. The peach-faced medic had paid them no mind. His purpose was not to strike fear in his opponent. He was there to mend the damage. Soldiers were no good if they could not fight.

Thank you, he said. Cad’s peachy mask dipped toward the ground in a humble show of gratitude.

You’ve got some real muscle. Let’s try again another day. I’ll bet you can get a good hit on me.

Killdeer might have knocked Cad into the dirt, if his first push had carried some more of that force. The first strike had nearly done him in. All that aside, he rather enjoyed the company of the other bright-eyed wolf. Having a friend who showed such kindness would do Cad some good.